
Thursday, December 31, 2020



But here, under my rock, Things are more explainable.
For example, I may have written, and then erased, something about my internet speed.
Peaches and Dulcinea: One (*gasp*) last duty to perform (orphanrocks.blogspot.com)
I put my money where my mouth was and *finally* pressed the "Upgrade" button!
Yay! Or something...
And what did I discover?
That Internet speed doesn't mean jack on my country road of a connection, but once you build a highway,
tons of things need tweaking.
Do the tweaks, and Latency drops, speed goes up.
But *finding* the tweaks (insert superbombastic site here) isn't easy.
The "Upload QOS" shouldn't have anything to do with download speed, right?
Geez, tell that to my router.
Turning Upload QOS *off*
Tweaked my download-speed, and I don't know why.
Don't answer that. (Ahh!!)

Unfortunately that's the best I want to show from speedtest, because my highway is still a country road by your standards...That little speedometer on speedtest was starting slow, changing gears and speeding up.
In the second picture, it starts fast and gets faster.
Nothing by your standards (yours being 400mbps to one gig,) I could grow old while you zoom by at warp speed ("relativity", o nevermind)
But I prolly pay less too.

Rereading this makes a train of thought zoom by so fast that I miss everything.

I'm supposed to do something, say something, *be aware* of something.

O, well.

It almost isn't worth mentioning, but I am unfamiliar with multithread-downloads, because they do not seem suitable for today's high-paranoia server environment.
They have been around for years, and speedtest-sites use them (as advertisements?) to show how fast your speed could be, if you only used multithreading (I am pretty sure no one does, by default.)

The mechanics of downloading, using steam or a mod site, require that you sign in, usually, and a special program that only does downloads might be nice for pirate-wannabes but I only download mods, games and windows-updates.

So: it occurs to me that specifying "Single thread" on a speed test-site might be more practical for people like me.
Yes, I can go very fast but it's pointless sunshine up my butt if I don't use a download manager (and like I said, for the sites I download from, I doubt that they'd work)
But this is thinking-out-loud, not pontificating, and I wish I knew for sure.
The modem already has "Lanes" of communication, a lot like lanes on a freeway, and that's done mechanically, but I don't understand it either. 
Not really.
And the speedtest to your Internet-service-Provider is pretty useless as well, assuming it's working,
because once it works, you'll almost never use it as a gauge of speed (Because you normally download from Pennsylvania or little-rock Arkansas.)
If you can download from one coast to another and still be happy with the speed, you've made it, and life's a ball.

I keep saying I'm bad at math.
My overprotective bank declined my purchase
which pissed off the store I was buying from *so much* they threw me out of their virtual store.

(Now all I have to do is calculate whether they kept my money.)
Because you see, this is all done by computers while real-life employees tweak the crap out of their little computer-kids so they can sneak off to bars and restaurants to grab a beer and they yell, "Stay out of the cookies" before they leave.
If one of those computers should falter, stammer, I might be getting overcharged which would trigger a cavalcade of bounced-ness come monday.

I wrote (You'll just have to trust me or something)
because if you were me you'd know I like the feeling of buying nice stuff.
No such feeling exists this time, 
I'd compare it to maybe being on the deck of a battleship narrowly missing the torpedoes.
Busted arm, fire in the bridge, listing to port (it was a movie, nevermind)
"In Harm's way"

EATX vs. ATX: Which One Is Better in 2020? - Game Gavel

The guy above writes like me, except he's prolly more professional and paid.
"EATX is Bigger" and we could afford nicer restaurants if we all lived in tiny Japanese-style houses,
it's not clear what else his blog says.
EATX was a thing Intel invented to be different, but They abandoned it because too many others jumped on the bandwagon. 
So they made BTX.
(and optane)

They probably have yearly meetings in Vegas to hash over how they can be different.

But I digressed...I sort of meant (This is the depressing part) that my motherboard will be an abandoned size, using abandoned technology, and it will be superseded by the end of this month.

I'll edit this of course when I get the board, and my main thrust will be,
does Timespy run any faster 
or was this paragraph (edited, disjointed and incomplete) prophetic doom?
I am stating for the record that on very good days, this thing will do 11,840.
The memory running faster, a bus with more overhead, *Should* make several points, 
or what was it all about??
EATX because it *fits*, or because it's better???
Nightmare on Window's PC
Changing motherboards isn't supposed to be easy.
If it was, they'd say so. 
No, and since I changed to UEFI,
 I kind of think windows might crash on bootup with indecipherable errors.
Which is fine, I kind of expect that, but all the useful programs will act like my bank and decline me.
So I'm researching, abandoning all hope, that it can be done without arousing the ire of self-righteous programs like the Office, the Paintshop, even the sims.
Yeah, they didn't really take that into account when they passed out that useless platitude, "Reinstall."
They didn't even tell Solitaire (What I'm breaking out of to write this) not to max-out my videocard, and that's an incredibly minor thing (Solitaire uses more power than some biggie game; it acts like when Sims has useless god-rays on the screen)
A wish: For a tiny fee and with accompanying info, you wouldn't back up anything but a license, to be retrieved when the new PC works.
But if you're using an OEM version, that's supposed to be forbidden.
And if you're using the free version, the chipset on the new motherboard might freak 
("Ommmmmm, I'm telling")
Hence a reinstall, and Usually unsuccessful license renewals 
(I replace tons, and my last gaffe (UEFI reinstall) 
might piss off the minion programs for quite a while.)
I'd edit this for clarity but why
They don't.
Why should I?
Corel Paintshop is the worst in this regard.
Next comes office, with their limited license-renewals.
Sims doesn't actually care, as long as you can log into an account, but it needed to be re-downloaded last time, 10 gigabytes or so.
I'm not sure but I thought I heard someone say something about backing up the registry, and this could work, maybe (I've never done it, and I would not know where to start)

Yeah, for one key, but what about the entire registry?

Plus, this assumes the lack of any chipset-freaking (see above)
and UEFI-law-enforcement, and minion programs detecting a fishy thing 
(They won't be sure what, they'll just decline to run on general principle)

If a person can watch that video, they already have a working PC (or maybe a cellphone)
And plus I need to go watch it (I'll edit-it-out if it's useless)
AND I need to remember to hook up my dead-phone (no phone-plan) to my router.
Ya, I'm gonna be busy for the next few days thinking up ways to bypass their paranoia and obfuscations.

Did I mention "BIOS"?
yeah, the PC has to sort of work, not be overclocked or nervous, and it (usually) needs to be updated from early-last-year when half the board was busted (so that's why the update.)
If I install the lastest-fastest (A beta on my old board, a beta on my new board)
Well, I might be feeding the hungry dumpster.
I do not know if, on an unfamiliar new board's BIOS, I'll mistype a UEFI setting that makes the OS even more paranoid....I might be overthinking this.

I don't understand this next picture, but, It seems tons more topical than my future hypothetical woes.

You can't trust Big-ass companies to send updates, it seems to say, which makes you kind of wish for the 90's, when really fast, mostly dumb (and offline) computers existed.
But today's hacker was a 90's kid.
OK forget I said anything.
If I was important enough and popular enough, people'd know where I live and what to vandalize,
so being an anonymous rock dweller whose biggest problem is a double-typing non-remote keyboard, has its advantages.


("Solar whut??")
Zoe who? She's getting a divorce?
There was another Harry-potter movie?
O, a prequel

Random quote from an actor in the Prequel to the Prequel.

I didn't know until five seconds ago that critics like "Golden compass" better, 
that "Golden Compass" looks so much like "Neverending Story" that 
when I googled both movies, 
it turns out that Amazon bundles them together, 
and that there was more than one "Neverending story"-movie.

None of this is necessary but it shows what following a train of thought can do to a blog.

What to do during a system-image-backup:
WTF, "count your fingers," for something to do?

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