
Thursday, March 25, 2021


 Being old I know I'll die or slip and crack my skull on the sink, maybe soon.
Why should they crack jokes about my twilight-zone of a gnarly grotesque bathtub??
Plus it would look gross in the newspaper photos...
CLR works, kind of.....Sort of, I'd give it a "B" for effort, better than "C".
once it's mixed with water, abandon all hope (apparently) although it's the way they say to use it.
OK, Vinegar, lemons, salt...
Ya know, I did that, years ago, it helps loosen scale you then need to scrape (waking the *dead* scraping a metallic tub)
O...k...How's about, one part CLR, One part Vinegar, and Lemon to taste.
Season with salt.
I'll let ya know....eventually.

Wishlist: Something CLR does, but in paste-form. Like, some acidic gel.

acid...Maybe (if I did all that) I'd die sooner rather than later...'k, maaaayyybe, Toilet-cleaner on the walls, the above recipe on the tub-floor (but bleach and anything else is deadly)

o......k....uhm......."vaseline" and CLR, lemons, vinegar and salt.

Google CLR paste, ignore the reddit posts about scotch-taping paper-towels taped to the tub walls.

Just as paint-thinner cleans grease off of walls, and kills bugs to boot,

MAYBE this next picture might be just a thing (because I don't know what "Just the thing" would be.)

Except, it cannot be shipped (wwwhhaaaaTT??)

ok never fucking mind, I'll uhm keep looking

I haven't actually tried ordering from anyone else.. Would Walmart cancel my card, would Amazon say "There was a problem with your order"?

I'm confused, (insert confusing sentence here)

https://www.theday.com/article/20111106/usr04/111109760 says it might work.

Please see previous blog entries ("ranters", "skeptical," "Hot nuts")
Scrub *anything* hard enough and it's bound to work eventually (*sigh*)

O. OK (whatever) Why can't I get it at CVS/Rite-Aid? Nevermind.
At least amazon has it (I'm not happy but I'm hopeful as hell)

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