
Monday, June 21, 2021


 Why is it a news headline (on TV) that Amazon is having a sale?

Why would I watch "The Doctors" to see what some lady recommends buying?

Different networks, same stories. 

Disneyland is expensive. (duh,) they for fifty years charge what you can barely afford.

Last time news was slow (in Florida) a cat was stolen by Uber.

Today Uber did it again.

They don't seek news, they get spoon-fed it, and republicans must be on a long weekend.

In Florida, Last December

In California, Yesterday (or so)

Too many trains-of-thought, not enough typing skills, too many assholes dissing my blog.

Fuck you!

Skipping the entry about "Smart (uh) Thermostats"

If they can control it,
why can't "Todd-the-hacker

Beeecause....The power company, wishing to maximize profit (you need to play dominoes, cut your kids' hair) and wanting to push niceness and goodness, offer smart thermostats in a commercial.

Presumably they're slaves of the state now and can be controlled by radio-waves raising their temperature.

But before you call the hospital (lol) I need to find a story about texas 

(They shitcanned a commercial about possessed smart-appliances going nuts, but I'll google it anyway, FYE) nevermind...https://www.google.com/search?q=commercial+hacked+appliances&oq=commercial+hacked+appliances
The commercial, RIP, wasn't about hackers or appliances, but I don't really know what it was about (which is probably why they shitcanned it)

Skipping it, let's talk about the Amityville-style leak under my rug ("geeet OUT!!") 
It's a splashy wading pool, it's a fungus waiting to happen, if I die from mold, I'll come back to haunt you.
The disembodied voices say, it's from the Laundry room.
I hear strange noises in the water heater room.
But whatever (I can't guess at the source) it doesn't come from a wall, through or under (pick your preposition)
It comes from the floor!!
It's alive!! sort of.
It seeps, from beneath (I'll think of a decent '50s title soon)
I never call you, but I DID call you, so you already know, but seeding gossip to my gossiper-readers couldn't hurt.

OMG stolen pistachios! The pistachio-council must be pissed.

Speaking of pissed, the traffic-lady wears so much makeup she could be doing an act at a lounge.
Her rival the weather lady is soo hot (on another network) what with her pink dress and all.
I guess you know where my newsy-priorities are...


120/0.2 if 120(volts)/10(ohms)=12(amps) nono...I'm doing it wrong.
something*r=volts lost (like, in an old switch)
so if x volts are lost, suchandsuch current is also lost (in heat), too much heat, poor switch completely fries and dies.
ah,. . . . 
so, um, 0.2 (best reading) is "r" and we're talking maybe 8 amps total, and 120 volts.
And I'm stuck.
The ideal switch is 0 volts lost.
so how much lost is acceptable?
I don't know (but I'll edit this)
maybe the first one (because we know total current, and resistance)
0.2*8=1.6 volts??
1.6=8*0.2 (so what??)
I'll um, get back to you

You stating the obvious doesn't help
(I'll just bet you get paid tons to say it)

Nothing beats PIE
(no wait that's just "watts")
1.6 volts is how many amps lost?
uhhh ???
um...so (yadableh) is "I"
wait, what??
1.6/0.2=I=8, yeahbutt that's with a bigassed load attached.
Bigger-assed load, more loss (see??) oh nevermind...
I need some genius to explain loads in series (one huge, one teeny-tiny)

OK if an old decrepit electrical outlet is giving off heat.
Because (same situation, junction instead of switch) because of bad roads, the intersection is hard to drive through, and every huge truck driving though it makes stuff worse,
(but the truck eventually gets to where it's going, gets paid, goes home happy.)
So...stuff works until the intersection gets so o o bad, it swallows up a truck.
But there is no way to measure (that I know of) how bad the intersection/outlet/switch is.
Prolly why doctors haven't fixed my stomach, they're waiting for it to DIE or a piece to fall off!!

australopithecine-era light-switch

This switch lacked the prehensile tail so trendy in today's light-switches.
it's ubiquitous, look for the cheapest, ten-for-$5 (so, 0.50-cent) switches and you'll see the appendage.
Except...what if the biggie badass of today has a tail so big it won't fit in the box?
Are you allowed (in hushed tones) (To remove the appendage? I mean, it's unnecessary, ugly and useless anyway) The guilt drives me on, to research the shit outta this.
Ohm's laughing in his grave, electrically doesn't make an ohm of difference.
not grounded, but if it was, the other screws (on the front) would compensate.
But it still haunts and taunts. "You maimed me. You will be judged". Yeah, prolly.

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