
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Nature's made,bounty, or truth??

 "Get the green bottle"


"Nature made" says a website. Not green bottle, also yellow label.

"Get The Large Pill"
O....k. (dosage? Hmm)

Green bottle large (biggie pill) "Fish oil".

It matters tons, if you pay for these things yourself.

(I swear I had a coupon *somewhere*, o Blast)

"megared" mumble-yada.

Not green

Not Big

Expensive as hell


Withdrawing tons to pay for tons, buries my future video-card aspirations DEEP.
(oh, sorry, "deep") sublimates, subsumes, it basically *kills* any hope of a new card.
So, Now would be a good time to release some, it'll make my outlook on life (sucky then death)
"bread is bad, m'kay,"
but all this other shit will be better (and stuff, I don't have a clever adage to add) aphorism, bromide,
it'll come to me but I'll be too far away to type it.
"Sucks then Die" covers it pretty much.

https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/turmeric-dosage#dosage is a mathematical nightmare, unless you're into that, then go for it.

Two Turmeric tablets daily is 2000 mg of Turmeric and
400 whatchacall Curcuminoids, except note that I said "Two Tablets"
For the really eager and charged up. (It's on the box, OK?)
But the page I listed says, 500-700 mg but then they make it complicated by adding in 
curcumin (200).
So...uhm, my remedial math (and my wallet) say, ignore the package, take only one.

The red-rover Megared, kiril-I vitamins, I haven't read yet. They appear to have identical-looking packages but each package has slight differences. 

Mine hasn't any fish-oil ("proprietary fish oil blends") nor any krill, but it does have tons of Omega 3s. Sulphites. Soy. (No Krill?)
And it wasn't on sale except for the usual coupon-friffery. The picture below is just a representation.
If my blogs get better they might be working; I could nest facts, use bigger words.
Beyond that is a sneaking suspicion I got hoodwinked somewhere.
40+40 + "Bonus pack", *what* bonus pack? Was that a sale from last month?
No bonus for me.
oooohh...sign up for endless email, get a reward...
I used to buy black pepper, concluded my stomach didn't like it much.
But curcumin and black pepper go together like batman and the green hornet.
No one *said* that before, but whatever. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/turmeric-and-black-pepper

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