
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

wallet H.O.W. stuff

 my wallet was purchased four years ago, and it's never been laundered (as opposed to every other wallet I've ever owned)

and today it's unavailable to be purchased, and they don't know when it'll be available ever again.
My wallet is peeling its micro-thin genuine leather revealing cloth underneath.

ALL wallets look Mahvelous when new, and extra trashy after whatever, but my particular wallet has no excuse.

"Genuine Leather" means crap.
I am confused as to prices, surely anything over 30.00 is a gift for Grandpa.
In other words, who in their right mind would pay "60.00" for a credit-card holder?
I don't want it embossed, or labeled, that just costs extra.
"Thin" is a liability, it will slip out on the dirty sidewalks of Downtown, never to be seen again.
"Genuine Leather" but how does a person know.
I've owned a brown plastic alligator looking wallet...I can't remember what happened to it, but it looked bright and tacky.
Conservative 35.00 wallets from department stores fell apart and totally died, but it took them a while.
Not (what?) four years.

*Skin* is thicker than the peeling leather on this wallet. 
I wonder what to look for?

99,$100,150 for that truly-empty wallet-feeling

Not very rugged sounding, 
Not very reassuring.
OTOH, it isn't $99.99+tax

Not sure why but, being poetic, The sheen has worn off of my t-mobile Internet,
and I'm down to less than 500mbps from more than 900.
Either more customers signed up or the internet gets bogged down around now and I must wait until 4AM.

Actually, I would post a screenshot of all the fancy numbers, but I'm wary.
So, I'll just state that "5G" appears dead (very dead) and "LTE" is OK, if an
SINR of "15" is all right.
"mobile voice network type" on the phone is "LTE." 
-99dBm (that's bad, right?)
Yesterday I had to yell "YES!" at a robot-answering system, not a good sign.
Maybe winter will make stuff better (til the rain and the snow)
I've moved it, waited until 3AM to add stuff here.
"CQI" is 15, the best, the signal is low but the static (whatever) is a little high, except that at night, the static is lower.
Going by the little numbers, stuff changes every few seconds for better or worse, but overall it's better at night.
The speed is dismal, though, right now in the middle of the night.
The *reason* the modem says everything is fine (meh) but the speed is low, isn't clear, and knowing stuff isn't the same as solving the problem.
A chart.
Maybe you can read it, but I cannot.
10 to the 0th power down to 10 to the minus 3.
"Bler" is an error.
So let's conclude the chart-maker says, Bler's are pretty-damn low 
no matter your CQI, but *Something* is throttling the crap outta my speed, although it's faster (so far) than 200Mbps
1. They want to upsell you (buy an antenna)
2. They want you on a better plan
3. It's random, like Fate and Luck
4. The great speed I got at first was for show to get me all interested.
     *Now* that I'm a regular customer, they can stop priming the pump.
OK I'll choose...3, or 4. Prolly 4.

Remember good-old Mr. Tantalus?
They punished him in Hell forever by teasing him with stuff he could never have.
Well, Tantalus, Meet "IPV6"
Which, by the way, they're saying you should Disable (a couple days after this rant was ranted)

I don't have IPV6. I shouldn't CARE but I do.

native IPV6 is the wrong selection, I'm told.
I should choose DHCPV6 with prefix delegation, I'm told.
I'd believe them if it worked, but it doesn't.
I skipped over the three-page dissertation on "RADVD" and all the crap I should download.
My Router is telling me I have IPV6, .

My extremely ignorant conclusion so far is that I have a WAN IPV6 address, but nothing on the LAN side. 

To be continued, someday.

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