
Friday, March 19, 2021

catchy title boring


It doesn't look right either way.

For years (up until recently) My spelling sense tingled whenever I saw a word that's spelled wrong, and I'd browse the spelling rules in my head.

"sceptic" has a silent "c," one rule says. Sounds like "Septic/Scepter," That can't be right.

"Skeptic" looks greek. Can't be right.

Bah Humbug, I'm sckeptical in my old age. But you are all as well. "The second coming" never happened, the war dragged on forever, Trump lost, it's not one thing but a whole bunch of stuff thrown at a person.

So I'm in an elevator, and some guy is stage whispering to his platonic friend that he can't stand the passive smell of my clothes.

He didn't stop to think how insensitive he was, or the overpowering Lysol-type smell, he immediately blamed the smell of cigarettes for the thirty seconds we were in this smelly elevator. You can't legislate decency.

All the history books in the world don't wash away the real estate colors of this place (a non specific area proving at least to me that birds of a feather flock together (it's a meme, look it up)

But the guy, the insensitive guy, could have held his breath for thirty seconds. 

But my point is lost on your point of view, about racism, smoking, political nonsense, why try?

I was only wondering about "Skeptical," BOTH are right, but try saying that at some party.


"Vaccines are dangerous,"

"The benefits outweigh the risks"

"Stop the steal"


But there is a congealing, a "valency", around certain subjects:

Masks are useless; vaccines, dangerous, Trump won, unconstitutional closings, no one needs money.

Masks help, vaccines help, social distancing helps, Trump lost.

I'm not going to lump profile and generalize (I just did but whatever)

So, news from anti-vaxxers heavily invested in theme parks, vs (everyone else)


They know when they'll send my money! O, this is no example, I'm just editing-in a happy update that I'll try to keep skeptical.

They'll send it soon!

Why "soon"? (My given date is redacted, I'm skeptical of my readers), why not "Now" (yesterday?)

OK *now* you *really* got me paranoid...

Will snow White wear a mask, will "Goofy" (the giant cosplayer person)?

It's a non-sequitur-train I got from re-reading this...I suppose Goofy is already wearing a mask, but Snow White only has her makeup to protect her.

Prolly a clear-plastic face shield, right?


My money won't be going to Disneyworld or land.

USG still pissed at China, but more importantly, China is pissed at the US (the mainland country's government, just so we're clear) but Taiwan has vowed to fiercely defend their island from China, and Taiwan is who makes video-cards... (a link, because I needed one or look foolish)

It could be $99.95 and open Beer-cans, it's out of Stock so does it matter?



Stay away from the tar!!

And seafood.

People who say "shhh" with pointy fingers

bombastic "preppers"

touchy feminists

Marriage is overrated.

Did I miss any? Tons.

https://www.etsy.com/market/death_toy, part of a train of thought (what's with pinhead dolls??)

Two notes (more later)

The little buildings in the tar kept reminding me of super-mario, even though I've never actually played that game. I never mentioned it beeeecause, you would all make fun. But now that they brought it up in-game, I guess it's OK.

I want to youtube one of the end scenes, which wasn't really the end, it's like a movie that plays too long. Because First there was that beach-TV show I never watched, "Baywatch", then some incongruous crap about the president...Point being my focus got lost because I was trying to screen-capture a decent picture for this blog, so I missed the transition between "Baywatch" and the scene with Bionic Woman.

Horrible screenshot, I know, but the scene kept changing.

"Stay here," was the last line, and then it all went to shit.

I'm getting a lecture from Deadman (which will finish if my PC doesn't crash, it's on "Pause"


Beaches!! (LoL)

"Luke, I Am the Beach"



O. "Sam's Club" nobody mentioned it, but buying in bulk from a club called Sam's must've been on a writer's mind.

I forgot to google "Sam's Club" and if it exists still.

I prolly forgot 49 other references to places or movies. (edit: five or six titles of what look like movies are in the credits, but "Dr . Strangelove" is the only one I remember)

I predicted the picture below in Chapter 1, it's "Bioshock infinite" all over again, but they wanna put on a lecture-presentation, and I can't save for later (I Can't Save!! "We are in hell")


Run to the white lady...
The Speech

I swear I must have bought the "Director's cut"

Biggie drama speech after the Speech

Post-movie, Lou=Louise, plus "Episode 15"

Tomorrow! I love ya, Tomorrow!

You're only a daaaay awaaay.

NOT The end



Memories were locked for me.

I was beginning to wonder at the pointless futility, the "Good job"-faint-praise with dead eyes from the warehouse-managers. 
For true aficionados of pizza delivery, ghosts and gangs, uh, but it's pointless, go home "Game over" "reset" as Higgs would say.

This game (unfortunately) is damn-interesting ONCE and after that it's like some movie you bought that can be played and replayed forever, but the meaning gets lost.
It turns into "sims" after that.

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