
Tuesday, January 28, 2025



I can't sleep, "acid reflux" or something like that.

I usually "hear" or don't hear the whooshing noises of the late-night traffic.
It'll be quiet because of a holiday, or extra-whooshy because of the rain or the wind.
In my head was a western-style movie about farm workers relaxing from the day's labor, and I could hear a distant guitar playing over the crickets...
What farm workers? 
Do farms have crickets?


Who is going to harvest the crops once Trump is done being "MAGA??"
I don't really want to edit this to death, because it was a very brief train of thought, audio and images, not words and news.

(Or bombastic opinions)


Historically the US treated farm workers like crap, ...

The statement in the first picture above incites grumbling on my part that Wikipedia is so concerned with style that it ignores how opaque it is, how unreadable, and the article, being well written, is considered to be beneath the Wikipedia-unreadability standards.

For example, if you got Marburg or Ebola, your body would freak and release Cytokines like they were the national guard.

A person with elevated cytokines might want to read about them, and what would they find?

You'd go into septic shock. You'd die or almost die.
But you wouldn't prolly know what a cytokine was.

The only people who would, live in 1963 and are familiar with the clubby terminology, just not (maybe) the updated info. (or else why would they bother reading wikipedia?)
We lay people will almost never know.

"Cytokine storm"..."COVID-19" hmm

I don't suppose antihistamines help a whole lot, but it's a thought. (Damn near everyone has a DIY remedy, I just wondered about Claritin and the rest)

Meanwhile, avocados slowly rot on store shelves, and they've rearranged the egg section so it doesn't look so empty.
O, a new train, "What does Kroger think of Trump (and food prices)?"
Enough about rocket ships to oblivion, where you can't grow anything anyway.
Enough about AI and how much money it'll make.
What (the fuck) are you gonna do with food? Use some AI to figure that out.

I'm guessing Kroger likes Trump. 
OK, nevermind

The war, covid, supply-chains, and now tariffs, Kroger must be having a freaking party.
"Battling discounters"

I can't write a damn blog about the inner workings of prices, because they keep changing the rules. Five minutes ago people lots smarter than me pulled their money from the stock market, but then shit happened, and they put it back.

OK fucket, my mind is flashing the lines from "Scarface" with Al Pacino,
"I was only kidding."
Manipulating headlines, more like it. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Note to self, go easy on Shampoo


OK I don't know why shampoo is so high, higher because of war or covid or supply-chains or greed masking as (war or covid or disease or supply chains)

Every time I shop for shampoo, I wonder how bad it would be to just use liquid soap.

It's true Unilever was sued, but the judgement that I read isn't clear, it's like that lady on "Bones" spouting facts. 
Vaguely, going from reddit, hair-loss has been reported with some shampoo.

Preliminary Reddit link (not exactly exemplary)

I apologize about my reddit link, because there are so many other opinionated reddit links I could have chosen...I was looking for one I saw an hour ago.
More recently, people bombast that there is no proven link between hair loss and shampoo, or "suave" is better than VO5.

VO5 has so many ingredients listed in teeny-print on a transparent bottle, but people (or shills, IDK) push it as a non-hair-losing shampoo.

WHY pay $10 for a bottle that might make you lose hair?
Vo5 is the cheapest I could find in the store.

There should be a paragraph here wondering why shampoos for men, double as body washes, and what differentiates them from women's shampoo.
But it is way too vague, and once you add "for men" or "for women," the price jumps $10. 
Pour Homme vs "Tresemme" (spell checker is having a fierce debate just now)

I also briefly wondered why more expensive shampoos are named after plants or fruit, since they have little or no smell. 
Ignoring the lady cracking open the bottles on the shelf to sniff, I'm talking about the lingering fragrance you get after shampooing.

Well anyway.... Lots of unanswered questions: Price, Hair-loss, smell.

Unilever (apparently) is the death-star, the GOP of shampoo makers.

"Why was Unilever sued" is way too vague.

So, ignoring "Why" and limiting the lawsuits to shampoo:

The other stray trains-of-thought have no home.
Harry Belafonte belting out "Shake, shake, shake Senora" (no ñ)
And where bananas will come from or will people just stop buying them:

His girlfriend's name is "Senora." O. I missed that part.

They made a board game, sort of.
You have to reeeeeally use your imagination,
to answer trivia questions and get some money. 
See, now that is why I'm poor, no game show or fake coin is gonna make me get off my ass. I don't understand the show or the new coins.
well, anyway

I like "Match Game" instead. At least, the original version.
The questions were random, the answers weren't obvious (the celebrities tried to be cute or contrarian) and you had just as much chance of winning as on the most complicated game show.
Harvest losses
d...uh, hmm
But don't they wanna eliminate capital gains?
Buy NFTs and eat the bananas (IDK)

I don't know the formula for income you owe $3000 on, but anyway "Crypto millionaire" sounds like $3000 is peanuts, why do you care who gets it.
(Unless maybe it's a competition at the billionaires-boys-club, who pays the least taxes)

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Baldur's gate (Train of thought, sort of)

 Should I buy "Baldur's Gate II?"
"It should be punishment for criminals," says one reviewer.
Unless you're super-into D&D, no. 
this (bg3) record is getting scratchy from overplaying.
I've got enough $$ for an unpopular game, but the popular ones are still expensive despite years of dust and neglect.

The camera clicked just as Shadowheart frowned to make a point.
*My* point was, give her decent hair and fix her bug-green eyes, 
She almost looks decent (OK this picture was a bad example, but yeah)
Unfortunately I have no apparent control over the washed-out color you might be seeing. She looks very decent, But you'll just have to believe that, because I cannot duplicate it here.

Most popular games want you to kill something, for a better weapon (to kill something) to finally meet the unkillable something.
Ah, IDK. I need to remind myself, unpopular games are my required domain, but some are boring as hell.
What constitutes a good game anyway?
you don't have to ride a horse, nor drive a car.
An available weapon (e.g., "45 magnum") Kills the biggest beast.
You don't die (much)
I think I own that game already, I'm a mailman in a postapocalyptic world, and the unkillable evil guy can eventually be killed, if I cheat tons.
("Death Stranding")
An unassuming rogue-type person who has a soft heart.

Maybe a political thriller

How much nukes could a president bomb if a president could nuke the world?
(Doesn't exactly roll trippingly off the tongue)
If a president bombed Moscow would he bomb New York to make up for it?

How many bombs could you bomb,
exactly, and manage to avoid nuclear winter?

uhhhh, "Rule the world" in six easy steps without triggering the apocalypse.

"Disco Elysium!" say some, in an obscure thread. Should I even bother looking at the price?
I mean, if people love it, the company is greedy, uh...
You pay a shitload for a videocard and this is what you can expect?

Games with beautiful sunsets, endless walking, an occasional closeup, and music.
Gotta have music.
But I've done that genre to death.

"Legend of zelda" best for exploration
but not on PC
(without an emulator)
(and a pirate copy)
(This is like night-school for old people..)
Um, "Best PC exploration open world RPG"

I really hated Deus-ex, I think.
The rest are ok. 
"divinity yada this&that" is it another card game?? IDK
(I think I'd hate it anyway)

Unfortunately I've done this type of entry before, listened to your recommendations before, Blocked them from my memory before:

The pictures (above) follow the train of thought from a reddit thread about "FLR" games.
Apparently the OP was looking for such a game, and sex games got a negative review point. There must be, somewhere, a distinction between
Female-protagonist and Kinky Female protagonist. 


Bioshock-infinite was topical but you couldn't do a whole lot about the plot, except get yourself killed to save the world.
Kill the police
kill the gangs
kill the preacher
kill yourself
All dressed up in a timey-wimey world.
A loser and a drunk saves the world (kind of) but loses his pathetic life.
(Ahh, memories)
Why can't I find more games like that?

The world is toast, thanks to the righteous being taken away after they press the biggie button.
The normal people left, fight the undead, fight radiation, build some houses, and kill mean people.
(sort of nice)
I hate anime and jrpg and (insert name here) 2d phone-games...
I still haven't found the perfect game yet, can you tell?
Replaying games from the old steam toy-chest is less and less fun, IDK

Slow day, reading Google-software news:
"Beta 4"?
Where have *I* been?
My phone is currently downloading 15-qpr2-beta *3*
Now, I know my life is insular, but geez...

Beeesides...articles abound for the preview-2 of pixel android 16.
OK, maaaaybe the "4" is a typo, IDK.
I just wish like crazy they tweaked my fingerprint reader, but I always wish that,
 with every beta update, and
get all disappointed after trying it out, 
giving up and permanently unlocking the phone.
"Maybe THis time"
Maybe NOT this time

(Parenthetically, Dexcom warns me against installing updates.
I um, ignore them, but since I no longer have a working receiver, I should prolly listen)
This next bit is an edit. 
After the above happened, the phone downloaded android 16, but I don't know if they call it that yet, except on the download notification page.
The phone just calls it "Baklava" and lists a ton of scary numbers ("Scary" if hackers know what they mean)

Click to read
The part I circled in red, "Google-play", is a future date.
It's still January.
The baseband, Kernel and Build number look private, but I hope they are not.
The point, if there is one, is that everything looks exactly the same!
The fingerprint reader works again, barely, but the user interface looks exactly the same.
I was going to go look for an android-discussion page to see what the picayune, the exacting, found wanting or approved of.
"I before E except after C" or maybe it runs slower or faster.
As a beta tester, I suppose that I should know.
I got interested (for five minutes) in the sensors.
They have a barometer.
Unfortunately, the apps suck the personal-info dry, locations and such, and I didn't really want to expose the phone to even more scrutiny than it already has.
Apps galore want to know where I am and my contacts.

Referring to my reddit screenshot, I cannot seem to find the exact version yet, 14 or 15 or 16.
Everyone *says* it's 16, but one guy says it's still 15.
3AM insomniacs wanna know.
One of the many "about" pages claims "15". IDK. I can't find it right now.

Also if apps like "Google play services" can be safely downloaded from APK sites or if they should only be installed from the google store.
Ten zillion hacked phones can't be wrong (can they?)
And it's not like I'd find an ongoing hack-mission being talked about much.
My emails and contacts and call history are lily-white, nothing subversive, and yet,
I'd wonder what Trump has in mind for phone-owners he does not approve of.
It's like, (OK) those pirate movies (the really old ones) where the pirates were working for the Queen.
(O, nevermind)
"join the beta"
(join us, join us, join us)

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Bias and innuendo

EDit: a much better blog said it much better than I ever could, except that I doubt you read much from the "Lamestream" media.
Front page google news is artfully crafted though, and even I saw this.
Manipulating social media (x, twitter) is the key to success.


It makes sense, talking heads and boring factual blogs are dying out.

Whoever can talk good, look good or be really rich are the people to listen to these days.

A guy thinks better on the toilet. Not that I'm making a statement or anything, I'm only excusing how raw and unfinished this'll look, describing a train-of-thought that passed out and is long gone.

OK I'll try:

Nexstar is unrelated. No, really. It's from yesterday, a quote I looked up
About their founder and maybe CEO saying that their news was centrist, because so much of news is left-leaning (so they'd be right of the mostly left-leaning media.)
(I didn't make it up, I swear, but do I really need the exact quote?)

Your conservative (reactionary?) uncle, foundations, societies and lobbyist groups have been around since I was a teeny kid, 

It's only recently they've become ascendant. Proper.

Well hell, that's as much as I remember (*flush*)


(I had a whole bombast slotted up about a fact (any fact) and the many interpretations of that fact, but it (the bombast) can be bottom-lined:

Who are you gonna believe?


Bias tells us in headline news that a planet 20 light years away is practically a neighbor.
An article I just read calls a distant star "The sun."

The people pushing these facts might (maybe) be motivated by money, but I wouldn't know.
Still, it's on Google's front page for a reason.
However long it took to fly to the sun would be a microscopic amount compared to this planet. Lets pay trillions to get there (etc)

some random opinionated link (on the train, um, just not the train itself)

"Rosenfeld weaves counterfactual historical possibilities into an extensive history of the German Reich’s origin." 
("Counterfactual") whuuut? O...k



"Free" Press Yah right

I never know how to explain the lavish coverage of Google-news on Trump 365/24/7. 
I read this.

I don't think picking my biased publication and sending in my donation is the answer, but I'm starting to really hate google news (or wire services, IDK)

My history gets erased every time I close my browser, but....
Apparently "Forbes" thinks (in their little paywalled headline)
That Ratcliffe "Funneled money" from somewhere to something else.
&^%$ Now I gotta find a paywalled article or look like a conspiracy nut...


A Plane crashed, and suddenly people know exactly why.
But the "why" doesn't jibe. I don't know either, but I like an article explaining it slowly:
"PASS Behind"

How fast this story gets spun is in the near future, but
The helicopter or the controller will supposedly be at fault.
I'm guessing the controller will take the fall.