
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

searchapp.exe yada blah whatever

 You can google this well-known error...


Near as I can figure, the little white box on the left-hand-bottom of the windows 10 screen checks online for everything, which (they say) if you disable, should work.

Only it doesn't.

Wanna know what does??

You keep pressing the windows-key and typing some damned letter (eg,"P") into the search box which crashes 6 out of 7 times until it finally stops browsing the internet and pays attention to whatcher typing.

If you follow religiously all the regedits and hocus pocus you'll prolly break something; *My* method is safer.

Welcome to version "21343."

Now, I know that the version-numbers have nothing to do with the real world except maybe some code for the year and the day,,,,(maybe)

but *I* always associate them with past years.

21337: '37 was in the middle of a depression, people went hungry a lot.

21343 '43, in the middle of a biggie war, rationing was in effect, things were hard to buy.

Sound familiar?

(No? OK forget it, nevermind, sorry I brought it up, %$#@)



It's important or insignificant, Doom awaits or I'm flustered for nothing:

Windows is taking an extraordinary amount of time to get to the desktop, it's as if it's waiting or checking for something online. We're talking mere seconds and no one busy enough to actually have something meaningful to do would notice.

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