
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

"Call me Artemis" (It's from a book, duh)


One of the ethics of the internet is, you must never reveal the ending.
But near as I can figure, God is busted somehow, and his envoys are questioning his sanity.
The Player is an unwitting envoy in a gargantuan simulacrum (I'll look up the word later.)
Player can fritter around looking for meaning, but (see above) God is busted.
Actually, (I'm in a different playthrough now,) you either gather goods from across the universe like some errand-boy or reset the universe.
After writing the above sentence, I intend to start over, knowing that whatever you do it isn't good enough, the game has you whipping around like a one-man army, doing someone's bidding, until it becomes such a chore you welcome the reset or whatever.
Kill whatever gets in your way, be influenced by mysterious forces, it gets too much like "Google News."
Or it's boring, you pick.

The people following internet rules would dox you in a second if you diss their politics but won't reveal the end of a freaking game, but I'm guessing it's on an endless loop.
This train-of-thought, Blog entry is mostly because of a question posed by God,
and I can't find a good answer, but I'm leaning towards,
"Your answer is irrelevant."
Praying to Jesus to help find your keys is also irrelevant, but people do it.
Find meaning in that.
This game strengthens my faith in nihilistic predestination, but now I'm just mumbling.....
This has nothing to do with the game but it fits my view of it so far.
By the way, I only just learned that you need milestones to complete this game properly.
 I'm "Dawn," right this exact second, and I need to be "Curious."
Whack them weeds, Dig that dirt!!
OK, sure, whatever.
(Slavery is overrated)
I don't understand the fandom. The praise.
I've ended this game twice, (nearly), very unfulfilling.
Frog, robot, Jaffa (mean guy), it's a tossup.
It's like watching star wars chapter umpteenth and wondering what the point is.

Me with a head instead of a helmet

Not immersive, 
no women, 
(I prolly missed a lot of adjectives.)
Does God (I'm just wondering) diversify his portfolio of religions (all of which think God is male?) so he gets better returns on prayer and praise from desperate people?

It's the self righteous religions you have to watch out for.
They make up rules and really get pissed if you don't follow them.
I think this game touches on philosophy but I gloss over it.

IF I played normally, I'd be worried about getting eaten or pillaged or out-of-gas in a bad neighborhood, and that would endear me to it (right?)

Maybe you thought learning words would be significant.
I travelled all over, FINALLY learned "250" and got another hundred words to learn.
This game wants to teach...something... but it makes no difference.
I went from "Conversationalist" to "Fluent," but
who cares?
Reading, History, math, geez I'm in a freaking school.
It's a neverending nightmare of tedium
sorry, didn't mean to talk so loud)

If the plot-line (Artemis) is dead, then who buried him and  left a grave marker?
I had more questions but I forgot.
Well one: for a dead-guy, Artemis seems pretty nimble, designing a translator.

No one will remember Player, it's baked into the plot.
Was this an episode of "Stargate SG1" (Or "groundhog day," IDK)
Like salmon spawning upstream, dinosaurs, lizards and weird animals will tunnel through rock and scale mountains to reach your house and be a nuisance.
Can you kill them?
I mean, in the cosmic scheme of stuff, is that OK?

Part of my wake-up dream besides the "get up NOW" part was trying to remember 
the dream and the subject of the dream, as if I were in a class trying to understand and remember.
I don't remember, not one little bit.
So when I woke, I wondered which accent the UK really likes amongst themselves.
My search brought me this tutorial video.
('sap'nin guw, you a'ight?)
Baldur's gate 3 has a scene outside a brothel where lots of immigrants are standing around talking, and one woman is objecting to sleeping in the brothel.
"I would rather sleep in the Gu_a (Gutter)."
Some American kids mumble a lot, you're standing close by and can't hear a word.
"accents," it's an interesting subject, but if I dreamed about it, I can't remember.

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