
Saturday, January 23, 2021

Linux wysiwyg

 One of the reasons Linux is so popular is it's so hard to use, so clubby and full of little acronyms.

The command-line-interface, don'tcha know. 

I'm being told Don'tcha is really Doncha

(which is also being flagged)

Clubby words and phrases are hard to grasp, at least for me.

Which is why I'm here to feel my way in the dark for a GUI for WSL (a windows-like OS for Linux, as run inside windows)

GUI Linux on Windows is Coming. WSL finally gets a display server | by Al Williams | For Linux Users | Medium

Anyway, forging on, I shall now attempt to edit something:

I dare you (I dare you) to successfully do exactly what the guy in the below-link typed, because it's plain wrong (App runner bat vs runner app bat), and no one pointed out his typo.
All this is so unnecessarily complicated and easy to mistype, no wonder no one does it, they just ask in a superuser-thread or buy a full working installation.
But I could not sleep wondering about this, and it probably is technically feasible, just like it's possible to print money or build a rocketship to space.

An eternity in hell I'll never get back, and if I could sue, I would:

You don't care, you don't have to, but the man was very clear and concise, and totally wrong:
A variable requires a dollar-sign to be a variable in Linux, or in Ubuntu, whatever.
Type it like *he* did and you'll get "WSL_DISTRO_NAME" and slowly go insane trying to figure out why.

NANO is an editor that does not work the way they say, and you cannot edit certain files with anything else, it's a permissions-thing.
In other words, adding a line because someone tells you to, instead of adding it themselves (Yeah I know, "Teach a man to fish", fuck you) 
is damned near impossible, so far.

I basically just gutted this, because there are know-it-all's pontificating about Linux and its spawn,
and then there's WSL.
WSL cannot be edited as easily as normal linux, so when all those free advice-givers tell you to type something, it might not work because:
They mistyped and are too lazy to correct their typos, or:
They are speaking about a full version vs WSL.
Nano, the text editor, looks way different on my screen than theirs.
It has no helpful hints, there is no file (At all, nothing, only a prompt " >"

It's not at all clear why I need to open up my firewall and allow anyone through.
Or download gobs just to be able to see anything on the screen (which has been unsuccessful so far).

OK let's get nitty-gritty, 
I want to edit a file , something similar-sounding to "Bash.rc" only that's not the name, but it's close.
It's easy as pie, right? No!! The file can be edited but try and save it!
hours WASTED because a perfectly good and working editor (notepad) cannot be used, an unusable editor must be used.
Someone please tell me why or if this makes any sense

I think I vaguely remember wanting a GUI several eternities ago, and in truth I care no longer, they seem to  revel in all the convoluted bullshit.
So this is their idea of GUI?? What's next, a kitty who says "Hang in there Baby"?

(only) one app at a time? And my modem died trying to figure that out, coincidence? Or are the wild wildebeests sniffing my signal. I am so hungry...It's a side-effect. Imagine wasting tons of gas stuck in a rut on the side of a road...

The diaper-load of Edge-errors does not keep it from starting up.
Let's see how far that goes, hmm.

I've been ignoring since last night, these HUGE pauses getting onto the internet, 
after which it seems fast enough.

Anyway, Here I am, in as close to linux as I've gotten in around twenty years, typing a sentence.
It's not cartoons or movies (I gotta try that next, solitaire in Linux? Youtube in Linux??)

What the hell am I in, anyway? Windows but emulating Linux, which is emulating windows (so's I can type this)
And a couple of notes: I did not need to sign in to edit this. But I'm not really in a standalone OS, my big-brother "windows" is standing next to me as I order my candy.
2nd, instead of just typing "Microsoft-edge" and going to Microsoft's front news page (riddled with fox-news-stories), I *could* just type "Microsoft-edge http://www.google.com" (without the quotes) and land up on a relatively empty google-page.
I'm still getting lots of errors when "edge" starts up, they're unreadable and unrepeatable...I don't know what to say, it's trying to tell me something,
 the same way a ghost tries to send messages.
I wanted to add in a line or two here about my cluelessness  with so-called current events.
"Dance Moms"?? 
Seriously, you *watch* that stuff?
The ones who belt out any song like it was a gospel-spiritual, those athletes climbing on stuff, and (especially) dancers, and women looking for husbands, are at the way-bottom of my things to watch.
I used to like a fashion-show because some of the judges were hot.
Nina somebody.
But I wouldn't care if a kid on a show was gay. It's just, it's aggravating when they splash some name I've never heard of "Xynthia goes to Mars" Who?

You'll never really know how difficult it was to upload that photo.
Anyway, she's worth hearing about. The people you pick don't rate.

Now, I must (I am compelled) to find a video, any video, watch it in a wsl-window, then upload it here (in wsl) if possible.

Back in windows, a day later, I got to wondering about affordable electronics and if they still have any.
The 6800/6800xt don't exist, despite the crap I've been reading (they're affordable *and* they exist.)
Well OK you remember your state during the election?
No one else does either.
A woman of color probably appeared on your TV to tell you that your vote mattered, and then they abandoned you (they still wanted the money.)
So I think it is with video cards and processors, they really do exist, in small quantities, they really are cheap, especially if you're a reviewer.

I'd very much like to sell my NH-D15 heatsink, it's useless to me.

Ahh! I see!! I have a D15 but they make a model with one single fan and they tacked on the "S"!!

These are not available where I live, it must be a drug-thing.

I don't know anyone who wants one. Maybe it'll be a nice unwanted christmas present next year.

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