
Friday, June 28, 2024

(working draft) Theo stuff

Scholarly references https://religiondispatches.org/a-new-bill-that-would-violate-basic-freedoms-ok-legislators-have-rewritten-the-ten-commandments/ 


whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.

Gated communities of the self righteous in heaven or in hell

(I'm writing this to procrastinate navigating through a caldera of a volcano)

Did they get baptized wrong, did they (just that once) vote democratic, didn't they believe in an all encompassing government forcing their religion on everyone...

It's hell for them. 
The righteous (the few, the proud, the 144,000) rerun debates and have association meetings.

The "Rest" the 99.9 percenters, live in dimly lit ethereal places in the clouds. 
Mostly sleeping, since there are no colors or sex ("marriages")

There's a central whatever somewhere, but no one cares (do you know how hard it is to fight the apathy of the dead?)

Or are we all bits and pieces of someone's future existence, a gigantic noodle soup (Most call it an ocean, but I think I'm hungry)

Or is it a bit of both...heaven/hell / apathy is a state of mind.




if said by yours truly, Reddit or Quora, it would sound like incredible bullshit.

O crap, I forgot the dam link.
Well trust me, some bigwig said it.

So the theory of reincarnation as posited by Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep
(They kind of overdid the whole business environment thing) 
must sound like crap.

But reword it to be about formless beings stirred into a giant cauldron and you have my vote.

Otherwise, it gets real dark real fast, like when parents torture their kid so much they eventually die

3AM apocrypha: Why not easter-chicken, why Bunnies deliver eggs?
For the same reason storks deliver babies I suppose.
Why does the government insist on tracking "Santa" every Christmas Eve?
I'm in a part of my game steeped in myth and fantasy.
(eg "The Land Gods")
So I haven't been following the storyline that closely but every tribe has their God and their myths.
Random famous mistakes in past bibles


"Blessed are the Placemakers"

Baby chickens are OK, but full-grown Hen is too ugly?
(Flashback: Cadbury commercial

Wasn't abraham's wife, like 85 when she had a kid?
Make a myth from *that*
The bunny delivered the egg, the stork delivered the baby.
(I forgot the white pigeon)
no, the white pigeon was much later, when, like Zeus disguising himself to look like ________, made a lady pregnant.
"Cock + Bull story," you say? I dunno.

Cock ant bull stories

an idealized picture of Demeter (complete with clothes, nice eyes and a white pigeon)

They should teach "Talmud" in school, and Greek Mythology (Not that unreadable crap Bullfinch puts together in his overpriced paperback)
Beeeecause someone somewhere argued the founding principles are from ancient Greece.
The Torah Preceded the "Bible" (the collection of writings they decided to keep)

The Tanakth are a biggie tribe in my game...Only you aren't supposed to read this yet, I have to go get the correct spelling.
"Tenakth" (walk with the ten)

Every few years the myth and fantasy makers come out of the woodwork at stuffy publications you'd never read in a zillion years, except they're on the newspaper's front or nowadays, Google's top stories.
They're tired, they wear glasses, they're old, They have a basement!

And kids worldwide fall for the myths.
See, they wear glasses because they're brain-damaged.
They have a basement (ok they made that up, but...) Pedophiles.

Camus the important writer / psycholologist (philosopher) wrote a whole book on Sisyphus, just so a guy could brag about reading the book and then question its meaning.
A philosophy based upon a fantasy based upon a maxim. 

But we're talking the future of this country, and who can sling better Bullshit, and who has more bullshitting friends. (https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/08/02/painting-of-trump-crucified/)

There's a link I didn't include (there are zillions but) about Trump crossing the Rubicon. (Bc, "what's a Rubicon?" "Who said that?" "Why?") nvm

Thursday, June 27, 2024

recommended? phht


Good writers should use the alphabet.
Drivers should drive cars and trucks.
(could they Be more vague?)
My medical group doesn't recommend anything that isn't on a formulary.
And even then they tend to say,
"Maybe you don't need..."
a lot

My stomach tells me it's "sick", in a low-level way, and my head feels dizzy sometimes.
This is not a state-of-being, it's only since Sunday or so.
These hot-dogs will make me better or lots worse...

I miss tons.
Coming back from the store there was a cop-jamboree at the other end of the block, and a man was speaking into a megaphone. 
It being early, I wondered (still wonder.)
And what's up with my body? 
Vague symptoms usually land me in the hospital, with some misdiagnosed thing...I can't point to an organ or a body part like this was a game of "Clue," I have to watchfully wait (or get real sick)

To pick a doctor on my income, you qualify for the insurance first, 
then the "IPA" or what I like to call the medical group (because wtf is "IPA?")
Then the medical group has a free space for a new patient, and you're assigned.

Rocking the boat (choosing the IPA, choosing the doctor) isn't something I've ever had to do, and it scares me. 
If Nancy is some hot doctor you really wanna see, everything works out eventually.
But if you have no clue, it's tons harder.
I *think* I've picked a location, no problem there, but now I have to pick a doctor who accepts my insurance and belongs to a halfway-decent medical group.
But wait! He's on a list at the Biggie shiny hospital, but he's registered (next to his name) at the more upper-crust neighborhood.
So his office is a bus-ride away, and his hospital is two bus-rides away in a different direction.
The hospital (med center) that I picked must be one of his occasional stops.

If I do this wrong, I could spend the better part of a day going to an office, and then a way different office for some test.
O shit.

Those insurance salespeople could REEEElly be of use to me now, assuming they help people post-sale.
This woman isn't barely out of bed suffering from heat exhaustion, nono,
She's the marketing director of a multimedia company.
I'm behind in styles, but styles have gone way downhill.
WHY is this important?
I don't know, it's from a train of thought:
My android-15 uses sms/mms and if I really looked, I suppose it could use RCS.
Now that Apple has given its blessing to RCS, you could see messages from the likes of that woman (but first, a commercial)
Yeah, I think RCS will be used like everything else, commercials pasted onto the stuff you want to see.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Too many Tabs open

WHY is "The arrow of time" in the headlines?
I'm presuming you all know wtf they're on about, and I don't need to parrot,
Entropy (all things must pass) appears to be the biggie arrow.
Fine, I say, but what's with all the other arrows you keep bringing up?
OK I'll parrot, a little:

Psychological/perceptual arrow of time

Thermodynamic arrow of time

Cosmological arrow of time

Radiative arrow of time

Causal arrow of time

Quantum arrow of time

One (two) arrows, many names (right?)
This is all too metaphysical for me, I'm stopping now.
I just thought it was interesting, if I knew what they meant, what they wanted (more money for arrows?) Plus my fonts are permanently ruined, The HTML they used for bombasm is very opaque.
But the newsy article (the request for more grant money?) implies that the second (57th) arrow is, "evolution"

I wrote a couple days ago that reviewers get stuff free, but Tom's Hardware Reviewed Lisa Su, Jensen Huang's cousin. https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/amd-ceo-lisa-su-reminisces-on-helping-design-the-ps3s-infamous-cell-processor-at-ibm

Generally positive reviews get more free stuff. This review, how Lisa started out.
Another whatchacall revealing sunshine 
Is she about to make a movie or ask for a raise?

Nvidia is a Trillionaire company, because they overprice the crap out of everything, or use clever marketing techniques so others raise the prices for them (and they can look lily-white and say "moi?" "Raise prices?"A-I schma-i my eye, I just wanna play nice games.
AI would be there to tattle which games I enjoy, how many hours I play, and would notify advertisers which games I'd be interested in playing.
AI must think (for example) that I am addicted to climbing puzzle games, it wouldn't know I'm just too cheap to throw away over $100 in games. Even ones I don't like much overall.

These guys seriously want more money for ice cream, it being hot and all.
Create a shortage
Blame Biden (supply chains, the war, gas prices)
and Listeria
so if you're already Fat from Nvidia stock,
buy stock in Ice cream

dated info from 2022 and 2023

Sunday, June 23, 2024

I can haz a controller, hmm


I do not know the hierarchy of the Xbox controllers.
I know (sort of) that the most expensive ones have paddles.

I still don't know because they're not sold by generation and model-year (I don't think)

I also know people send stuff free with the understanding that, if you want any more free stuff, you had better review it, and nicely.
So a guy reviewed one of their many models.
Some colors cost more. 
Paddles cost more.
This one has no paddles, but I read somewhere it's programmable, and has extra padding.
I wonder why the reviewer said that the original controllers were huge, or maybe he was talking about the console?

I'm kinda desperate for a damn controller lasting more than a few months before the buttons get sticky, or die, or just behave differently.
To hell with color.
Buut no, apparently they're all cursed. 
(actually I meant to say something meaningful here, such as "The older models / newer versions last longer"
But reviewers and vendors are quiet about this crucial feature.)

My "Gamesir" seemed great at first, but the "Sprint" /long-jump button (on The left analog stick) has a mechanical problem.
If you climb cliffs and run-jump to avoid death, it helps to have excellent buttons (that won't kill you.)
Have I mentioned the one about the player successfully navigating a difficult move and then walking off of a cliff?
Buttons get stuck and the person dies.

OK fine, this next f'ing controller will have a nice two-tone color, but I am wary of everything else.

Will the rubber melt, will the buttons freeze or refuse to work?

This next blurb you'll prolly have to click to read, is about a controller released in 2023.
Nothing is said about how long the self-healing buttons last, how easy it is to remove pringles-dust,
No we're treated to a newer color and a texture.

Nothing about a recessed USB-C connector, which would save the cable and protect the controller port.
(No, this pretty young thing is Doomed the first time you drop it)

They aren't a different size, not that I can tell.
The old controller (one of them) has one half of the handles coated in knurled plastic, the other half is smooth. 
I tried taking a picture but what is the point, you all prolly know way more than I.
The cleanest, workingest one I own on the right,
The new one (in the smashed up box) on the left.
(What, me worry?)

The "old" one works perfectly but the connector is bad, so occasionally it cuts out.
I don't know about the new one, let me drop it a few times, drink some tea, then I'll know.

I'm looking at the old one's battery-compartment sticker.
It lists the year "2020" next to some very-very fine print. 
so does the New one!
But the large numbers next to the barcodes are different.
That makes sense, them being different colors.

The handles are the biggest difference so far.

"xbox accessories" is the app to use to adjust the controller, I *think*.
But on a PC, you're limited by what you can do. No joystick "dead zone",
no (just as an example) way to adjust the amount of vibration...
I hope I'm wrong, and there's another app or, an adjustment option in most games.
"Gamesir" had an advantage over xbox, and I nearly bought another, but why throw good money after bad.... Maybe that's the wrong bromide to use for these overpriced things, that change price based upon color.

I'm terrible at most videogames but the one I'm playing now relies heavily on controller skill, and the GameSir just wasn't cutting it. 
There's a quest called "Climb the tower" I totally hate, that works better with the new controller.
I mean, I still *die* occasionally but it's better.
Doing that quest, having to repeat it, or another quest like it, is prolly what broke the GameSir controller in the first place. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024


 None of the following is (probably) true, I totally made it up.

Why does CVS suddenly have very little or no sugar? The brand they DO have is too sweet to be honest-to-goodness white american sugar, and I notice the taste difference.

So today I looked up healthy (quote-unquote) alternatives.



CVS got rid of the banana cakes, the sandwiches, and "Lactose free" ice-cream must be suspect (or they'd have some).
Some politician somewhere hates lactose free products, it cuts into the whole "Digestive health" product profit margin.
Better to find out on your own that you're lactose-intolerant, and buy tons of Imodium, than to be wise and eliminate Lactose in the first damn place....
OK This train of thought is done, back to saving the world (from evil plants)
(and evil AI)
(and evil megalomaniacs)

EVOO/Soy/ "Lactose" societies
All profit from your stomach

Lactose-intolerance is a fact of life, not a profit-making opportunity.
Who fights for us?

It finally dawned on me that ordering one "New" takes years, and you could have one of these today.

But I wonder... if 114k is a nice round used price, what (ignoring the trumpets) is the new price?


I doubt they'd haul logs or (whatever trucks haul), they're more of a vanity purchase, I'm thinking.
Stainless steel truck bed, hmm.
If you could mount a ... a ...

one of these

Lawyers, Real-estate salespeople, recipients of gifts (like the occasional wife) and the chairmen of political parties, preachers, pimps, and everyone else with most excellent credit.
I meant to do an adjective-filled tirade about the decadence, but I give up.


Friday, June 21, 2024


Rather than bombast I want to show two posters about Heuristics.

One says it's fast but error-prone.
One says it's fast and accurate.

Error prone


Conclusion: Girls are better than boys at quick thinking.

When Heuristics goes bad:

A few years ago, a machine designed to detect threats worldwide, had a subtle failure. 
No one noticed (no sparks, no smoke) but it reported that the US would be attacked by bombers real quick.
The heuristic response was to send US bombers to bomb the country the enemy was sending bombs from, Moscow.
In the meantime, someone *finally* noticed the machine was off its feed,
 and tried to call off the counterattack.

But someone decided long ago that in times of dire crises, nothing would stop those planes, not false messages, nor real messages (because how would they make a heuristic decision which was which?)

So anyway, one of those biggie bombs reached Moscow.
The US president had to make an accurate decision quickly:
Bomb New York.

Yeah, Heuristics FTW (not)

(no "bomb" in the title)

In another movie....
It was a white captain super-pissed that his second-in-command was refusing to press the button to wipe out Moscow....

It's a recurring theme.

guys from our future sent a special signal to destroy earth and the computer a lady made.

 To repair the earth nearly destroyed by heuristic robots, uh,

"But someone decided long ago that in times of dire crises, nothing would stop those robots, not false messages, nor real messages (because how would they make a heuristic decision which was which?)"

a supercomputer was invented who keeps repeating she has a "Heuristic Matrix," but when things get rough, when hackers invade her space, she bombs herself out of existence rather than let the hackers have their way.
Her manufacturers were foreign nationals and subjects of corporate holdings shanghaied to work on the heuristic computer project, and some of THEM were expert hackers themselves, but they didn't think to protect their project, and the computer blew up rather than comply with an unknown nefarious group. 
What did the group want? Why was blowing herself up the only solution? (She couldn't turn off her radio??)

17.22 years of this bullshit signal intended (apparently) for a computer within the computer, telling it to ignore the chain of command and take over, destroy the earth (which it did, three times over.)
It's heartbreaking, everyone KNOWS stuff, they write books, make movies, but they don't care, buying more and more apples.

delta (and stuff)

 I was feeling proud of myself, with today's train-of-thought:

Delta (change)
Amongst the various meanings of "Delta," like the name, and the part of a river, 
Is the meaning "Change." As the river goes on, it *changes* (for example) in depth and speed, due to whatever reasons (dead bodies, sewage.)
Yep, pretty proud.
Then I read this:

Sorry this is so small. Maybe if you click on it??

I tried to extract the text but it looked so unreadable I erased it.
Let's (uh) review:
Delta, Grade, Slope, tilt....and those are the simplified words.
Not proud anymore.
It's a train-car within the Delta train.
The "delta" of a line (or the slope or the grade or the angle or the tilt or the ratio) , 
ya know what, nevermind, 
People spent THOUSANDS of years making this shit complicated, who am *I* to try and decipher it here. 

(But I did wonder about that little upside-down "9" or is it a backwards "6".
Lemme guess, it means "Lambda" right? Cuz we all feel smarter translating everything into greek.
But, see, △ is easy(?), and they can't have that.
It must be hard enough to look Upper crust.

(alt+25b3 is "Triangle"/"Pointy-thing/"delta" (in Greek)
△! Too easy, only took 3-min. to look up and enter correctly (because, there's at least two codes)

Wait, I can do this! ³ OK no, I can't.

”(0916),uhm, I can't type 206 and then 148 (can I?)
�� so anyway, "Pointy-thing" insists upon hex, Decimal must be deprecated or disparaged, denigrated, Too outré for the in-crowd.
陑△△(touch of dyslexia there, sorry)

It's a question-forbidden (no shit:

"I was blind and now I see!" (pshaw pfft)
Yay. Still opaque but lots better

wtf is the ∂? My editor changed my perfectly good HTML code into an unreadble letter and all's I can do now is cut and paste the accursed thing. So esoteric it isn't listed as a greek letter.
Who invented it? (see picture) 26 english and 24 (or so) greek letters weren't good enough, oooooooo noooo, they had to invent one.
The story goes, near as I can tell, that the erect-d is a full derivative,
and a limp-∂ is a partial derivative.

Clowns invent a different system &^%$# ╥ ┬ñÜ

2202 (FTS)ÜÜšš RšÜÜš 
OmFG! ("Jeesus wept!!")

These guys invent shit so esoteric no one can actually use it:

Never accept Hex, use Decimal instead.
(Fuck hex!
Add a Zero to the beginning of the number. (It's a fucking code, IDK)
alt08706 (for reference only; it doesn't actually work here)
(it worked in my notepad, just not Here, way to shame me, windows)
(Switching browsers)

∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂∂ (ASSHOLES)

∂ (A registry entry is required, Ahhhhhhhhhhh)