
Wednesday, May 12, 2021


 click "drift away"


Choose (emma is killed instantly)

Tyrone the big black man? TBA

(ah shit) refuse the emetic pill (dammit)

I am getting the feeling that I make tons of wrong choices on my journey through life, and people suck

and very few correct ones. Fortunately this is a game that lets you do-over, but I don't have much more time.

Life sucks and then you die (nihilistic fatalistic thoughts needed here)

Different questions (but still Tyrone, not Emma)

Batuu!! Woohoo!!

Now what (or is this one of those nihilistic fatalism moments)

I'm frozen, irresolute (That means, I don't wanna screw things up and I'm afraid to move)

Ah, crap...nothing matters anyway...Where's the batuu bar?

2AM, MCP google

Tyne Daly + Sharon Gless were pretty. Then it went all to shit, why?

Sipowicz looked halfway decent too on an earlier show.

Tyne gained weight, Sharon got too butch for TV (well here, read this)

Wait, Maybe I've misread. Foster was the butch, Gless turned that way.
(or something, I've totally missed the subtext)

"what is life/your purpose?" To buy shark vacuums, foot vibrators, pills.

(at 2AM)

Me, I'm afraid to sleep, I have an alarm but I hate alarms, I'd rather stay up and watch the ideal Tyne+Sharon episodes.

Or "Cannon."

Is a microsoft solitaire-subscription like "game pass" or is it only for commercial-free gaming?

I'm guessing, the second one. "Game pass" must be more expensive.
As opposed to "steam", which is free, no commercials, you only pay for the actual game you want.
Well anyway, a tale.
Sit down and you shall hear what happened at the hospital doing vaccines.

OK first, the news keeps saying that now, all you have to do is show up, no appointment needed, for a government Vaccine.
*Where* you show up isn't around here, and around here,
You need a picture ID.
You read that right, I wasn't voting or anything, but whoever organized this event made it as officious as possible.
No tents here, You pass security, go into the bowels of the place following a circuitous route (it's not a drive-through, OK??)
"first or second dose?" They kept asking.
WHY did they keep asking?
It was neatly typed on the appointment-slip.
The rest was almost identical to donating blood, they gave free cookies (I had to ask, but yeah.)

The actual shot was underwhelming, my diabetes shots are more painful, more substantial.
This was a dinky shot from a syringe laid out on a table, no scary-looking refrigerators here.
As vaccines go, it was a nothing-shot, compared (say) to last month's pneumonia-shot.
(Kinda made me wonder if I got enough, was it cold enough, why they worried so much about ID's)

#IAM (whut?)

HOLY crap, AMD is actually selling something?
But not what I want, but still, they're selling something!!
I read somewhere that AMD only opens its retail doors on Thursdays, and if that's true, they might have sold out of Video-cards, just like the sign says.
O well, there's always next Thursday (what a life)
For five-seconds on Thursdays (they're gone)
Remember the lame guy lying by the magical pool waiting for the pool to be magical so's he could get healed? But he never got into the water fast enough.
This is exactly like that.
Alligator-feeding frenzy-day.

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