
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

WMM, a note

 Router, section: QOS, WMM
WMM is a little hard to spot on my router, if you don't know where to look,
Anyway, my wireless speed was total crap, and as far as I could tell, I was only connected at 802.11g speeds.
Speedtest called out 25mbps.
Now It's around three times faster.
This goes contrary to a typical forum, where they say it shouldn't make a difference or will make stuff worse.
WMM - What's really the side affect for turning this off? | Tom's Hardware Forum
In which a guy complains about pauses in a wireless game. He's told WMM is useless for home users.
I tend to disagree, but then I haven't experienced his pauses (yet).
QOS is supposed to be great, but on my router it's not so great, it just slows stuff down.
TLDR disable QOS, Enable WMM.
I must have researched this months ago, to make my guest-network the crappiest on the planet to avoid wifi-hunters.
Thinking I'd never need it, except like now, for an hour or to watch something on chromecast.
I think I meant well but I regret I ever disabled WMM, because with my bad memory, 
I forgot what made it slow. So, this note was born, for some future me.

You pay HOW much?? Geez.
I need a rich relative to hook it up for me (inside joke, nevermind)

I'm old and forgetful but yer stewpid (lol)

'Tone-deaf': Readers respond to YouTube TV's 30% price increase (usatoday.com)

If I wanted to watch a movie or a season of a series, couldn't I just buy the movie/series?
For tons cheaper. But I never buy movies. although I would not mind buying "Dr.Who."
This keyboard's had it, I've given it enough chances. I wonder (how the hell would I know) if ALL cherry MX keyboards eventually die like this one or if it's a power-supply-thing.
Maybe it's pissed I don't have the amperage.

Buried in windows-settings is an option to increase the keyboard-delay before repeating any key.
OK, I don't know if it works yet. But it's something free to try.
The return key still doesn't return,
and my fix of stuffing paper into the little hole so it doesn't bottom-out hasn't worked (I still need to google how to remove it without breaking it). "F" doesn't work or it types double.
But since I'm such a bad typist anyway maybe I'm bitching for nothing.
Ten corrections were made to the above paragraph (two more just noww)
Ah, shit.

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