
Monday, January 4, 2021


 A.M.D., random thoughts of the day:

AMD got to where it was being cheaper and nearly as good as Intel.
Plus chicks dug them in forums.
But that was long-long ago. 
Then they bought ATI and a rumor went around somewhere around then, that AMD would stop making standalone CPUs and start really focusing on APU's (A cpu with a graphics-card inside)
Someone changed their mind or the guy saying that fell off of the map, I don't know.
Anyway, they were underdogs, rebels against the evil empire.

Then Lisa Su came along, Zen came along, whatever, and I don't want to state what I started out to state, 
that prices for an underdog got awful damn high.
Intel has a head bigger than the room, but is AMD getting an ego boost as well?
Or (insert politically correct reasons)

"3950" is so last year, even before that.
*I'm* getting a swelled head thinking that my CPU still has value,
but if things remain as they are, there might not be much point continuing with AMD.
Well, unless you count the fact that I just bought an AMD motherboard that won't amortize for at least three years (assuming it works at all)
As ROTD's go this one is very random even for me, but I don't have much to do till the end of the week or so.
Maybe figure out what's wrong with my overpriced keyboard.

Part of it (a small part) might be the keycaps bottoming out before the keyboard can register a key.
But the other part, the depressing part, is the way some keys register as double-presses.
I can't seem to find a vendor that will show you the bottom of the keycap he's trying to sell.
This bombastical page won't tell you what those little crosses are called

and this vendor won't show you what the keycap looks like underneath the key.

These would not cure double-presses but they'd look real purty.

These look nice but I'm creeped out by the name "pudding."
Is that a brand or a type of a key??

From being richer than Caligula to poorer than a church-mouse, overnight. 
O well, I can window-shop

I just discovered that googling when a typical package gets picked up from a typical store's warehouse, cannot be googled easily.
Is it 2-3pm or much, much later (after the warehouse has officially closed)?
They (at least with USPS) give you a tracking number but the number is useless, telling you that your package stopped off in Brazil for a short vacation, before boarding an SST or maybe the moon-shuttle to land next door a few hours later.
Do they guffaw when you pay extra for shipping?
"Whadda Maroon"
They say it magically went out sometime last night, in the very wee hours of the morning...
We're talking Wee.
So maybe it was picked up yesterday afternoon, but wasn't recorded until now?
I don't know.
I've always had a suspicion that tracking is obfuscated for security reasons.

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