
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Slow train


Why really isn't important, they want your data and will charge you to hold onto it.

The advertisement masking as a windows update wants my phone number, no doubt for security.

Sync all my devices, yada-whatever (do they all get ransomwared, do they all get subpoenaed?)

I was mad at an insurance rep for cancelling my insurance, and she just talked slower so I'd agree that cancelling the insurance and restarting it was a best-practice of theirs (talking slowly)

So no, you won't understand how pissed I am writing this, no, you won't understand why I don't want 60 minutes to rehash an article from 2018 about guns,

No, you'll just talk slower back to me.

Office 365, is ripe for subpoenas, ripe for ransomware (it's prolly a biggie target)

I'll delete this T o m o r r o w,  T o m o r r o w,  is, a n o t h e r, Day!

Edge is chromium and "open source"
Open source good, proprietary bad
Открытый исходный код - хорошо, проприетарный - плохо
Kāiyuán hǎo, zhuān yǒu bù hǎo

TLDR EA Games has many cookies to feed you (stuff down your gullible gullet, whatever)


I don't know if it's clear, or should I talk slower...
https://www.migaloo-submarines.com/ an odd submersible boat for the very wealthy (we're beyond "rich") has enough cookies to make an army happy.
It's also (not the site, their boat) the subject of many webpages that are aggressive advertisement hawkers "click here for the next pic" etc)
Since god-knows-when, every time you click on ANY webpage (this here one included, I'm told) someone gets paid a small amount because you took a cookie, they can prove it, pay them.
I seriously need aNother entry wondering about pages forcing you to click something or leave.
WHAT are you clicking? Haven't you wondered? Some are brainless traps "Click here if you're not a bot" as if they weren't bots trying to trap you into bypassing a security trap (you must grant permission by clicking on something in the page, for them to do some unknown, prolly nefarious misdeed, hmm)

Cookies are the internet's way of gossiping about you.
They're like as if you're at your neighborhood doctor, (savior or hack, whatever)
And to remember who you are, old doc has cookies stored about who you are and what you want.
Ignore all that gossip the nurses do, they don't count.
The idly curious perusing your chart only want your number to call to tell you, the doc is on vacation.
To stretch the analogy (way) further, the doc might want more drug supplies based upon his patients' needs, and someone might be running a study on some of the patients he treats.
Plus (bottom line) he wants to get paid for his periodic trips to vegas, after looking at moles and abscesses all month.
Now, (ahem) a box of cookies (files) falls off a delivery truck after he has enough money to transfer his practice to something-estate-hills.
Or someone steals them, or (o geez, get a clue)
"Thorndyke has High anxiety!!" (Gossip from a movie (o nevermind)

My sweater has a hidden meaning that I can only guess at.
People saw me coming from across the street, cheered, waved and shouted something I couldn't hear.
I was lucky my "Cookie" (My AA cookie, my local-shelter cookie, my church cookie??) from a dead relative was a good one. I didn't steal my cookie but I so do not deserve it.


Changing the subject (because I can, it's My blog)

The uselessest trivia in the world is the hardest to learn.
No one in the universe would care, but bombasts would smile in their graves that you repeated what they bombasted all those boring years ago:

Now imagine the USB-League, or the League of Wi-Fi Justicars, doing the same thing, but with stuff that they didn't invent but can certainly improve upon

Spell check is calling me out on "Justicar"

It's bombasting (also misspelled) that "Justiciar", a bombast from the middle ages, is more correct.
Geez, listen to yourselves talk.

Romeo Juliet Act 2 scene 2 (line 46)

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