
Monday, February 24, 2025


 A really high-up guy in a job I had long ago, granted me an interview for around two minutes, to discuss why I couldn't have any keys to perform my job.
My immediate superiors had the keys to absolutely everything, and I was gifted this wondrous power for an hour or so at a time, but not permanently.

Just now the Atlas (A big red ball) says "They say you've been exhibiting aberrant behavior" just like the interview with Gates, just as pointless.

Well, shit, that's all I got, interviews are pointless.

https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Photic_Jade but that doesn't mean they won't make you run your ass off chasing futilityto afford a dwelling down by the river....


Yeah (what they said)

Play til you're sleepy, 16 more days and then buy another game (I hope)

perform several tasks hundreds of times to prove your worthiness to a great big ball who (it is hinted) is just a tool of a higher being who left on vacation.

And what is your reward??

But it's not like I can just spend tons and be guaranteed a good game, because what if it's worse?
You're lost, on mars, without a map..

   You're being hunted by zombies/rats/immigrants/politicians who won't die, or they die but they come back. (only $59.95)

Rob Cars! Ride Horses! Get killed a lot by strangers! Buy stuff to look cool!

Players trying pointlessly to find meaning to the quest I'm on.
It is neverending, it repeats.
I get real close to picking a new game but since they are all meaningless, I forget what I chose and have to start over.
I'm also wondering which repeated games are worth trying again.
No surprise endings anymore, and the inevitability is tiring.

What made you all start loving Japanese-cartoon-style games?

I bought a game years ago about a wife demanding oral sex (and for you to do light cleaning), but it repeats, forever.
Well, ALL my games are like that, some just draw it out better than others.
But then (a guy could argue) a person should stop reading books because they always end the same.
I think teachers and booksellers would have a field day bombasting me to death...
So in the same vein, there must be story rich, realistic background (not cartoony) games I haven't tried yet.
But I swear most games went to the same game-school, making the player work for crap (like a sword.) For little round balls.
For a nicer spaceship.
(not safe for judgmental peeping parrots)
(Did I mention I hate puzzles 
(And sadistic game authors?)

Pick something rewarding that you, the neighbors and doxxers/whistle-blowers (cock-suckers) reporting you to the inquisition, approve of.
But most games have no payoff:
There's a scene in "Skyrim" that sums it up nicely: After having killed every single enemy by yourself in a biggie war, the King thanks you and walks off.
All that glorious stabbing was my reward.
Knowing that, it'll be hard to listen to the next bombaster going on about some war in my next game.
"Strajedy," nope. 
"Puzzles" F#$%^ that.
"Love" (Love interest, eye candy) yeah ok. Sure (I guess)
But not those cartoony overdeveloped teeny teens, I uhm, ew.
If you love comics so much, buy comics, IDK.
The whole "VN" thing with Japanese-adjectives is like, being at a restaurant choosing bland foods you would dislike (except they're bland)
I'm convinced (sort of) that biggie studios don't want lawsuits and pissed-off preachers, so any NSFW content is in the domain of aspiring artists in what looks like high school (actually, I was thinking that it looks more,... 6th grade)
Because in our inquisitor-society, (I'm totally guessing) Fantasies presented as cartoons that never move are dismissed totally as "Games" and never bothered by the judgmental people. If Homer and Marge had sex, would you watch?

There are 99.9% cartoons, but one sort of sticks out, rises above the rest (better marketers, I guess)
Lesbians in space.

Standard, Deluxe, Season Pass, ??
I ... what, more missions, more eye candy...??
I found a game I think I like, you blow up shit at the behest of someone somewhere, and the more you kill, the stronger you get.
(Cue stirring music)

In a world,
Where everything is dead,
And the eveil guy took over,
Your mission is to save the town/city/universe and
banish the evil guy, ignoring that he fucked stuff up so damn bad it's
unfixable, and the blame will be on YOU for why life sucks for everyone.
(every damn meme or mental picture I can dream up has been co-opted by militant wing-nuts calling for the end to the world, so forget it)
Guilt, Pathos, eventual ruin, is the legacy you've inherited.
(sounds too IRL, IDK)
uhm, so anyway, 
"Doom" and the Doom-ish minions sound OK (I guess)
"Remember this" tomorrow when I have the money to buy something.
Except, can the protagonist be a girl in shiny white pants??
Who does her laundry?

Tease me, whydon'tcha

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