
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

What's topical

 Several things I just can't or won't write, mainly my finances and my budget,

So stop catcalling me from just within earshot. No I can't hear you but I get the gist.

Which is: I have no business buying a game, ever.

Yada too much $$, I don't play well enough, should get a console, and so on.

*which* console, which games are only for that console, how much is a console-game usually, what accessories (eg, "optional cables") would I need...


Here's a decent game, excuse all the rants about crashing.

No one could have known what the game was about or what it looked like, til they bought it, and I wonder, was it the endearing title? A newer version of GTA?

Wait, the game has been around for two months and they're changing it...
$60 to get killed a lot wouldn't be fun.

"Bioshock" looks nice, old though.

but I played "Bioshock infinite" and I liked it a lot.

That's the one about the preacher building a city circa 1890 and mad scientists experimenting on a guy's brain (right?)  

But if  "Bioshock" (The original) is  just another monster-game, nevermind (I really would not know.)

All I can *guess* at is, the heavily discounted games truly suck.

Maybe another "Sims" pack (different clothes) so I can sigh in despair here (it's that or buy another game I might not like).

"Solitaire," anyone?

"Find the shoe"

Republicans love Ayn Rand, I've read (Somewhere) although I can only guess why.
I suppose it helps to indoctrinate kids to their way of thought.
Moving on (This promises to be a very long blog but I will try not to bore)

*When* did I ever play "Disturbed" for 44 minutes?
I haven't even used Steam for years.

I really liked that lady in "Assassin's Creed: Odyssey" and I hear they've moved it to Valhalla.
I really hated Valhalla when I was there, boring as hell, pretty though.
This wasn't the new game, it was a chapter of "Odyssey" which had nothing whatsoever to do with the story of a Greek woman eking out a living on a small island.
And I read, (somewhere) 
You play a guy who fights a lot. 
OTOH I couldn't do worse than keep playing "sims."
So maybe if I'm feeling capricious...I don't know.
Not THAT capricious (o nevermind)

OK, if I buy a butler (vintage glamour) and things for ghosts to do (paranormal), I might be tweaking my Sims game to rid the world of unemployed butlers and dead butlers...
The "Pumpkin" one was a Scream (if you're 5)
Oshit, THE END (TBA)
Best PC games 2021: the top PC games right now | TechRadar 2021 looks a helluva lot like 2016?

nearly all my biggie-games run errands for higher-ups, and you derive satisfaction from walking somewhere without getting killed, that's the gist of every game.
Natureboy-masochist ?

The world has ended, you help the few left, until they decide to kill you (bioshock-infinite) otherwise,
You're a tool and a puppet with a pistol or a biggie sword.
"Mods, my kingdom for mods" you might, um, mumble. 
If I can't play in God-mode and fly a lot, it hardly seems worth the pretty flowers.
YAY (if they're not overselling themselves to get you to click on their site)

O-SHit, the visa-company is busted (That seems impossible but...)
  • My bank has no record of any declined transactions (the AI-Bot is clueless anyway)
  • The drug store declared a system-wide outage and refused anything but cash, last night.
  • Steam just rejected me.
The last time this occurred, *Walmart* kicked me to the curb!!
O M G!!!

and this headline from a couple-days ago:

In the interest of killing time wisely:

No one admits anything, and it worked eventually, very quickly (It worked instantly once their system woke up; so nevermind)

And anyway, It seems as if the game uses references from "Cyberpunk," I'm not sure I understand that yet. But I'm kind of glad I'm at least peripherally involved with a trendy game.
My pissant little video card seems great so far, no adjustments required, no loud fans (yet).

This next bit isn't easy to explain. "Access violation" is related to CPU-DEP (data-execution-prevention,) I'm told, but how come Chrome does it perfectly fine? This will be the Last time I trust bleeding-edge microsoft beta products. Their website-answers are exceedingly vague and lean towards blaming the computer... And I can see no way to turn it off. We're talking my bank, whom I definitely do not want to piss off:

A very non-helpful site knows the problem, has no actual solution (rename msedge to something else??)

Creepy sites parrot back what you look for, it's freaking twilight-zonish:

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