
Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 Train: "House" episode, "Tuberous sclerosis" (not "tubular")

And while I waited for the episode to *finally* die and blow away so I could look it up, 
I fantasized about definitions in my head.
Crocodile-like skin on your organs, like your spleen and liver.
I would have failed a test but I wasn't far off, or I am severely misinterpreting wikipedia.

What the hell does "Tuberous" mean?

Imagine living in a backwards society (arizona) where they called you a wiiiithch!!! for having strange fingernails.
But I still don't know what a tuberous is, except it must be a type of sclerosis.

He gets paid 150K/yr to say "ous" means "Like, as or similar"

A nurse told me recently she hates "smart boys", and I don't think she was wishing the world were more retarded, she just didn't like people talking like my picture.

The Mesoderm and exo/endo-yada-whatevers are just fancy names for the layers of the skin.
Jane Seymour knows lots more about connective tissue than me.
I'm still lost, probably *will be* for a while.

Here's something way more practical: why are garages so incredibly teeny and small (and hard to park in?) OK maybe I bit off way more than I want.
But could a half court fit into a garage?

If the garage is too big, ping-pong tables grow and desks, Big TV's and couches.
A garage needs to be barely big enough or people will nest there (ping pong thingies, etc)
But if you truly could run your own life, parking your car next to a bowling alley would be so cool.
Your body only needs to fit into a squished twin bed but your car needs space.

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