
Monday, May 10, 2021

(Pissed mood)

 "Be the Messiah or go home"

Fix the jobs, change the world, 

Or you've been a failure people will condemn for years.

(no pressure)


Someone wants money (everyone wants money)

But I am not qualified to speak, the people generally involved with this are usually following a script (Torah, Koran, KJV) and I haven't read any scripts.

So what do they say?

Whatever happens, it'll be Biden's fault. (geez)


O...k, so tell me 10 percent of five.

If there was pipelines for a hundred years, and even if there wasn't,
WHY should they be connected to the internet??
OK maybe I'm naïve but isn't lefty-loosey, righty tighty?
When a wire breaks around here, uhm, they send a truck with many burly men to fix it.
And a firetruck.
And police.
So what's the computer for??? 
(o I don't know, the world is insane) We're nihilists headed for a fatalistic end.

I gotta go look for why the biggie drone-thing from Amazon never really got off the ground.
May I guess in advance?
Guns don't kill drones, people do (or they hack it to death with computers and steal the cargo)

They knew all this billlions of dollars ago....didn't they?
So WHY are pipelines hooked up to the (o never mind)

You start with a simple question and get an unreadable (totally) answer.

it irks me that actual calculators that have been around since way before you were born, got morphed into (whatever it said)
50-5%(50)=47.5 (I'm very bad at math but that was in my head)
But you've perverted that into an answer Einstein would ...and anyway "mod(x)" is mod, 
"%" is percent, are you being deliberately obtuse?
If calculators were like the ones in  *your* head, rockets would land in the wrong places, telescope-lenses would be mounted backwards.

"percent" is probably deprecated anyway, it's not dense enough.

5-5%=5-.05=4.95 OR
5-5% (of 5, which is 0.25) =4.75,
I can see why you're confused.
% (in my second example) assumes correctly that I want a portion of 5, or I wouldn't have written it down, and not .05, which no one cares about.
In your world, 5% is an absolute that can never ever change (it's always 0.05)
So I'd have to rewrite it as 5-(5%*5) which is stewpid

Point being, they've GOT a nice working calculator to emulate, buuut noooo,
They've gotta obfuscate and confewz the DOS and PowerShell calculators *so badly* that NASA would have trouble with them.

Better blogs write very seriously about the percent key https://sciencing.com/use-percentage-key-calculator-6188449.html
but for reasons unknown to me it doesn't make sense in either of the calculators in DOS or Powershell.
But maybe I'll find an English-speaking blog about that.
Don't wait up.

You're doing this deliberately to ensure your job? What?!!

"Mon dieu, c'est plein d'étoiles" (My god, so many plain toilets!)
Apoplectic. Speechless. *&^%?

sufficiently intelligent students cannot tell time using an analog watch or wall-clock, beeeeeeecause...the above.

Here. Two perfectly good accepted and trusted calculators insist that:

100*(25/100) is 0, or 25 (pick your pontificating demagogue)

That dead-hores is beaten...
New train!!
A modder started a forum I like to look at for new notices for his mod.
That staid technical section refers to a conversational section, and only conversations have occurred.
And part of the conversation includes a picture.
And part of the picture has what looks like a person with their brain removed,
And the letters "SPQR".
So I referenced it for the subtext-meaning (it's Soooo important to know the subtext)
(o nevermind)

The subtext of the subtext seems to be,
 to grind neo-nazi sentiments into every bathroom-wall forum you can find.
Though the pic seemed to poke fun at neo nazis ("SPQR" is a roman abbreviation, like USSR, etc that has been co-opted into something else)

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