
Sunday, March 9, 2025

dirty train

Why so many cartoony sex games just assume that the characters enjoy stuff in their backside.
"American Me" (an old movie)
an ex con returns home, and eventually wants sex with the wife.
She becomes horrified as he rolls her over and proceeds to lubricate (U no where.)

Caboose (as it were)
sitting on the john expelling what feels like concrete, I didn't enjoy it or fantasize about it, and blame you all for tossing labels around like candy. FOAD, labelers.

That one and maybe Shawshank Redemption are more truthful.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

GATES II Fat Tuesday

 A high up lady in the news had an ashen cross on her head, or I thought she did.
So I looked it up and yes, fat Tuesday was Mar 4.

What the hell day is This?
Well anyway, my excel budget says I have enough for another game, which of course is clearly impossible.
It miscalculated or I did.
O by the way, none of these blog entries are ever read, except one I wrote last month about games.

Along those lines, I should, I Will, change the title.
But to what?
"Gates" of something.

TLDR skip down to a video about safe-for-internet (and the neighbors) risqué games.

I loved watching her lips move, and her form-fitting knit-top is to die for.

I can justify the game, if I write a blog about it.
"Uncharted Lost Legacy"-something, which was a bing result of an inquiry for a game played by women.

 (My reading comprehension is sinking, my math skills died long ago, and (o yeah) my memory is terrible.)
"Uncharted Legacy of Thieves."
I'll never know in a zillion years what most people mean by the word "Legacy."
I'll never know why loooooong reviews about how a person hated a game, matter to anyone.
I'm taking a chance on a game no one ever heard of, because Bing said you like it. 
But I haven't picked up on the Lingo yet.
Terf / Anti-Terf /militant? OK I can't keep typing labels and you know what yours is, But my point is, I am very wrong asking a search engine what "women" like.
("Women protagonists with nice butts you can stare at," is prolly illegal though)

"Sapphic space" is a life-puzzle, where half the endings are either terrible or bad, and one or two good. Did I mention the puzzles?

You play a computer with no arms or legs, to a woman who does very little that others don't direct her to do. Answer correctly, keep her spirits up, survive life choices. The end.

Independence or sex?
Long video from a famous lady about women (I think) 

"Uncharted" looks a lot like a typical goodfellas movie so far. Guys getting shot at in prison. 
Maybe I better double-check the title.
Parkour and Puzzles, nonstop, if you don't count the cinematics.
Don't do exactly what they say and it's death.

I'd say that I hate this game and stop playing, but The reality would be that I'd be out of too much money without anything else to buy.
So for now, this is it.
Games you go through like homework assignments vs games you enjoy until they're too boring to repeat.

  • What game should I buy
  • Why do my choices matter to anyone (video game choices)
  • Do my written-down game preferences violate internet rules (Eye color, etc) because they would go against someone else's preferences?

No I'm not going to write anymore about it, the video says it nicely.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

romantic memories


Logic dictates that there are no gargantuan but far-away highways, no ocean waves roaring at the bottom of a really high cliff.
Science sort of ruins the mood.

If you only hear it waking up from your dreams, does it count?
I used to think it depended on the weather.
On Very warm or on rainy days, the whooshing travelled farther.
It's like waiting for a bus next to a Walmart parking lot, close to some freeways, if you were wearing earmuffs.
My other misconception was that tinnitus sounds like a test-tone they used to use on TV at 3am.
Not like a day at the beach.

I wanted to find out why TBD network moved to a fox channel, and discovered
-Sinclair Network is supposed to be conservative
-Deceived the FCC
-(Tried to "sell" stations to close associates)
*People Like biased news, as long as it's conservative.
So many things to learn, I prolly didn't catch it all.
TBD will become "Roar" soon, anyway.

Old news for some.
TBD used to show kitty and puppy videos,
Now they're more edgy (lol)
The clipped news article is old and only part of the (old) news I read.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

maybe "avowed"?


If you can even see anything in that dinky picture, It's supposed to be people walking into a room, in the predecessor to "Avowed" which jaded-gameplayers seem to dislike.
People recommend this game, pillars of eternity.
People who must've been in hospital waiting-rooms, IDK, it looks absolutely awful.
So what I read somewhere was some random diss, there are no girls to kiss (I guess)
Anything not soldiers bundled up with gigantic rifles must therefore be too gay,
And the story is generic monster fighting.
What makes a generic monster-killing, mountain-climbing game memorable anyway?
Everyone has their own idea.
I don't like cabins in the woods where the undead come to attack relentlessly unless you have a flame-torch to burn them away with, genre.
And if the highlight of the game is getting into a car or riding a horse, forget that too.
Do chatty people want to drag you into some piddly quest?
I literally ran away from these characters in (um) whatever I am playing now.
  • Go get the milk for the old lady who can't go to the store
  • Along the way, meet the homeless guy desperate for a hamburger
  • (get the scratcher from the hamburger place)

  • Miss your bus to go to the doctor, he's closed when you get there, and your life slowly ends (the end)
"CRPG" is a word I need to look up, as well as the name of the game (Horizon forbidden-west) I'm playing now.
"!" is usually an indicator I avoid like the measles, and wifi messages to drop in on some town to try the meat.
Beeeecause, inevitably I'll get entangled in some piddly quest that forgets about the main quest (e.g., your doctor appointment)
IDK. Maybe all the shills are betting on a discount or a sale, but since they already got the game free, I fail to see the point.
The reddit thread I linked to has a few posts who say they are anti-woke, and passes "Avowed" as OK for Anti-woke people.
As opposed to a game I never heard of, "Veilguard."
Is it cheaper than "Avowed"?
Are the characters teeny stick figures? 
Wait, I gotta go look.
Pink and purple, never a good sign
The most bombastic blog-entry in the world, ever, for all time,
I'm avoiding my main quest, which is, picking a cheap game.
I should get back on track.
HOW MUCH is "Veilguard"?
If (for example) it is 59.95, I'll buy Avowed.
But if they discounted it to please Musk-fans, I'll try it (maybe)

What would (insert woke/anti-woke hero) buy?
"tenderqueer earnestness"
And how do you feel about that?

I still don't know, even after the bombasts,
what either game is about.
IDK... not enough B&W kill choices?
Since when does buying a fucking game declare your sexual proclivities?
I'm righteously pissed.
Fight the intolerant assholes!!
(And stuff)

Olive-oil lore 
Canola Lore.
I like Canola (FOAD, Olive)
But maybe...I'll try "Avowed" first, since I can't get a straight answer about plots.
Can you kiss the princess or not!? (Geez)
If you like Beets and Brussel sprouts,
you'll LOVE asparagus in Crawfish pie.

I don't think I said that right.
"Kingdom-come" was awful. Period.
I still own it, I'll never play it.
Farmer's slowish kid rides to a castle (Why is this supposed to be good?)
"Wanted something more" are you kidding?
Squid-flavored popcorn.
Kimchi on liver.
Someone somewhere just loves those things. 

Lancelot (senor Balles) falls in love with Princess Decollete

and slays mighty dragons to please her.
Does she get a clue or does she give him a limp hand to kiss and some ceremonial sword?
Decollete is under the spell of the mustachioed Fallas.
Lancelot is mortally wounded.
(O well) c'est la vie

So far, Avowed is OK.
Assuming I haven't forgotten some bill (it was a hefty $70),
or chosen the wrong character type,
or missed out on some attribute point (dexterity vs intelligence, etc)
I like it, kind of.
To write this I had to stop, which disables my cheat-trainer, and I'm not sure yet which cheats to train.
But I'm confused so far. Someone is trying to kill us?
(Everyone, yeah, but someone from the mainland sunk our ship)

My character *could* look vaguely like someone if I knew what the slide controllers did.
I think I messed up the cheeks.

I'm too tired to play, but so far It's OK.

Like many games of this genre, there is a lot of walking, and some dialogue choices, and moral issues. My waking dream today was being a well-respected colleague in some hospital, but the fleeting dream made little sense otherwise.
As the dream ended, someone was trying to tell me that they had assisted a suicide, and they were pretty broken up about it. They never used the actual word "Suicide," it was a code, similar to "? 07D"
So I googled "07d" (part of the code) and there are codes, but the implications of the dream were that this was an internal code only used by nurses, and not something they'd announce.
Anyway, my brain must've translated a game scene about a game-character's friend dying and how he dealt with it. 
You get limited responses to what people tell you, things like "I'm so sorry," or "He was better off" (whatever,) and the exact thing you'd say isn't always listed.
These game characters have issues, I suppose, to flesh them out and make them more appealing.

It's unsettling, because what if you say the wrong thing?
The game results aren't in yet, but because I do what I want,
 and I have not googled the exact correct responses (yet,)
My brain made up a dream about it, I guess.
The world might fail, because of something I said.

I almost get this.
(do we win?)

It's not nice to fool with mother nature.

Bad guys: Loedwyn and her Goddess Woedica
Good Guys: Ambassador what's his name.
Bad guys: The guy in Volcano-(Solace)-keep.
(less bad but hard to live with, his wife)
It's one of those extremely familiar (but hard to remember) games where a narrator reads a book at the end of the game, maybe like "Fallout" and a couple others.
Your choices matter, and some of the very limited choices (it is decreed) shall suck.
Someone somewhere will give you a severe tongue lashing, while you read answers from a script.
Act the fool
Be the asshole
Lord it over everyone
But the game is worth playing a couple of times (It had better be, for the price.)
In Scifi I'm thinking about, If you can't fake an accent you refer to stuff obliquely and shift verbs and pronouns.
Chauncey Gardiner ("Chance the Gardener") did this in the movie "Being there" and people thought he was very wise, only talking about plants.
The Gardener in the game does the exact same and you have to wonder if she is wise, or backwards somehow.

The letdowns are very few.
You're a daughter of a god, but it gets you no biggie powers (you get powers, if you can actually use them in the heat of battle)
And keys and secret buttons (for first-time-players) are tough without Google.
Cheating is good. Cheating works. But no one promotes you and you don't get much more than a cool sword,
No romancing, just a chatty tease here and there, And the most self-confident woman is Ryngrim, a minor character who pops up occasionally (like some guest star.)
She talks like some BDSM star but never does anything.
The tree (see picture) also makes cameo appearances, but the most bombastic people are the most minor.

But I enjoyed it anyway.
I await mods, and stuff.
The walking cat (elf, whatever) could be the most enticing. I'm undecided.
It's like most of the cast came from Egypt (or Mars.)
I have cool scars.
Independence, United EU, not bow to the oligarchs and evil minions (inquisition), I got it as right as I could have, the second time.
My only question is what the hell to do with all the crap they make you collect.
Also, I'm hiding behind being a fighter, bcuz being a mage sucks.
Couldn't I be a noble-born mage / soothsayer and still kick butt??
I walk around in a black jumper. I guess that's OK, hmm

Friday, February 28, 2025

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Vykeen, Gek, Korvax


The peoples of various nationalities figure prominently in my game.
Today Serbia decided not to support Ukraine, just not too strongly (I think.)

Hungary yada blah whatever 

(My mind drifted to WWI)
But Hungary (The country) has never been on a biggie list of really nice governments, but it's been fifty years since the history class.

OK Tell me (again) Who was "Archduke Ferdinand"
and what did he have to do with the "Lusitania" sinking?

Wars be like earthquakes, the tectonic plates shift, and you have to choose sides.
The US is Pro Russia, against the EU.
(insert fifty pages of trivia about that)

I got lost between the Habsburg-Hohenzollerns and the Lusitania and The ArchDuke.
"rise of the machines" as oligarchs seek to enrich themselves without bothersome humans, they'll still need to cow the sheep and the Lemmings (o, just read this)
Can you bullshit?
Help wanted.
If you can lay it on thick, spouting Mandates waving flags and indoctrinating people, You are wanted! (for a while)

New blog entry needed, but I'm shy.
Shy because games I own and should like, 
are gathering virtual dust.
It's like dissing chess, and I feel a little sheepish.
But I think I can generalize a tiny bit.
"Scars above" was really bad for me personally, although it's prolly a fine game.
And I'm giving "Rise of Tomb-raider" a second chance (I must've really hated it)
Even though I know, it'll be mostly puzzles.

(I hate puzzles)
Badass lions and tigers want to eat you, and you're supposed to remain calm and solve whatever the riddle is.
But I am reinstalling it, and who knows, it might be OK (I don't feel well, and I'm not feeling very optimistic)
The game is a 1500-piece puzzle of old buildings. You die tons.
Most of the time you google the answer.
But it's free, so....
But no, the witch just wouldn't die. Fucket.
Realism *graphics*, not You-die-tons
Fuhgeddaboudit, I give up
EVERYONE loved it, 
except the ones hating it.

I'm downloading a version of what the world will be like in a few years, fans of a charismatic leader after the world has nearly been destroyed.
They get disillusioned with the leader, a kind of a cult hero, who knows the world is toast very soon but promises a better life on Mars.
A Japanese girl from San Francisco falls in love with our protagonist, and after the hero defeats the giant boss-monster, with the evil leader inside, they kiss.
I hope to have a better game soon, or at least one I haven't memorized.
The controller-breaking game forces you to be an acrobat, although I can live with that (I guess), and tricks you learn from owning the game for a while (Killing the unkillable guy only works if you shoot him, restart, then let a friend stab him in the back) are unnecessary. My computer gets too hot playing the game.

But (I forgot the aphorism, make up your own) The game not bought is always greener, like a box of chocolates.
"Stuck in a certain level/puzzle"
I don't think a modern game exists where you don't have to google codes and puzzle solutions. Having a badass gun means nothing.
Well here we are, a day where I could buy something.
I have no idea.
Minimal stuff to google, a strong story line, 
Realistic graphics,
(without overheating the poor PC
Whatever genre you choose, Thousands will love it. 
I don't understand your choices sometimes.

Final-whatever is not final and it's a cartoon. Also it reminds me of rich people belittling everyone else. F$%#@ em.

Monday, February 24, 2025


 A really high-up guy in a job I had long ago, granted me an interview for around two minutes, to discuss why I couldn't have any keys to perform my job.
My immediate superiors had the keys to absolutely everything, and I was gifted this wondrous power for an hour or so at a time, but not permanently.

Just now the Atlas (A big red ball) says "They say you've been exhibiting aberrant behavior" just like the interview with Gates, just as pointless.

Well, shit, that's all I got, interviews are pointless.

https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Photic_Jade but that doesn't mean they won't make you run your ass off chasing futilityto afford a dwelling down by the river....


Yeah (what they said)

Play til you're sleepy, 16 more days and then buy another game (I hope)

perform several tasks hundreds of times to prove your worthiness to a great big ball who (it is hinted) is just a tool of a higher being who left on vacation.

And what is your reward??

But it's not like I can just spend tons and be guaranteed a good game, because what if it's worse?
You're lost, on mars, without a map..

   You're being hunted by zombies/rats/immigrants/politicians who won't die, or they die but they come back. (only $59.95)

Rob Cars! Ride Horses! Get killed a lot by strangers! Buy stuff to look cool!

Players trying pointlessly to find meaning to the quest I'm on.
It is neverending, it repeats.
I get real close to picking a new game but since they are all meaningless, I forget what I chose and have to start over.
I'm also wondering which repeated games are worth trying again.
No surprise endings anymore, and the inevitability is tiring.

What made you all start loving Japanese-cartoon-style games?

I bought a game years ago about a wife demanding oral sex (and for you to do light cleaning), but it repeats, forever.
Well, ALL my games are like that, some just draw it out better than others.
But then (a guy could argue) a person should stop reading books because they always end the same.
I think teachers and booksellers would have a field day bombasting me to death...
So in the same vein, there must be story rich, realistic background (not cartoony) games I haven't tried yet.
But I swear most games went to the same game-school, making the player work for crap (like a sword.) For little round balls.
For a nicer spaceship.
(not safe for judgmental peeping parrots)
(Did I mention I hate puzzles 
(And sadistic game authors?)

Pick something rewarding that you, the neighbors and doxxers/whistle-blowers (cock-suckers) reporting you to the inquisition, approve of.
But most games have no payoff:
There's a scene in "Skyrim" that sums it up nicely: After having killed every single enemy by yourself in a biggie war, the King thanks you and walks off.
All that glorious stabbing was my reward.
Knowing that, it'll be hard to listen to the next bombaster going on about some war in my next game.
"Strajedy," nope. 
"Puzzles" F#$%^ that.
"Love" (Love interest, eye candy) yeah ok. Sure (I guess)
But not those cartoony overdeveloped teeny teens, I uhm, ew.
If you love comics so much, buy comics, IDK.
The whole "VN" thing with Japanese-adjectives is like, being at a restaurant choosing bland foods you would dislike (except they're bland)
I'm convinced (sort of) that biggie studios don't want lawsuits and pissed-off preachers, so any NSFW content is in the domain of aspiring artists in what looks like high school (actually, I was thinking that it looks more,... 6th grade)
Because in our inquisitor-society, (I'm totally guessing) Fantasies presented as cartoons that never move are dismissed totally as "Games" and never bothered by the judgmental people. If Homer and Marge had sex, would you watch?

There are 99.9% cartoons, but one sort of sticks out, rises above the rest (better marketers, I guess)
Lesbians in space.

Standard, Deluxe, Season Pass, ??
I ... what, more missions, more eye candy...??
I found a game I think I like, you blow up shit at the behest of someone somewhere, and the more you kill, the stronger you get.
(Cue stirring music)

In a world,
Where everything is dead,
And the eveil guy took over,
Your mission is to save the town/city/universe and
banish the evil guy, ignoring that he fucked stuff up so damn bad it's
unfixable, and the blame will be on YOU for why life sucks for everyone.
(every damn meme or mental picture I can dream up has been co-opted by militant wing-nuts calling for the end to the world, so forget it)
Guilt, Pathos, eventual ruin, is the legacy you've inherited.
(sounds too IRL, IDK)
uhm, so anyway, 
"Doom" and the Doom-ish minions sound OK (I guess)
"Remember this" tomorrow when I have the money to buy something.
Except, can the protagonist be a girl in shiny white pants??
Who does her laundry?

Tease me, whydon'tcha

Tuesday, February 18, 2025