
Friday, June 18, 2021

Life sucks, then you die (the study)

 Eugene O'Neill made this play, people liked it, But it's not an official well-paid study.

The play (as I understand the synopses) states that you need the carrots, the fantasies, the useless goals.

Otherwise you become depressed and suicidal.

The study sets out to ....(?) it bombasts something, earns its millions, and goes away until it is referred to by a different study.

And what did the study say?
I don't know! Here, you read it. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-23894-3
If life sucks less through science, life is preserved but not indefinitely, you WILL die, the reaper will come for you.

The study probably made much more than the play.

Life-suckiness vs longevity.

This next picture is representative of how not to write a manual for a TV.
I wanted to add some terror and despair and ask,
"what if this were the core paragraph of a bomb-disposal manual?"
But I could not write the sentence correctly.
Writing is a lot like cooking.

But if it was too plain, you'd be too quick to object, to dismiss. Best to obfuscate and confuse, before you have a chance to react.

Ask a politician a yes/no question and he'll either ignore it or work his campaign (for or against a cause or an opponent) into the discussion. The question-asker still gets paid for asking (Still looks like son-of-satan, no matter how fair and balanced he pretends to be)
A scientist obfuscates. Different scientists come to different conclusions, but it's all math.
Preachers can push your buttons, make you feel better, kill some time for / away from your kids...
I keep getting different trains of thought in my head, but the end result is usually the same, I condense profundities into mundane thoughts or silly ones.
Once in a great while an author publishes something so moving, so revelatory people tune into his wavelength, even if he's just slinging bullshit for fun and profit.
Insert depressing or silly conclusion here.

"Roger Bowen" was an actor who sounded like an inventor I knew.
Lesson one, never ever say to anyone that a third party sounds or looks like an actor, because the person you are speaking to is such an incredible gossip, they'll get bugs up their butt to tell the person you're speaking about, that *you* said they look like an actor.
They'll be flattered, or think you strange, the point is, you can never say anything about a woman or a man, both have gossiping slaves dutifully reporting whatever you said, with added flavor of their own (to make the damned story more exciting as gossip).
We have institutionalized %$# shows on tv repeating gossip...and then there's yahoo and twitter.
It doesn't matter *what* you think about someone, either tell them or keep it to yourself.
It's a train of thought, get used to it.
Oh, I suppose *Now* you're gonna go gossip this tidbit.
PS don't play nice with gossips, especially ones trying to denigrate and belittle you, you're just feeding their next gossip session.

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