
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

MSI prequel to the saga

You wouldn't think that a working heatsink ("Noctua" Big-Bootie NH-D15) would have problems fitting into a new motherboard, right?
It doesn't fit, no way no how. (MSI MEG X570 GODLIKE EATX AM4 Motherboard Compatible CPU Coolers - PCPartPicker lies like a dirty dog, the NH-D15 is listed on a compatibility page)
Someone said to "Grind it down", and I have no grinder or any other power tool from a PBS show. 
So I wonder how difficult it would be to break off a few fins, but then of course the fans would not fit.
So then, Liquid Cooled??
Entry-level? Geezus so what's the "pro" version cost??

O. (An AC would be cheaper, hmm)

OK fucket, I'm clumsy and slightly slow, and I love this cooler, 
which is a teeny version of the NH-D15. Overhyped Crap I already have plenty.
Because (fucket) and summer is coming.

For whatever-the-hell reason, my big-assed NH wasn't super cool although it's definitely quieter than stock. And if a guy ignored the quietness and bought a madman-fan, well that could work, hmm.

NVME Slot!!
The third NVME slot shares bandwidth with the video card.
Now whether you notice a difference is arguable, and you won't find this mentioned anywhere in the manual, you just find out later.
After going to sleep and then waking up, the fans idle happily while the system gets real toasty.
Recommend a reboot after a nap, but you do what you want.

GDM: "Gear Down Mode" should work, does not, at my settings, rocky though they may be.
Setting it firmly to "2T" command rate makes it run perfectly (for at least an hour)


This motherboard's speed is damn near identical even at 3466-DDR, so far. No wait, it got better (I got better, it's the same as it was, o nevermind)

Lastest setting first: 

(the same or much worse? I'll edit this later) I've got one in safemode (this program seems to change by the second)

A picture below is from safemode.

Below that is the one I ran in normal windows, and I have no explanation for the "L4" cache.

A picture below That is from when I first got the mobo (I am not sure about the bios-revision though)

This new editor is different, it literally shrinks down pictures I send. Trust me, those unreadables say it's almost the same.

I'm sick of this keyboard, I propose I play Caligula and switch to my other "Peel the grapes, bring me the head" keyboard, which also double-types, but not as much.

The motherboard announces "VGA Error" just before it boots normally, and yes, those are actual words, on the actual motherboard, not some error code, nor a message on my Monitor.

You'd think from all the results on Google that this is common. The motherboard dutifully reports the error, thinks nothing of it and boots anyway.

I was about to type it says "meh" and boots anyway but since this motherboard actually talks (through a message) that would be misleading.

Eventually it just says "good job" and has a dragon fighting kung-fu masters.

and no, that's no fantasy, it actually does that.

I wish it would diagnose my keyboard, hmm

Unfortunately, "cinebench" is getting more and more unhappy with each new tweak I try.

Topical movie quote here 

Happy ending, Tweaks from my much older and cheaper motherboard are paying off.
The difference is that my memory can run faster (how much faster remains undetermined at this second)
so, almost as good as yesterday's mobo.
Ahh, Bliss (until it breaks) @ safemode

CPU-Z, that snooty bastard which always says I run 95%-normal, says (in safemode):
Bliss (100.0001% normal)

This motherboard was *tons* easier to set up, it didn't lapse into a coma for a week.
OK, it sort of fell asleep deeply, but that was a nap, not a coma.
And those messages are nice.
What has dubious value is all the overclocking features that didn't really work well, but changing manually values made it (and me) happier.

But at least according to 3dmark, (this should be edited, it's old news already) there's little difference.

The ending to chapter one is a happy one, prime95 eventually ran for over an hour with no errors, which is all I ever ask for.

If I had to bottom-line all this, So far this motherboard is tons more fun than the old one but functionally, they appear identical. (except now my NVME can run full-speed, which is fantastic)
Running memory faster looks identical too.
Amateurs overclocking vs grizzled veteran tweaking timings, I'd have to vote for the grizzled guy, speaking as a rank-amateur.
But (to use a midi analogy) am I listening to an organ-grinder and his monkey or a cathedral's pipe organ? I haven't used half what the new board can do.
(seriously, the "Microsoft midimapper" truly sucks)
Timespy is pissed off again, it's in a mood and cannot break out of half-speed.
(I uninstalled it, reinstalled it,  and it straightened up for at least one test)


"Heaven" 4.0 seems happy (average)
I'll come back (to write yet another chapter in the never-ending saga)

Parrots!! "rawrr, might vary"
Humbug, it's one of those things you'd need an oscilloscope to use
boost ram read speeds and lower latency with ryzen 3 | TechPowerUp Forums
And a post from an old guy (He writes old anyway).Without ever seeing the BIOS settings he spouts knowledge-arcane from the old ways.
Yes, fires burn forests, gamma rays are harmful, The world will end eventually. What specifically is "Slew"?
Why is slew an option to try and who would want to try it? (O nevermind)

Folderol, balderdash (stereotypical wiki)

clock amplitude: It's stronger, faster, we have the technology!!
Clock ORT?? Lemme guess, (I guess badly) you s t r e t c h the clock slightly.
and ORT is "Orthogonal Rise time", but don't quote me.
Clock Slew: You encourage the clock to rise slower, fall slower.
BEEEcause: You can almost reach an unreal-clock-setting, but not quite.
if you could just stretch it a little, make it slower (a teeny bit)
You might get there.
Geez. I hate parrots.

I'm all done with the normal settings, 
eg "2*RTP=TWR" or maybe "TWTR+TRRD=TWR" etc,
Whut?? tck,hmm Rereading, TWR depends upon TWR divided by the clock.
Seriously, whut???
Oh. When you put it THAT way, what can I say (walks away slowly)

and no one really knows what the super-secret clubby ones do 
"MSI Enhanced", etc
And (dammit) I need to go offline now and try to rest while prime95 judges my settings, it's a PITA.

nanosecond (ns) is an SI unit of time equal to one billionth of a second, that is, ​11 000 000 000 of a second, or 10−9 seconds.

so let's totally guess that a tck is 0.83ns (because, what the f)
and TWR(min) is 10.
wait, I got lost, is tck .57 or 0.83?? 
What is the min of TWR?
OK fucket, "Prime95" says I'm good albeit sloe
and 12 minimum divided by 0.5 is 24, fucket, somewhere between 21 and 24.
And that guy saying "twr should not be more than 12" is running godlike ddr4's or something.

Keyboard dying quick. Real quick.
You can't just write, it must be stylish, but I thought it would be rude to call 3dmark a faithless whore.
Question: Throttling? Limit on Tests?

Faithless yes, but society is to blame (it's best when cold.)
Bah, Humbug/fucket

and, what should a person buy, besides a working keyboard?
Ah, I've always enjoyed DIMMS, and my stock of DIMMS living in the closet is getting very low.
Slots A2 and B2 (2 and 4)? One wonders

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