
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

strict rules for BP

 maybe you worry about BP, maybe not.
I do, every few months.
Today I opened up a new package of cheese, ate it, and later felt funny, like I was nervous or something.
So I measured it.
My arm must be bare, the cuff 1/2 inch above my elbow, and I like to plug it in (me plugging stuff in is a chore anyway)
The hose has to be aligned exactly with the palm of my hand,
and my arm (most of it) should be resting on a table.
The cuff needs to be installed carefully with one hand, being careful (after many tries) not to knock it out of alignment.
All those mini-chores surely rose the pressure, and the meter wasn't working as well as it should: It kept erroring out.
OK patiently (sort of) reinstalling the cuff,
*eventually* the meter and I agreed that my pressure was high.
Not too high.
Was it all the rules I was following, or is it the cheese, or ???
OMG, (bp going up)
I'll take some heart pill (It's related, according to google, kind of)
And check again tomorrow.

4am Imponderables

 Since before forever, (not to be too location specific or anything)
The town next to *my* town is the slowest on speedtest, by great gobs.
I thought it had something technical to do with the slow speed, like maybe conflicting signals colliding....

My point being, the "Best server" is never the best server, 
but the one farther away, is.
So I pick a place I've never been, would never go.
Are they flooded today, is everyone on vacation, I bite my nails until the report comes in.
Wasn't that ping a little high?
But the speed is nice.

Then I wondered if T-Mobile has their own "Ookla" Speedtest server, and they prolly do, but it's a secret. 
Rumors say that using their servers don't count against you, 
that alone would be a reason to use them, 
even if they are only slow--less slow.
"Colorado", hmm

Speedtests with empty freeways at 4AM don't say much except they make a person feel better.
Because "QOS" Internet cops patrol the internet even at 4 in the morning, (I'm totally guessing) making sure a person is no bandwidth-hog.
And if I were more math savvy I could convert my bandwidth on the modem to something I could say should be my max speed, without running expensive (to my byte-allowance) tests. 
But my bandwidth sucks, and shouldn't go so fast, so I ignore it, usually.
No, all it really says is, the router isn't having an episode, and the modem isn't arthritic today.
I'd have to read lots more books to tweak speed from there.

They use "M-Lab."
OK fine, but where are they?
Almost far, nice speed;
too far, and it's busy, crowded, with fog and snow.
Well, there's always tomorrow, being another day and all.
Www (Wait! Wut? Why??)
The biggie-est blue-Blob in the entire world is in New York.
If they can determine your location, they'll refer you to lesser servers nearer you.
Some of those servers may only be 1Gig max.

These researchers you speak of, what color hats do they wear?
I have nothing to brag about and I don't run a server, Ah, sh*t, IDK
I don't trust any of you.

Dynamic IP addressing: a girl runs a semi-legal server with videos on Makeup.
One day her power goes out and YOU get her well-used IP address.
Fret, wonder, then on a hunch you unplug/re-plug the modem, and it's fast!
(For a day)
You read the privacy agreement above and figure it's finally time for a VPN.
Except (I don't know why) the VPN slows down your connection, defeating your purpose of faster anonymousey internet.
OK I'm...gonna stick to Ookla. They prolly retain IP addresses forever too, they just don't flaunt it, don't make you bow down to their rules.
Plus it's cheaper:
They've got a promo, for only $85 (or so)
Yew Tew can have a VPN! (2 yrs)
I'll be dead by then.

"NordVPN" is 12.00 a month, and I don't really have 12.00 right now (OK I do, but)
I'd be all paranoid, wondering if the LAST guy using my VPN was banned in six countries and is wanted by the law, or if they run a server on makeup tips.
I'd be running speedtests daily, my ISP would blanch, and I'd be really unhappy (generally speaking.)
WHO (whew?) could I brag tew?
What forum could I bust into and say, "What does this button dew??"
Naw, nvm.

I sort of have vpn, but if netgear/the USG has any say about it, it's open to them too.
I mean, you're trusting someone with all your stuff, that they won't peek and rebroadcast it.
I guess I could *try* it, not needing an abortion or any drugs, not being a hacker (can you tell?)
Tell me again why. O Yah, to please a speedtest.

OK Now I'm worried.
Does it work with my (openvpn) router,
Why is the whole vpn-thing a biggie cheese 
people compete over??
I wonder why they want it so bad.
"Join us! Join us!!"
like a herd of Vampires in a cemetery
Open! Nord! Wireguard!
They drool.

I've! Got! A SECRET!!!

Monday, October 14, 2024

No Mail for you! (Columbus day)

 Under construction, watch your head.


Biggie controversies surrounding Columbus, keep this entry from ever being much more than a footnote under construction.
Anyway...(To be added)

Train of thought from a headline:

Teachers will spout (no one asked, but) 
  • Columbus never really discovered America, because:
  • The indigenous people discovered it before, and He only discovered the "West Indies" (whatever they are) And
  • Leif Erickson got here way before. 
Canada, Cuba, who discovered New York?
(see above, Verrazano found it, Minuit bought it)

As a matter of fact, I'm about to parrot people renaming the holiday.
He "discovered" Cuba, but no one is saying that, they bombast you with facts and more facts (but their map kind of shows Cuba)

I don't know why they thought it was headline material to state Columbus was jewish, and even more obscure was his "Sephardic" - uh, well anyway if he was, him being jewish was already a biggie thing, wasn't it?
Admiral Farragut, Not Lord Nelson
Like saying a Mexican was really from Guatemala, a chinese was actually from Taiwan (I know it matters, but to whom?)

We (schoolchildren) Know the names of the boats and the year he landed in (Cuba?) so give us a "c-" already.
And the King
And the Queen
And (stop me when this gets boring)
My point is, stop running down the poor guy, although the part about him going to Spain (for a loan)(not Italy nor Jerusalem, etc) might be in the movie they show, I never watched, but...

Who the guy was who traveled to NYC laden with shiny beads and who married Pocahontas eventually, seems to me to be more holiday-worthy, but I've never been involved in Politics. 
Doesn't Pocahontas remind a person of "Romeo + Juliet"? 
I kind of get that vibe from the fable.
(Parroting) "Jamestown, 1607,"
 Life really sucked, then the Indians saved everyone,
Not 2 be confused with the
DAR-type people who came on a Biggie boat (Mayflower)
and who discovered a rock, 13 years after (1620), pardon my math

(Yet another smear: the 1607-guys are barely mentioned, and the 1620-guys get all the credit, turkeys)
Jamestown's swampy environs claim the life of yet another 17th-century English settler in this painting by NPS artist Sydney King.
Denzel Washington quote

I briefly (for five minutes) associated san salvador with St. Barth, and if you've got a plane, I suppose they're related.
The ai figured maybe El Salvador was related too, but I doubt it.
Saint (Bartholomew?) and San Salvador are in different parts of something called the "Indies", but that's no help at all. East, west, French, nevermind.

My next politically loaded, extremely naive question shall be (ta ta ta DA!) 
Did Columbus discover "Cuba"?

Saturday, October 12, 2024

terrible math, sorry about that (thoughts on WiFi range)

 I don't need to know the size of your house, why you have so many electronics, I only want to guesstimate your living arrangements.
If you really are richer than god, you sell electronics, or more likely stream movies to your girlfriend across the street or next door.
You could live in an apartment, with a friend several doors down.

but assuming you really do live in a very large house with very thick walls, you might actually need three routers.
(I reeeaahlly do Not want "Mesh", just one kick-ass-router, if one exists.

I don't care about your bots and your bulbs, your pool, and anyway I'll hear you bought an 801.11ah router next year or so.

and being under a rock, I don't know about the little wifi network stretching from here to the next town. I can only imagine it.

The picture says between 3000 and 5000 (which is exactly 4000) is a "Mcmansion"

McMansion, where McDonalds' owners live? IDK.
I read forums and see 3000 gallon fishtanks, 3 routers and a cat-bot.
How much of that is bullshit and salesmanship?
I think my router is dying again, it's pausing. 
What good is a long range router you need to buy 3 other routers for?

2000 is sooo tiny (I guess)

12x2+12x12 +6x12 +8x6 (roughly), no cat bot.
144+144+72+48 (breaks out calculator) 408?

I think I lived in a two-story apartment pre-cambrian-era
(pre Wi-Fi, pre microwave, pre touchtone)

OK I'm done, and I'd already have another router but the (what's it called when something is too new, shiny and expensive to buy?)
I promise not to be penurious, miserly1, I promise to "get what you pay for,"

Actually.....I want the as-yet-to-be-released "92u" which is beneath its two bigger brothers, but maybe it's easier to work with.
The apocalyptic badass on a horse straight from the grapes of wrath with a terribly swift sword: GT-BE19000, which, when you read all the bad reviews on everything else, makes you think it is your last, your only hope.
OTOH, marketing (since it doesn't exist yet.)
(Save us)

A guy can hope.

I do believe my fastconnect 7800 adapter is four-stream, which made me wonder

They might (just might) be including their two bluetooth streams.
IF (if) they are, those specs they say spatial streams about might be, 2x2+2x2.
If not, if mimo 8x8 (whut?) is what I'm supposed to read, then I'm totally lost.

I don't know. 2x2 mu-mimo, is it possible, is it used?
But 4x4 routers usually cost twice as much (600++ vs 300)
Throw lots of jargon at you, and some amazon reviewers will be tearing their hair out getting it to work, (3-network, 3-meshes, etc) 
And others just go, "whut? Me worry??"
If you overbuy and six months from now a reviewer is castigating your kind of router because it does not have the new bling, XRDm2.0, it'll make you feel stewpid, if you trust reviewers.
But 4x4 only works with another 4x4, uhm,
OK maybe there'll be a sale.

Well it looks real nice.

"BE92"(2x2), slings and arrows of outrageous assholes in forums, 
Or GT-BE-19000(4x4) with a side of buyers' remorse. 
I like both, for different reasons.


Friday, October 11, 2024

silly games

 This is mostly about Baldur's Gate 3, and how you're supposed to know stuff you could not possibly know ever without a lot of googling.

But I've written this before several times, and I doubt I'll keep it long; all the other versions are gone.

There's a guy ("Art Cullagh") laying on a bed in a crowded inn that you've just avoided killing all the tenants, and avoided the really bad guy, and the girl he's supposed to kidnap, And you've avoided talking to the nosy old crone accusing you of being a communist sympathizer (You resisted the choice to knock her head off)
How did you know the guy was lying there, and didn't your mother tell you to leave sleeping people alone?
IF you had done three or four different quests beforehand, 
and gone a way-different route (and googled it, and his name) you'd know the answer.
But skipping to subchapter 12 (googling it), you know why the guy is laying there, and you *also* know to backtrack into hell to retrieve a busted musical instrument, and playing that instrument 
(You learned how to play in chapter 6, or "It's magic," IDK.)
Find the guy that the sleeper wants (You DID remember to rescue the guy, and invite the whole town to your camp, right?
Anyway do ALL the stuff, and a tree will grow, and Player seems happier, the end.
PBO Scalar:
10X! ("Fire!")

Another rant I'll never rant,
is how most CPU's are built with overhead so reviewers won't cuss them to hell and they lay on store shelves gathering dust.
4GHz? We can do 5!!
Kinda thing, 
such that, if they RELEASED the 5GHZ CPU with NO overhead 
(Because it's built-in), Fat buttmunches would cuss it out and say their sample broke trying to torture it to 6Ghz.
So, some ad for a new CPU featuring Lisa Su (the AMD head honcho-ess)
is meaningless to me, wait till the torturers get it.
Increasingly arcane tweaks, ever more expensive cpu coolers, it's all marketing "smoke" (lol) and mirrors. But that's a different rant for somebody else.

AMD Adrenalin:

Confirmed that 24.9.1 is slower than 24.8.1, for no particular reason I can find, except that I was concentrating on the "CPU" which the GPU-driver should not care about (but it does). Using up precious CPU-Cycles to call home? IDK.
*And* (while I was there) I ran some inscrutable dx12-ultimate tests: a shader and a "VRS" test. Useless because I can't find any results page. 
(they're prolly at hwbot.org, somewhere)
I run the teeny-version of "Timespy" because I don't need any results page.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

6AM time for bed (AM4 madness)

 People helpfully offer updates either quietly or not.
(Lousy sentence)
Ranty-version: You'd THINK the updates Big-ass companies spoon feed you would work, only they screw things up, sometimes.
Well, Take "AMD". 
Some hackers figured a way to mess with the AMD CPU, bypassing antivirus technology.
They happily announced it to the Eveil hackers class.
AMD hasn't said a word about it, not to me.


They only released one of their monthly videocard drivers (Which makes a person wonder why they are released monthly.)

So the whole computer went slower, according to 3dmark.
"Blame windows," I thought, only it wasn't windows.
I checked for a BIOS-Update, and there was one, and it turned out to be the defense against the dark arts and eveil hackers.
Still slow.
THEN I figured, 
"OK, when did this happen?" 
It was AMD's new driver (for my two-year-old card).
Switching back to LAST month's driver fixed it.
But, what sounds like minutes in a couple sentences, took all night and many burritos and cups of tea.
(I love my new cup)

Stock FUD picture from the link
I randomly log into my router, it's the electronic equivalent of watering plants.
OK so 
This is new (for this router)
but old for netgear, although no one (No one) will say exactly what it is.
It is enabled by default (I disabled it), Because it *could* be some company collecting info on places I choose to visit?
Yes, Terrorists are everywhere, Hackers go to class to hone their skills, but enabling a feature without telling me isn't right.
Whatever it is, it's ostensibly disabled now.
One day later, an extremely slow speedtest, 
and a direct-to-modem test-result of normal very fast speed.
Look for this router in a dumpster near you soon.
(OK maybe it woke up on the wrong side of something)

R.T.G. vs low-IQ, 
is there no happy
There's a vast hole filled by no-account routers.
Then on the Pinnacle, there are the elitist routers no one (no one) needs.
Yet, there must be a Lucas-Mccain ("rifleman") version.

Does he even have a job? Besides scaring everyone with the rifle, and baiting assholes.
But what would he buy??

No, that's "Ben Cartwright" and his sons, and their cook, and the ranch-hands.
This guy started out with three routers (I think) and lusted for more (I guess)
Sew....(*tiptoes away*)

Lover's Spat??

The demographics are severely skewed.
But *actually* I'm skewing my search results..."6e" should seriously be considered (by me) 
what with their 6GHZ and 160Mhz bandwidth, they all whine, 
"What are we, chopped liver?"

Yeah, I know...and a moped or the bus is all I need to travel to work,
But people overbuy anyway.
(I don't *want* your govt. Cheese! Geez Louise)
TP-Link prolly isn't that bad, and yet, it conjures pictures of outhouses in my head.
I wanna Asus! (I think) They're incredible (or incredibly bad)
ASUS RT-BE92U sounds promising, but then they all do, before the horror stories.
"BE92" says nothing but, it's new, it's cheap(er) so. yeah
Unpretentious 2x2, Triband (it's not retarded slow incomplete) 
But I cannot find a vendor (not on amazon, not from Asus)
Supply chains, the weather, the war, Kroger, who knows why.
Ditto on the Hyped but never actually seen GT-BE19000
Since neither actually exist in the US-Wild yet 
(Rumor has it the EU has the be92U)
*I* choose, with my vaunted but imaginary money,
the GT-BE19000. (I don't know why yet, but the "GT" is important)

Why? It only has three (not 4) bands, and it's supposed to have "AFC".
AFC sort of sniffs around and rewards lonely users with a little bit stronger 6Ghz, for those who qualify.
(The young sexy GT-BE19000 flashes her AFC-badge, (or is it "flaunts") to the older BE98-Pro, But the 98-pro has revisions coming out, hmm)
It's too, too confusing, must I check the revision and send it back if it's too old, or wait for the GT-BE19000?
I don't exactly live on a prairie in Wyoming, "AFC" might not cotton to me, might say it don't like my kind here, hmm)

I found a review site I sort of like, but some things seem off, somehow.
multi-gig is the latest buzz, raising the price unnecessarily, but the main reviewer cusses anyone with mere 2.5Gig ports as behind the times.
Yeah OK, whatever.
Then there are those colored stars, which I understand, mostly (OK I don't understand them ok?)
A gray star is no star.
A *green* star is a legitimate star. (it can be halved)
A *Yellow* star is either a warning or like those gold stars from school
 (That I never ever got) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Deep reading the yellow/gold stars, I see warnings.
So Gold means "Watch your step"???
I wouldn't want to bother the guy, who actually answers. He looks like he's got a warehouse full of reviewed products, and he works 23/6, although he could just be a biggie-box store in disguise, hmm
Decadence personified.
Uhm, Hmm

Would I win the Asustek Lottery or not? Or are these shills. I cannot tell.
Ha! The cure for impulse-buying is Amazon reviews (and maybe, acronyms)
MLO! SFP! SMB! AFC! (yada blah! it's not like I have a list I can spout at parties)
I'd *like* one of those Ubiquiti (whatever) giant pill-shaped routers (maybe) but I lose interest when they speak of POE.

a Ubiquiti link I have not read yet

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

mangled Jellyfish

The C is silent.
To be different, Uppercrust?
If you mangle one, it seeks a partner and merges with another.
Hence the title: To prove a point, scientists worldwide must be mangling these guys.


Which raises more questions than answers.
If they were accidentally wounded, why?
Will they amass into one giant jellyfish bent on revenge?

OK, say the pedants, "Jellyfish" and "Comb Jellies" are very different beasts.
So my microscopic teeny tiny rant concerns "(warty) Comb jellies", and not Jellyfish, although in a mugshot I doubt you'd find anyone anywhere except advanced marine-biologists knowing the difference.
"we are 'Legion' "?
They eat meat, they're taking over ("Invasive") and their butthole disappears but they take dumps every few minutes.
Well, here, you read it, don't believe me (why would you)
But (I'm thinking) fishmongers must be packing away zillllions,
what with the War (Pick one), embargoes, Covid, Jellies, The heat.
(Supply chains...https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PSALMUSDQ

Which raises the question, "How do you say "Ktene"?
Or is it an unpronounceable word, like spanish "Perro"
If you google "Ktene" Google gets very confused.

Only science (so far) uses the word and they don't talk much.
Science misspells it.
Or The scientist they're quoting did.
Actually Google is insisting that I am mistyping "China"...

Spell it "Ktene" or die!
An experiment: Abstract: Feed Google "chtena" instead of "Ktene" and see what pops up
Spelling variations exist, no doubt.
"Bing" (the search engine) has a different outlook:
Donde esta el 'escusado'??
