
Thursday, January 9, 2025

"Link to windows"

 yeah, great, I can link to windows and windows can see my phone's files, just not transfer anything to the phone! It comes up with some mealy-mouthed sync error.

It's easier to just plug in the phone to USB, which always works.
I'm blocking a USB driver by policy. O yeah? Which driver, what device???

The question is so dense and inscrutable that the moderator of a Microsoft forum sent it to the egghead forum, good luck finding it.

Oh, and then there's this:

Somewhere out there is a TP-Link RE105, and it's in my network!!
WHY doesn't THIS get blocked???

Reinstall. Promise "Link to windows" everything in your little world, every f'n drop of data, and it will decide to work (I think, I haven't tried to send a file yet)
This lady is famous because every question about Routers pops her up.
(ahh, smoooooth finishing)

anyway this will get edited more. My wifi is down for now, because I don't like wifi extenders feeling out my signal.
Network discovery is prolly a really bad idea.
But will "Link to windows" still work on a "Public" network?
No. Without my wifi it's useless. 
Network wi-fi doesn't count.
There are tons of networks on my neighborhood; only one
made it into my 'infrastructure'

ROTD (there are several, but this one is the most topical)

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

pixley et al

 Pixley is on the west coast. But fictionally it is in Missouri.
I used to think Sam Drucker's little store was in Pixley, but I was wrong.
Pixley is a place no one goes, they just mention it a lot.

My fictional geography sucks; Mount Pilot and Mayberry were a thousand or so miles away in North Carolina.
"Petticoat Junction" (for really die-hard fans) is sort of "Eldon Missouri" but I suspect they moved it slightly, to fit in with all the plots (e.g., "Bugtussle")

There's a Mexico in Missouri, and a California.

I gotta go look up what the hell a "County seat" is.
Our towns have a city-seat and a surrounding county, but "County seat?" We either have one and I just don't know, or it's peculiar to places like Missouri (I can always edit out my ignorance.) PS the junction of petticoat is too deep into the series for me to know whether it's a cute name or an actual (fictional) railroad junction.

Logic dictates (I wouldn't actually know) that since they don't build their own train or tracks, then at some time they must have tied into a big-ass company's railroad system.

The huge street-island was converted from a railroad-track 
to an old-couch burial ground. 
But that was real life; they must've "pruned" the junction long ago and now it's fit for couches and mattresses.

I no longer get any groceries, Anthem erased it totally.
They were already picky, refusing to pay for stuff like sugar (for tea) 
but now it's totally gone, without any notification.
But Careful googling finally brought up this little tidbit:

SSBCI which unfortunately no one will know about, so I have to school myself and eventually, others, to get the right paperwork to fill out and get signed by whoever. Get a code https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes
You have to be pretty sick (you fell over and nearly died recently, there is very little hope left for you) and they exclude tons.
Well *fine* but if you're dying,
you wouldn't be shopping with their piddly-ass $50.

These are the same guys in the news who (at first) refused to pay additional fees for anesthesiology, then quickly changed their minds when X and Reddit got all pissed off.
I wonder if they'll feel the same about groceries??
Now all's I need is cancer.
Unfortunately, they don't pay for prescriptions,
they only give $50 a month,
And refuse sugar and TP.
Kiss their butt and still starve, no way.
Freaking eggs are 11.00, corn flakes are $5, "$50" pays for, uh,
well anyway it pays *something.*
But you need dementia a bad heart and cancer (I guess it's way cheaper than paying for a hospital bed and food, for them.)
"Cancer? Let them eat cake"
They've deigned to graciously allow me a free glucose meter (It's all related, I swear) 
as long as it's Accu-Chek or one-touch. All others are unworthy.
WHICH Accu-Chek, WHICH one-touch??
Reddit hates both and wants a (****) brand, not covered.
Accu-Chek Aviva is not available 

It's for shure that I have no choice in the matter, even though it Looks like I do from this obscure document:

WHICH One-touch ?
WHICH Accu-Chek??
I seriously doubt they'd just let me pick!!

If the app or computer program approves, I'd like the verio-reflect, being 50% of my choices, but I'll prolly be forced into "Guide-me"

Pre-emptively buy something or wait for them to dole out something?
I was *hoping* to buy the decent-est meter around, but maybe that's a dumb thing to do.
My CGM (on the other hand) has to be "freestyle Libre" 
(not accu-chek, not one-touch??) although I've had this insurance for a year, and the Dexcom-6 CGM has been free, this wouldn't be getting written if they weren't trying to cut costs.
So, a biggie unknown.
No aspersions on the doctor, who would know all this, except...She is no longer in their directory and we have not spoken for months...

I might have to go off-book and buy my own, eventually
 (e.g. "contour" yada-whatever)

I don't know if MedicineNet is a shill and a puppet, or if reddit posters have been assimilated or not, or if the strips will be hard to find, but on the surface, they seem nice.

Today's overall disastrous news ("glorious"/disastrous)
can prolly be ignored, at least for now, as I wonder how badly my insulin was damaged after leaving it out for a few hours (or overnight, I really can't remember)
Is it like eggs or cheese? Or are they speaking mostly about germs?
I wrote one of these long ago, wondering if insulin needed air to breathe.
I concluded "no." 
Chemicals can change based upon temperature.
I found out that loading my syringe today was lots easier because the insulin  
was at room temperature (80-something).
So it changes.
Can it be refrigerated again or is it permanently damaged?

Agglomerates, ok, mm-hmm.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

gt-be98 pro "certificate"?

 Addendum to my longish blog about my router.
I used to think that changing any setting would invalidate the certificate (the one that lets you log in without dire warnings about being unsafe.)
NOW I know that just Rebooting the router, or shutting off power and then turning it back on, messes with the certificate on the router; now the router certificate and the PC certificate don't like each other, 
and I must generate a different computer certificate.
So...What? This is worse than the old firmware version, 37031 (I'm using 37038)

Then it gets real complicated. 
If I knew how, I could create a certificate and upload it to the router, and use the router to send a certificate to my PC.
Generally speaking, I need a router certificate that doesn't change, despite reboots and settings.
The guys making the User interface (for guys like me) ignore the user interface, preferring line commands. That's my only explanation for why this happens more than a year after the router was released.

I won't have a valid certificate because they've invalidated it?
What is a CRL?
The most basic router instructions are lost on me anyway; shades of high school math classes.
OK a brief look at this train-of-thought: 
One way to get a certificate (for WAN access??) is to use DDNS.
I don't want WAN access, although I'm sure you-all have worked around it.
But I *did* briefly want to look at my local-area-network, 
specifically, the address-assignment page ("DHCP".)
I'm rewriting this sentence...Lan Gateway vs Wan Gateway (I'm glad I'm not in speech class making a presentation)
My primary router in a Lan is the gateway, um, which makes the modem (which is a router) My primary router, but it's not,
 because of the DHCP. (I'm double-NATting.)
Clear-as-mud but I get it (sort of.)

Now I (prolly) know my modem's address and the router's addresses should be on the same subnet. (I think I know, but there would be a conflict, so no)
Forcing the subnet on my router to use unused addresses on the modem's subnet is something I want to try, eventually  (static IP on the PC with The modem as the gateway, should have worked, *did* work, in a half-ass way.
Google-news worked, but a few of the sites it pointed to did not.
Static-IP (modem-LAN), *Router* gateway, didn't work very well either.
Only DHCP. So (if you're following along) jiggling addresses just made stuff a lot worse. 

Yeah, I *know*, but...

Well...that doesn't solve my certificate-problem, except to spell out that DDNS is not an option.
I'm not running a server either. 
I don't want every pissant with a keyboard trying to get into my router.
So, any options left?

Trigonometry vs quantum physics:

It's not like this doesn't work, but if you dare to change a setting, or dare to "apply"
a setting that causes the router to reboot itself,
Then the certificate you just downloaded and installed per their instructions, becomes invalid.
Several times a guy is presented with the login-page, which is unsafe, then
after consenting to the danger, is presented with the login page!
Then a new warning comes up that it's unsafe, then you consent,
then another login page!!
This is circular, in case you didn't notice.
Eventually though, through luck and pushing little buttons, it breaks out of this loop and actually logs you in. I already wrote that "37038", their latest version, caused this login loop.
I also already vaguely referred to the command-line programs that true hackers use to hack into the router, ignoring whatever I see in menus.

In other words, It's all a crock of shit.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

notes on fluff


Wait, I just read a really nice website 


My geese aren't Hungarian, they're "Canadian." (From China)

The entry I erased had tags from their little blurb.
So as soon as it arrived, I took a photo of the actual tags 
(there are three, but only two fit into the photo).
"Cotton with Teflon"
(20% goose feather)
I'm ok with the Teflon (I think)
No cooking

But (I wrote, then erased
pillows generally are delivered very slowly from very far away. 
If I wrote a fluff-piece on the thing when it finally gets here, would you read it?
I prolly won't, then.
I'll let reddit bombasts do it for me.
I personally don't mind chinese products, I own almost exclusively from them.
 But this guy has a real bug up his butt about chinese.

The next one will hit you in the face (it did me)
Whadda deal, only $1700 for a pillow.

Lice, barf, snot, face-cream, and the delicate shell/covering that you buy a pillowcase for,
make me think $1700 is too outré.

While I waited for the slow-boat-delivery, I did some more research on why my videocard runs slower with newer drivers after August 2024.
It turns out to be more nuanced.
The Card is faster, slightly, but the CPU-test is slower, lowering the test score.

Left, December-adrenalin; Right, August Adrenalin Driver results.

note on the right, August's test "21,450" is slower than DECember driver on the left, 22,005 (it's within a margin of error)
but the CPU-test on the right (august-driver) is much faster than the December (the latest) driver. 15831 vs 13430, and the tests were run within minutes of each other,
with nothing else changed.

Are one of my BIOS settings wrong now, 
or did they shift some load over to the CPU, 
is there anything I can do, 
or is this the new reality?
My first thing I'd like to try is, enable SMT again, just in case I am wrong thinking SMT makes benchmarks slower at 3dmark.
But I'd have to keep switching back to December's driver.
August driver w/ SMT
Dec Driver w/ SMT
3dmark hates SMT
3DMark likes my August Driver.
Don't know why.

Everything back to where it was before I wrote this

I see a pattern, sort of: The card gets all happy but the CPU gets pissed.

If this were some forum I'd be getting advice to overclock this or that, or the other thing. 
This PC was built on an impossibly high amount of money and if anything breaks, it's curtains for the entire PC.
So forget overclocking.

I want to write a blog about bra-commercials.
The ones on the commercials look bullet-proof.
The ones I've seen IRL look like the top of a bikini, all cottony and soft.
OK it's not like they stand there to answer questions about bras, but I was wondering: Why the biggie difference?
No-nonsense bras to keep breasts in line, vs thin printed ones that look like part of a shirt or a pillowcase. It was a fluffy train of thought, which I'd pursue on Google except for all the gossip about how "He likes bras!! Look!!"
I'd rather not know.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

muddled (brodny, Grozny)


 There's this god awful event about a plane going from one town to another, diverted because of fog, and shot down (that's the current rumor, until after the holidays when they can clean up the rumor)

Not Related but similar?

I'm avoiding getting shot down by the judgmental person close by who would sell me to the devil if it helped her juicy gossip-daily, and sticking to events occurring in movies you might see on TV.

But names of places change, depending upon the year and who is in charge.


I might have to delete this muddled quote
because Google refewses to find it again
Dumb as dishwater wikipedia:
But no one speaks it (apparently)
(But a lady in New-england will say it)
Solzha-Gala (sounds a lot like the name of a mall, I swear)

TLDR: "Brodny" equals "Grozny"??
Where is Grozny, where is (see above) Chechnya?

That dinky unlabeled spot on the map is chechnya (according to Google-Maps)

oooh, so trendy (hmm)

 Windows Hello™ got me on a biggie train of thought a few years ago.

Skip forward to today when the thing is literally on its way to the trash because it's so flimsy. 
I created a sort of a bandage to keep it happy, but I am seriously shopping now.
I don't think desktop fingerprint readers ever caught on, or they peaked and are fading away.

But that's just an opinion.
"Don't use your thumb," 
people warn, but that's the only digit that seems to fit without twisting my arm.

They'd rather you bought an entire system for a thousand than let you do add-ons.
But (mean-teacher mode) let's review
No Batteries
No headphones 
no external readers

It's all for your protection, I am sure.
(Exfiltrate THIS)

Capacitive, optical, Ultrasonic?
Tap or swipe?
HOTP/Fido2 capable?
I just read (and totally forgot) what HOTP is.

"What is HOTP, what is TOTP & what is the big difference?

There are two options when it comes to OTP. Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) based One-Time Password or HOTP for short and Time-based One-Time Password or TOTP for short. HOTP uses an event-based OTP algorithm which executes and invalidates during an event counter once a user uses the code. TOTP uses a time-based OTP algorithm which executes and invalidates from a specific time counter, once the countdown of time-to-use hits zero. Duo now has both options available for users, with our recommendation to move strictly to TOTP once your organization can (we will discuss how to achieve this below)."
So depressing. 
I hate over-the-shoulder spies, (way different manifesto)...
So My bright-bulb idea long ago was to buy a password-less device,
A dongle/doohickey/thing that would recognize only me.
But it only works 65% of the time, and the rest of the time it wants a PIN.
Plus it (the thing) is made of the cheapest plastic available, and the plastic broke.
ToTP , for those times you have a phone that isn't damaged or temporarily lost,
or is that NFC?
I'm guessing (totally) fingerprints never caught on, less profit margin.

"Thanks to EU"? 
I missed something.
(Bah, republicans)
Pick a choice, someone hates it.
(Two reviews, and positive ones get more weight?)
Do you ignore them, damn your torpedoes,
Buy it anyway?
The above (SidePass) looks like it might break too easily, would clog the space needed for USB devices.

I found a model I kind of like,
but it has zero reviews.
I must have a soft-spot in my heart for unloved Amazon products with zero reviews.
They are always quirky (there's always been a reason they're unloved.)
Well anyway:

But it's cute, like a puppy in a pet shop.
Windows 11 picks it up as a "Chipsailing" device.
And, in fact, if you install the latest driver by date (which is a lower-revision than the previous release) it stops working.
If you force a driver on this little thing (from the update catalog) it... doesn't like it, and goes on strike.
For the record, the working-version that Windows automatically installs is, 9/6/2023.
The other driver (3/2024) must be wrong somehow.

The error in my picture is not solved, something is wrong but no one cares.

Chipsailing has a somewhat confusing site...I was unable to quickly verify it is one of their products, or to find any drivers from them.
On the other hand, Flywise doesn't seem to have a specific driver windows would like anyway, and windows prefers the Chipsailing one.
All these readers come from China anyway and (I suppose) will be extinct soon...
It matters, sort of, because the device can gladly hold all your passwords, if you'd trust it to.
Here, read the blurb on the box:
Eight Hundred Passwords

I think that's great, I just, um, don't trust it. Well for a few reasons, on cop shows the NSA/FBI/whoever breaks the encryption in seconds. So why do they need passwords?
To make it easier, I guess. 
(The rest of the specs are mostly unreadable to me, 
and I discount them as showing off, 
especially with a third-party driver.)

I'm noting that everyone else everywhere uses "508dpi" 
but then you have to define "Modern." More modern than my iffy reader before this one? It was like gambling in Vegas to get it to work, before it finally quit.
If THIS one quits, presumably it'll still be good for the eight-hundred passwords.

The fingerprint reader I already own (the decrepit one, remember?)
died last week, in such a weird way. It appears to work but is functionally blind.
FlyWise replaced it. FlyWise appears to work very well, but only time will tell.

for reference only, alt-numpad-Plus, 2122=™ or (if it's easier) HTML mode, "Ampersand trade semicolon"