
Monday, December 16, 2024


 I might log into my router to change a setting I heard makes it run better.
This invalidates the certificate, the dummy one my PC doesn't like anyway,
and now, an endless sequence of login attempts begins:
Login Anyway
Login for real.
I don't know if the latest firmware update (37038) made this worse (I think so.)
Reset, repair, wash hands, these are all precepts I'm ignoring for now.

I'm standing on the corner of some tiny street and the highway. 
A vehicle rolls to a stop on a very dark night, and the passenger quietly leaves, disappearing into the darkness.
The driver is slumped over the steering wheel.
Should I call "911"?
(Where the hell am I?) 
I look at the corner's street-signs, I drag out my phone, only it is the thin small remote for my stereo.
After that shocking fact is discovered, I look back at the car, which is now gone.
My wake-up dreams are becoming more creative, and the streetcorner actually exists, according to Google maps.
I hope this isn't some portent of a really crappy day.

In a previous blog entry, I noted that the authorized computers and phones 
were hard to set up, due to the fact that my PC used two mac-addresses and entering one wasn't good enough.
Skip to today when I cannot seem to even find that option, although that could just be me and not seeing what's smack dab in front of me ...
Asus (the instructional page) says:
"Wireless mac Filter," 
Right there on top.

Mine says something different
(Look between WDS and "Radius")

"enable access restrictions" uh, It's very early. I don't wanna fight this router.

prohibit me and a friend from accessing the router?

My mac address is available to any hacker within earshot.
But then it gets too technical for me: The router mac is not my PC's mac nor my phone's. Those are not broadcast (I don't think.)
Well, long bombast cut short, I used to like my wireless mac filter, but some guru won and managed to have it deleted MOVED as an option.

(I'll go look)

O. (nevermind)

I needed to click on my single broadcast-network to see this.
Does it mean they discriminate between networks now?
2.4, 5, etc? 
So I could create a network only upper-crust insiders would be able to access?
Interesting (but not verified)

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