
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

what. (What?)

 Googling news, I got to thinking about my favorite-forum's resident curmudgeon.

This guy is borderline-genius, the way that wild-wild-west episode/movie (whatever) had resident geniuses trying to take over the world.

The covid-thing is manufactured, he says (I'm seriously synopsis-izing)

 because: The illnesses and deaths are blown way out of proportion, what if they're only dying of pneumonia or the flu?

Hysteria hype, "ree" making people paranoid, sicker

So anyway, lump stuff together and you'll find a vast divide on any subject (pick a freaking subject, *any* subject)

It's a trend, Oppose the wingnut/SJW/snowflake.

It's official (AKA "Jim Jordan")

We had them when I was a kid, bombastic and opinionated, and they show up in a few 1943 1937 movies. (older movies, o nevermind)
But the internet wasn't around then. Clubs and associations, no internet.
Stuff happens faster now, I'm thinking, people congeal to form groups to attack each other, like feverish microbes and their antibody-enemies.
(Well, anyway, it's my ROTD of the day, why is everyone so mean or dying or whatever)
Nice people exist in person, but we're all socially isolating and don't meet many of those.

Odd little slow-news-day headline below.
I read 10% and glossed over the rest of the mostly boilerplate article they could have written weeks ago.
The pertinent parts are "What if...?"
Yeah I gotcher "what if" right here. I neglected to look for comments.
slow news day? (originally 12/21, it says)
Seems pointless

In fact, I'm very bad at specifically looking for heavily commented-on pages.
Nope (so far)
But if I happen upon some juicy stereotypical ones that reinforce my ROTD, 
I'll edit some in here.

You can't TIVO dreams. I mean, maybe somewhere in this world, people with very good memories are jotting down what they just dreamed, making millions off of their fantasies.
I have an absolutely terrible memory, and only remember this last bit:

The translators gathered together to teach my father how to relay a conversation from one language to another,
casually, as if people were engaged in conversation, in different languages.
The method was simple, you listened to the language in front of you, and spoke your own language to the person in back of you.
I was there listening to it all, and marveled to the teacher when the demonstration was over, that I didn't understand a word, which was sort of the point.
I stepped outside of the room we were in on the ferry boat, and noticed people avoiding the empty wooden benches and sprawling out on the concrete floor.
It wasn't really crowded, and the benches were empty, and no explanation was forthcoming.
(Now that I'm awake, I realize that there must have been a fine for sleeping on benches.)
Suddenly I was on a crowded bus, and the bus driver was worming his way through crowded highways, avoiding cross traffic by inches.
There were no sidewalks, we used one of the lanes of a large highway.
A man sat in a chair waiting in the underpass, to our right, next to the street vendor selling loaves of bread.
He seemed frightened, looking back at the oncoming traffic.

Then we were groups in line, waiting under the small bridge to be told to proceed to the next waiting group.

Suddenly it was very cold.
A fast-moving group of clouds moved overhead in the gray threatening sky.
Where were we going?
Had I ever been this way before?
I must be lost.
How will I ever get back?

The get-up dream was becoming more insistent.

Yeah, (blah-dee-blah Orwell 1984, wife the guy cheats on wants a wall-sized TV to match the TV on the other wall (for that panoramic 3d effect) But people now don't care if a TV is "wall sized," 
it must be Two-way to count as "telescreen."
So, yeah, smart tvs and cameras on monitors don't count?
Do smart TV's have cameras?
They have microphones.
You mean to tell me NO One ever in the hisstory of the internet thought to write up a snarky blog about this?
NO production meeting sniggered at conned sumers (nevermind, I don't do snarky well)
But I'm googling, not finding, TV's that watch you
Cuz they do.
O nevermind.
"But that's what you wanted"

What about that exercise mirror?
Wasn't that in the "1984" movie?

No one ever dissed Apple and their iTunes privacy policy.
OK I did, but not in a blog or to anyone who cared.
More specifically, straight from the apple itself, and not counting any edward-Snowdens working there,
Bored employees and jealous boyfriends (This next pic is written by lawyers, for gosh sake)

something-something "702" and "Jim Jordan" too

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