SIMS 4 (Don't call the crazy-house yet)
Agenda Smith (or "Jones") is a fantasy I just made up,
an extremely attractive-to-you woman with only mundane everyday goals on her mind.
What makes this woman so special is, someone told her when she was little that
- guys never know what you're thinking, therefore
- they need to be told exactly what to do,
- everyone goes gaga for unemotional beings (so strive to be unemotional while maintaining incredible hotness)
She'd keep insecure guys begging to know what she wants, try not to smile.
Apparently (because it's a fantasy) she gets to tell you what to do like some pushy nurse. Except unlike most nurses, she's hot and you have a chance.
And since she's unemotional, she won't endlessly recriminate you when she's in a bad mood (she'll simply state she's in a bad mood and needs "me-time")
In deference to societal norms, she'll wear an angora-type sweater, have yard-long straight hair with bangs (very very light hair) and blue eyes she changes to brown or dark hazel using contacts, for that hypnotic effect.
If you're ignoring her lately she goes out to buy ever more expensive and enhancing makeup until you're entranced once again, which makes her happy (but she'd never ever say that, it's in a vault with her age, likes/dislikes and monthly cycles)
Google!! Teenage actress 80's:
OK sure, I'm repetitive (and unclear, apparently) but I have my reasons!
No. Yes. (I don't know, "Cute but wrong") |
Too obvious, too succubussy, (don't gaze on this picture too long) |
A very young actress from (1990, 1980, ???) looked precisely like her, in her blue-track-suit, but what was the movie, or the plot?
Why does she just stand there in my head, she must have said something??
Yes!! OK the shock of then-to-now threw me but she's still got it (in the photo anyway) |
OK forget her, this isn't her, and the actress was prolly too dramatic anyway.
A word, a phrase, o nevermind, you never say what you're thinking, it keeps the suspense going.
(What Suspense? I'm going to die of a heart-attack, if this ulcer doesn't kill me first)
(I'm working on my tenses and my pronouns, I have not mastered them.
Everyone not me is "You", and the general human race (including me) is "you",
and everything happens in the present tense, or the future.
It was more, now it's less, so I looked up "why". |
You can't write a "post script" except in a letter; everywhere else it's an edit for the truly lazy who don't want to rewrite the whole entire thing.
The above actress has had a stroke, in an article I didn't really read.
Wait! Train of thought leaving the station:
Does a stabbing intolerable pain count as a stroke?
A pain that comes to you every 45 seconds?
I wasn't timing them but it sure seemed like around that long.
Hers was a for-real, honest-to-god stroke,
and she's rich,
and has a family, and was on a plane,
so it's a big deal that made it to a newspaper.
Mine could be a joke on some doctor's lips but it won't be, because I will never mention it, A pain on the tip of my useless leg while laying in bed.
Strangest thing, though, I swear.
Don't ya hate how confident people are? "It's your spine." Well, it shouldn't have gone away, and since when does a spine act exactly like some slow moving clock?
But if you're right, I shoulda been looking for popcorn kernels or wrinkled sheets pressing on my back, not wasting time massaging my legs.
Unless it was "referred Pain", something else you're all so confident about.
I Don't wanna get too specific, but the old bromides about "Diet, Exercise" don't work.
Wait, We have more
bromides!! What, you thought we'd leave you in the lurch, bromideless?
Smoking!! That bad-boy there is good for a few rounds of bullshitiness.
Black!! (o. so, nevermind)
(um) Pancreas!!
Gallstones! (wait, your leg, You say?)
The bromides and household tips to be had from the internet probably include inaccuracies. Hell, I don't know your politics, I only needed an intro to a parent having her kid "huff" Isopropyl alcohol (10%?) as an experiment to see if the kid would start seeing stuff or at least get sleepy. Wait, *why* was this important?
Because there are six-zillion kinds of alcohol, each with its own folklore and internet web-pages.
Same with Pain.
Fuck the damn pain, they don't know, don't care, and would lie if they knew for political-correctness sake.
I'm pretty sure huffing rubbing-alcohol wouldn't help.
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