
Friday, July 23, 2021


"Dev" was the bleeding-edgiest beta level of getting windows releases, I thought, but I was wrong. A front page google-article lists changes, which is how I knew to check my windows-update, which knew to download and was already installing it. https://www.onmsft.com/news/microsoft-releases-new-windows-11-insider-build-with-minor-ui-changes
Nevermind what it says (it's an appearance thing), it's very early here.
It must have been released yesterday and I did not notice, hmm.

Or is this like "direct deposit", where the bankers go to bed and let the computers handle the distribution late at night?

Why is "VMMEM" (Docker?) running?(TBA)--->
Holy Crap, Batman!
The whole reason my machine was a memory hog, is VMMEM was presenting a modest "virtual" front to the internet, or, in hifalutin parlance, it was running a virtual machine to, uh, protect me.
But erasing Microsoft Defender Application control (AKA "I choose the danger") made the bad memory app go away. 
So I'm defenseless but my PC is happier.

Why are there TWO Hypervisor platforms, "Hyper-V"
and "Hypervisor"?
There are many brands of Mayonnaise, but Only ONE "Best Foods," AKA "Hellman's"
I don't want or need "Docker" whatever it is, or a hypervisor (I don't think),
but to qualify for goodness and righteousness, 
I think I need a hypervisor. But which one
"Best foods".

Why is "windows terminal" a startup program? Isn't that for remotely speaking to someone?
It's not a command-prompt,
It isn't "Powershell"
Is it one of those cool clubby things for the goth-kid linux geeks??

OK  I'm not deaf, like you all think, I just (can't hear you amongst the noise) can't always understand you.
WHUT did you just say? It's powershell-command-prompt, but with trendy flowers?
Linux-geek-friendliness. WTF is a "windows Console"? Why didn't you just enhance "Command prompt"? 
If someone could possibly worm their way in using short typed commands from somewhere else (aka shout obscenities to your daughter's window) I'm sure they would if they could...
I don't really want to give them a chance, ya know?
Powershell is nice (you changed all the commands I knew but whatever)
Windows Terminal is OK Too! Congratulations on your marriage to the Boss's daughter, BTW.
But I'm old,(Yada Growing olives and tomatoes) and I was happy with "Command Prompt", and whatever it could not do (like erase my event-log)
I can do with "Powershell"
https://towardsdatascience.com/new-windows-terminal-the-best-you-can-have-9945294707e7, the blurb for windows terminal. (I sort of stopped caring around 2000)
.NET update 3.5-4.8, they happen so much I stopped caring, but I wonder occasionally what they are, spy-agency folderol, or defense against the dark Arts? I'm old but I know that dot-net is still 3.5 and 4.8, that much hasn't changed, so there's some other, ulterior motive...(when I was growing up, "Alterior" and "Ulterior" were different motives, Alt was underhanded, "Ult" was saintly but anonymously hidden)
Now I'm old and I know both are identical...)

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