That lady on PBS focuses on what people wore, a lot.
O, I get it, you're trying to confews me...ha ha.
George V??
Wait, where did Edward VIII come in? (This is hard)
Edward was king for less than a year (1936)
THEN ______,
- Edward VII
- George V
- Edward VIII
- George VI (the one in the can?)
Then his daughter Elizabeth (maybe, IDK)
Then Charles.
Teddy Roosevelt Liked King Edward (VII) a lot, And Edward wanted to meet and greet Roosevelt formally, but Mr. Roosevelt chose to go on a safari first and meet the king later.
Only, Edward died before they could meet, so Teddy went instead to the funeral.
Teddy was the guy with the Panama Canal thing.
If you google Trump and Teddy, lots of bombasts want to compare the two.
Way different much more bombastic blog.
I need to check this for typos and glaringly wrong facts, this is a draft for now.
I seriously avoid 98% of their shows, cooking, art and remembrance shows, and their upper-crust stuff. and the lectures. and (well anyway) Couldn't I pay for One or two shows I like? |
PBS (whatever) needs a signal, and when my antenna will not pick up that signal,
They usually recommend an app, and a minimum monthly donation.
T-Mobile has several ideas about streaming that usually include a more expensive plan.
Pay more for the right to stream.
Donate more or pay more monthly for an actual stream-service.
Perfect-world pie-in-sky situation, pay nothing at all above normal internet, but pay a fee to watch one single first-run movie T-mobile has on Friday nights.
T-Mobile (Any mobile with streaming caps/limits)
would require paying customers to stream a movie at theater-prices,
with no penalty on streaming allowance.
wait, wut? Why involve T-Mobile?? "Now customers can add prime through T-Mobile," (why??) I must be on a sucky ("let them eat cake") plan. |
I could live with "SD" but wut's "Optimization"?
I don't understand, you're allowing me to stream (thanks) but my speed could be affected.
Plus no one is mentioning anything about the limit on downloads...
"Unlimited international texting," ALL texting is international (isn't it?)
Netflix is a prime example of something they offer that I don't want.
A lot of the stuff I Do want is spread across different companies.
And after I've watched the series, the movie or the show, I'd rather not have them around eating up money for no good reason.
Three (or so) subscriptions added to internet access...they even have a commercial for subscription addicts, hmm.
Now, I know you have your lights, cat shitter and movies streaming from every room (so you say,) but I've always been very suspicious of people with that much equipment, are they salespeople?
82.99, after you pay $50 for internet (right?) so... 132.99 *(says my calculator, taxes and fees unknown) |
I want "Beavis + Butthead" And "Dr. Who" and (?), not disney-live (I don't think) And I'm opposed to "Fox" (on Blue) |
In order to watch dusty old shows and movies, I need internet access ANDa monthly subscription.
My "live TV" is rather cop-heavy, lotsa death and medicare commercials...
I want Live TV from Both Coasts, thank you (no blackouts)
not prepackaged cable-news, but that's just me.
Running TV for eight hours, napping, watching more ("jeopardy" or "match game")
would horrify T-mobile and I'd get letters.
How do people do this stuff? IDK.
Cable looks better all the time. Satellite isn't too bad.
This newfangled stuff for RTG whippersnappers, is not for me, apparentlee.
There's an article
about New Yorkers doing without ATT-internet soon, beeeeecause, the NYG wants to lower the price of (Fixed wireless) internet access, for the poor.
NO! says ATT.
Well, um, T-mobile, where are you?
I had a sentence about "Net neutrality," but you'd need a bank of lawyers to understand:
neutrality means pretty much anything you want, and I'm no lawyer.
I want to pay for One movie, One show, and not be enslaved to a service I never watch.
I don't want an adorable blanket or a coffee mug or a lecture from some professor on vitamins...
Anyone anywhere would profit from streaming something in their library, for a fee, with no subscription commitment.
No "binge", just pay as you watch.
But marketing reps must have this idea;
I am just parroting the idea in my head.
I haven't had a chance to hunt up links
that said it first and said it better.
So wait, you can record shows and watch them later?
Will wonders never cease....
It streams...Something as well
PBS "On Demand" requires a subscription-donation, doesn't it?
Tubi's marketing page (hmm) |
These get edited and changed, and I hope you won't miss my deleted bombast on diabetes.
I don't teach nor make presentations.
These entries are research projects to trains of thought.
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