Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 73, _Emperor__ II. Adagio un poco mosso
See, now there I proved a point, unless you understand music (or Italian) you wouldn't know what I was referring to.
If you listen to the piece as if you knew nothing of Music, Italian or the mood Beethoven was in when he wrote it,
it sounds beautiful.
But I was only looking for a piece he wrote that a person might play on a piano, a snippet of a melody I heard half asleep.
Some of his pieces (the less bombastic ones) sound a lot like conversations between people. A feminine reaction to a didactic person making statements, or being depressed generally.
It's as if you could hear the reactions without them actually speaking.
The main speaker speaks, and the listener reacts, and you feel their heartbeat rising, their emotions reacting.
Well anyway, it was a thought.
I never found the piece I was looking for, played repetitively in different keys.
Sometimes they sound a lot like a beautiful speech.
"This long statement, and also that, and the other thing" while the audience pulsates in reaction, "Hmm"
I had an idea to upload a midi or two, if I was allowed, but they sound awful, like spam instead of hamburger.
The nicer ones were made for a specific model of a very expensive midi controller, and the sounds do not blend as well as the originals.
I'm still working out why my pictures look so bad online, *forget* midi's.
12356 356 12356456 (slight key change)234 246 (it sounds like swimming)
And the whole thing is maybe 30 seconds long (in my head) but It's prolly the part of a massive piece I wouldn't know.
A similar but very somber version:
I found it! Yay! (performed by "Sara Daneshpour")
It's by Bach, not Beethoven.
I don't know the name right this second.
("J. S. Bach’s Prelude in C major, BWV 846")
This last link is more of a tutorial, but it explains why some professionals sound as though they are mumbling through.
This lady goes soft and loud and goes into pedal usage.
Edit: NOW I remember why I know it; it's the intro of a version of
"Ave Maria" (there are at least two famous versions), and The Carpenter's Christmas Album has the one I'm thinking of.
This entry cannot be its own entry, it's too outre, too unofficial.
Does your all-clad, Le-Creuset, stainless-refrigerator-type-person neighbor insist upon EVOO?
If there is a hell it's for people buying $8 eggs (free range brown ones hugged by little kids) and showing them off at upcoming Easter hunts.
To them, cooking oils are status symbols, and they are *full* of them (the status-symbols, o nvm)
But if you squint heavily it seems like Walmart made tons off of eggs.
My point is, these people don't complain about food prices, they drive them.
Gives them an excuse to raise the price.
O, and "Herd immunity"
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