
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

2 much gud thing


Odd you need a mod...

I found a loyal user who said

"I have no problems" grrrr

Framerate crawls, eventually stops, game crashes.

(TBA) better framerate (and no crashes??)

And I philosophized that what's wrong with the world is (but this is way too hard to stick into a teeny sentence) insisting something is wrong with YOU.

The pat answer to the capitol riot is, it was probably BLM members. Those people clearing out BLM members from a park to take pictures are blameless, and you can't prove anything anyway.

So there.


So it's OK when You do it, not ok when  anyone else does ???


OK so imagine in 2017 or before, there was this video-card that played nice with Sims and all its pomps, but the 2020 video-card prevalent when the expansion-pack "Eco Lifestyle" was released, worked too hard, took too many resources, eventually crashed the game (it crashed My game, and people said (see above).

Snooty clowns! 

It's prolly gonna fall on deaf (and very pissed ears) but... right around the end of the sixties everything relating to perfect womanhood was codified, you could study it in "Home Ec".

Sewing classes were on PBS, cooking classes, and the perfect woman was...Martha Stewart!! Or her minions and wannabes.

It was a good thing

Could you sew, cook, clean, sell real estate? You were a goddess.

Get a *guy* to do all that and you were sure he was gay or a wimpy (hen-pecked?) browbeaten husband.

You can't have two sets of rules (but you do, thank you and good night)


I donate (in game) to some random seemingly upstanding charity, 
"Simoleons for everyone", 
but it's a %^* Charity
not a political movement or cause (Or so I thought.) 
 I don't know why you'd raise kids to be activists, apparently simoleons for yada Is a political cause. You're so bonkers to prove global warming either isn't there or is but it's an act of God 
(it's a good thing) 
your kids will either rebel and hug trees 
or become slaves to the machine. ("slaves to the something," I don't have a slew of catchy-phrases loaded up and ready to fire)

Arsonists on a mission from God to burn down forests...Activists placing harmful traps into the trees to potentially maim lumberjacks, 
And megalomaniacal (um) greedy people putting sad puppies, midgets and sad elephants (?!) onto your TV screen to rake in more donations to fund their trips to Bermuda (Russia, whatever).
I'll, uh, keep donating exclusively to 
"Simoleons for everyone" ($1000 daily or so) 
because it's non-partisan and everyone could use some simoleons.

"Four star charity", AKA above reproach. Snarky questions redacted, but it makes you wonder (stuff)

I meant car-shield's "Ice Tea" anyway...I can't say what I think of "Car shield", I have no proof, no evidence. The busload of people wanting cash now, the lady whose house is dying quickly, and we're groomed to believe 100% of what they say is true, righteous (or be sued for libel)
Ice Tea and a sportscaster like it, so it MUST be good (omg)
I donated to the YWCA, fucket.

This is super confusing to me, see below picture
True-dat, I have  beta whatcha..but...
The BIOS-summary-text file says I have 'B" but CPU-Z says I have "A".
The PC took my settings after it updated to 50% and totally stopped (also confusing, why does it stop?)
2-2-confusing to write an entry about. They didn't say In any summary, "They fixed ____"
Because THAT I could check, could quantify.
Sometimes I think they just swap out spyware and make up some garbled excuse.

Very pretty websites tell you how to push a key to enable something you don't use (because otherwise, windows flags it as "disabled.")

Keeping Anonymous in mind,

It's like that electrical-switch in your house that does nothing (surely, it does *something*, but what?)
If windows didn't care, it wouldn't post little warning-flags.
So Anonymous vs warning (maybe it's warning because of Anonymous.)
What to do, what to do...
Enable SVM, IOMMU, because, (o gawd)

Does this remind you of your marriage?

I just googled this subject, so arcane that google shrugged and said there weren't many matches.
Uh, install the yada-whatever, enable this and that, turn your PC into a pincushion-server ("I'm so needy!")
Or ignore the funny light-switch that does nothing, for another ten years.

Rantables I've sort of suppressed over the years...
Bathroom heaters, overhead fans, controlled by extra heavy-duty switches that make you jump when you use them (at 5, at ten, and finally to prove you're grown up, at 15), uhm, hypervisors that hypervise... something (get thee behind me, creepy feelings) (bzzzt)

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