
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Concrete in Sims 4

 This blog never tries to sell anyone anything, unless you wanted to trade for...anyway, no ulterior motives, no heroic acts of salesmanship.
But that seems to be what you want, that and being proud you didn't buy off of amazon.
I want to know how to remove concrete stains from my "Sims 4,"
 an impossibly-hard subject to google.
Someone thought that it would be cute if lightning struck sidewalks every few seconds, especially around where people have property.
But they don't have any way to remove it.
There are people who want to tell you how to remove ""cat puke," how to use Draino for stains.
This is a fantasy-game, you'd think there's an easy cheat I just haven't discovered yet.

A moderator in some forum explains he isn't perfect.
(what is that, bile rising in my throat, or is that a literary trick to reveal that I do not like them?)

Let's move off moderators and onto bombastic assholes of their day,
One of the most respected statesmen in history, I doubt conservatives fail to revere him in some way (wasn't he a friend of "Daniel Webster" as well?)
Following the link will be a good experience, if you're interested in politics and history at all.

If not, I'm sure I'll come up with another subject from the trainyard in my brain, the day is very young.

I don't know what my morphing dream was, I only know the ending.
I have this biggie-digit clock that changed into a test-meter for around three minutes while my foggy brain tried to figure out what it meant.
I swear I wrote an entire blog-entry with a picture of the reading on top.
Just as I was fulfilling the dream's purpose1, a voiceless whisper said, "Look up H1AC."
So I did.

1.Going to pee

This next bit is tough to explain.
I wrote a semi-topical blog-entry, decided the specific subject matter was boring (and very trackable.)
I erased it (hang on a second):
. . .
 . . .
   . . .

Speaking of being tracked,

18 trackers blocked. On one single site?

One of the creepiest things that ever happened to me was a store where two salesmen strangers knew who I was by sight and greeted me by my first name.
OK maybe I bought something there recently but they were a huge gigantic store.
Now I see that a website uses 18 trackers to know what I'm looking at (that just can't be right, can it??)

OK this last couple lines has nothing to do with anything, no dream, no rebellious teen shooting a mall (hasn't happened yet this year, might not)
It's more to do with that tiresome song, Noel.
The writer needed a rhyme, I think, bell, Israel,
And googling what "Noel" means gets a couple answers.
One site lists the most popular meaning and is tons better than this here blog:

 Years (centuries, eons) ago it might have meant "Birthday" in latin, but once it morphed into French and into "Noel" it pretty-much meant christmas.
So ignore all the naysayers going on about pagan trees on Saturnalia, "Christmas" and Santa are as PC as stuff gets. Least political too, except for the WWI story, and the Dr. Who story about WWI, and the Twilight Zone, um,
And the Mariah Carey song (I always thought it was about a soldier deployed overseas)
Christmas is one of those sweet/sad holidays (I wouldn't actually know, I just heard it usually gets portrayed that way)
And there's an extremely exploitative commercial doing a song of "Silent Night" reminding you not to smoke or drink (cuz you'll die and kill someone), don't forget meth and crack too but nevermind, they don't exist, they're a myth (and they're not taxed)

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