
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Bias and innuendo

EDit: a much better blog said it much better than I ever could, except that I doubt you read much from the "Lamestream" media.
Front page google news is artfully crafted though, and even I saw this.
Manipulating social media (x, twitter) is the key to success.


It makes sense, talking heads and boring factual blogs are dying out.

Whoever can talk good, look good or be really rich are the people to listen to these days.

A guy thinks better on the toilet. Not that I'm making a statement or anything, I'm only excusing how raw and unfinished this'll look, describing a train-of-thought that passed out and is long gone.

OK I'll try:

Nexstar is unrelated. No, really. It's from yesterday, a quote I looked up
About their founder and maybe CEO saying that their news was centrist, because so much of news is left-leaning (so they'd be right of the mostly left-leaning media.)
(I didn't make it up, I swear, but do I really need the exact quote?)

Your conservative (reactionary?) uncle, foundations, societies and lobbyist groups have been around since I was a teeny kid, 

It's only recently they've become ascendant. Proper.

Well hell, that's as much as I remember (*flush*)


(I had a whole bombast slotted up about a fact (any fact) and the many interpretations of that fact, but it (the bombast) can be bottom-lined:

Who are you gonna believe?


Bias tells us in headline news that a planet 20 light years away is practically a neighbor.
An article I just read calls a distant star "The sun."

The people pushing these facts might (maybe) be motivated by money, but I wouldn't know.
Still, it's on Google's front page for a reason.
However long it took to fly to the sun would be a microscopic amount compared to this planet. Lets pay trillions to get there (etc)

some random opinionated link (on the train, um, just not the train itself)

"Rosenfeld weaves counterfactual historical possibilities into an extensive history of the German Reich’s origin." 
("Counterfactual") whuuut? O...k



"Free" Press Yah right

I never know how to explain the lavish coverage of Google-news on Trump 365/24/7. 
I read this.

I don't think picking my biased publication and sending in my donation is the answer, but I'm starting to really hate google news (or wire services, IDK)

My history gets erased every time I close my browser, but....
Apparently "Forbes" thinks (in their little paywalled headline)
That Ratcliffe "Funneled money" from somewhere to something else.
&^%$ Now I gotta find a paywalled article or look like a conspiracy nut...


A Plane crashed, and suddenly people know exactly why.
But the "why" doesn't jibe. I don't know either, but I like an article explaining it slowly:
"PASS Behind"

How fast this story gets spun is in the near future, but
The helicopter or the controller will supposedly be at fault.
I'm guessing the controller will take the fall.

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