
Saturday, July 24, 2021

credit where credit is due (roach bait)

 The two pictures below show the sad state of blog-writing.

These two guys basically say nothing about how to kill bugs except by buying tons of stuff.
"Along with a pest service" OMG

R U Sure it wasn't just "Black flag Motel"?

If you're looking for what to buy, don't ask these guys.
(Don't ask me either)
Actually I should get some sort of deduction somewhere for all the sprays and baits.
But here's the thing:
99.98 percent of bug-spray ingredients are "inert" and the spray lasts around an hour before it becomes harmless (to bugs, I'm sure your chihuahua thinks differently)
What to buy?
These bugs are hardened to anything you throw at them. Google "Nuclear Holocaust" And "Cockroach".
But I'm always hoping it's so unpleasant they move away.
"Hot Shot" from Amazon is more than from a store, if you can get it at a store, which is why I'm writing this.
And even if you could, nervous buyers stand in very long lines with *water* and *TP*.
I'll prolly buy amazon, but I needed to rant first.
Being a good christian probably helps

But I have some wacko-hints of my own (they probably will Not help, but they did my game some good)

First, what seemed to help tons, is not putting "Origin" into "Run as Administrator."
Origin (the shell for Sims) realizes it's being run it what it calls "Compatibility mode" and reminds the player that if there is any strangeness going on, this is probably why.
I *put* it in administrator mode in the first place because windows was blocking something, I don't know what.
"Whitelisting" it (look it up) made windows not block it, and taking it out of administrative mode made the weeds go away, at least for a day (I will edit this soon)
The rest of the minor stuff probably doesn't matter much, since the cottage-living pack just came out and few have the gardening patch, a brown piece of dirt to grow plants on.
The good part is, my plants flowered (ready-for-harvest) today; the bad part is, they didn't actually grow, I sort of forced them into maturity.
Plus, they shrink back to immaturity in a day or so, which is the subject of a self-aggrandizing file-clerk's website. He can file like nobody's business, but nothing gets fixed, only filed.("fyeled", not "Filled") O nevermind)
"But he's not an employee, but if he helped..." Plus he's given himself the title of "Hero".
I think Gardening is history for me,
This is a very old post. Then people just sort of changed the subject.

I think I accidentally joined twitter (OMG)when dragging my mouse for a screen-shot.
Monk's brother organizes

I'd rather be a mini-power-plant, see this next section:
$25K crop, and it's encouraging me to grow more, maybe soon (suddenly gardening is such a bore)
On to the next problem: If a person can produce more electricity than they can use, in the past it was saved up, eventually sold, and the taxes-calculation took something simple and made it incredibly complicated...
Sorry, it's hard not to rant... took half what you saved up, subtracted it from your weekly tax bill (10K a week or so) and if you had a forest of wind-generators and Solar panels, you wound up with a surplus.
It didn't mean much until the tax bill actually *arrived* but it was reassuring, you were being a good and faithful servant of the state.
But NOW they've cut down the amount you can save! I've doubled my power production through wind, solar, graft and corruption, but it's for naught.
Until someone with a really great mod comes along, I will lose money no matter what!
But I fixed plants, I can Fix this too, it just might be a while.
This is harder than "Gardening" because it's so hard to google. What are those green "$299" things called?
Put a dollar sign into google and right away it wants to sell you something.
"$299" used to be "19,999" or maybe "$99,000" because of a mod, but I can't remember... But it was Tons more than $299
Another mod, different figures (at night):
This new mod would net me untold millllions but I can't go past "299/179" a day, the rest is wasted energy.
Maybe I'll figure this out later, but this dead-horse-blog will be much more dead by then

Not to buff my nails, but I *said* I'd fix it.
Credit goes to the Modder, but I had to know which mod to pick, right?

This next bit is Very "ROTD" and not worth your time.
Google the cities around you.
Are they steeped in endemic corruption?
Or is it campaign time again, I don't know.
They say courts awarded millions to whistleblowing ex-employees, as if that proved anything; all it proves is, they were able to hire great lawyers.
The train of thought came from an article that was about New York getting smoke from the Southwest.
OMG, "New York?!" They care more now because New york is, um, smoky.
Plus I liked the word "endemic" as opposed to "Pandemic".
The root must be "demic" with whatever you want pasted on the front.
But wait, I'll look:
The pandemic was endemic to kalamazoo (??)
Trains going too fast to type, but the upshot is, 
"Pandemic vs Endemic" waitasec:

So people getting shot is endemic, but Trump is pandemic...I prolly used way too much license to stick "Trump" into this rant, but there he is, on every GD front page...

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