
Tuesday, December 17, 2024

music box

 Celeste plays a celeste:

Glockenspiel is an affordable version of a celeste (sort of), a celeste is strictly upper crusty.
And both of these can be found in Christmassy music and in "Harry Potter."
The train of thought ends here. 

Insert a clumsily-written anecdote here about a dying relative with Alzheimer's,
who listened to my tiny piano-music-box until it broke.
This was a train of thought, and I'm no writer, so the tear-jerk story is missing, but it's true.

I'm better at conjuring trains-of-thought,
like the writer who took an old song that kids learn in school and turned it into a twilight-zone episode.

Shadowheart's hand hurts through the entire game.

(Insert grumpy remark here about BS quests that go nowhere and do nothing)
If you move too fast through quests, you could prolly be forgiven for emphasizing the piddly crap-quests and botching some major ones.
The PTSD-guy in the inn was inconsolable because I forgot to include Halsin in my camp three hours and several chapters ago.
Halsin yells at some lady (check), someone will reward me (check) but I forgot the party at my camp (or I skipped going there.)
So NOW my dialogue says Halsin is stuck in a goblin camp, which is a total lie.
I backtracked ten zillion saves and I have to redo this biggie chunk (the hand, the kid's parents, the evil surgeon...)

Most of the HTML you see on this page was invented by someone a lot smarter than me. Carriage-returns get replaced by "DIV" and paragraphs and line feeds need to be specified, or everything looks double-spaced.
Now comes a new (actually, very old) technology similar to emojis, that I'd like to maybe use, if it wasn't so complicated.
If there is an icon you like, you can refer to a webpage with it, 
or (otherwise) make it look like a clumsy picture.
Icon vs picture, the icon looks more professional.
But how?
I don't know, yet.

A website in New York has their own trademark icon 
(I think it's an emoji-sized shape of the state of New York.)
I was fascinated, and even more fascinated that I could not select it to copy.
It is different from an emoji, in that respect, it's more like a tiny javascript-routine.

Eggs at Kroger are incredibly high.
Alcohol prices are low enough for a guy to buy a small liquor store
(While I waited for my 0.45-cent coupon to get approved,)
but eggs, while well-stocked, 
are $7 a dozen.
This far outstrips any news media quotes, although they are correct that prices are rising.
"Bird flu", they claim.
But then they say it's a nice investment, prices will go higher.
The aisles are crowded, clogged, with alcohol.
(Bah, humbug)
The egg-estimates from official sources are laughably low ($3 or so)

and the reasons (crowded cages) are wrong.
Someone somewhere has a war, or a strike, or it's Tuesday, plus Kroger is really pissed off right now (really pissed)
And investors are happy the commodity is launching to the moon.
Amazon to the rescue!! (I'm not pushing their eggs, but geez, three dollars cheaper 
is something to crow about)

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