
Monday, July 26, 2021

Ghetto Chef

 You can't have a cooking show without a cute name, and an accent, or very pretty eyes.
I think, it's a gimmick to sell stuff.

(eg), https://www.dontwasteyourmoney.com/products/rachael-ray-58388-solid-glaze-ceramics-evoo-olive-oil-bottle/ but actually the site wants you to buy her fancy bottle for fancy EVOO. Read the title instead.

They will insinuate the sea-salt, the EVOO, the tiny expensive seafood-bits, and use camera tricks and editing to make it all perfect.
Who cleans up?
Who eats it?
Salt is salt, dammit! "Sea salt" has trace-whatever, but to benefit from the dregs the sea churned up, you'd have to eat way too much salt, did they teach you that on the trendy show?? No?

Look it up.

Avocados come diced and Frozen, in case you were worried about ordering unripe ones online.

They're all so expensive anyway, so a dollar more (that you saved by not buying sea salt) doesn't matter much.

Tomatoes are usually flavorless, feel good in your mouth but are too full of stuff like water. 
Your grandpa's tomatoes were tart and delicious, acidic. The new ones might as well be watermelons.
(acidic, whatever, they used to taste better (and we only get three varieties, "store", "Vine Ripened,"
"Organic," none of the folderol crap in this article https://www.healthycanning.com/heirloom-tomatoes-acidity/ (But if the article is true, better tomatoes exist, just not here, now)

No yogurt in the mail! O well, it's mayonnaise and slightly dated sour cream (How dated? I guess I'll find out)

Salt and pepper. (end of spice-rack ingredients)
No wonder no one ever cooks, they see those shows and think "OMG"....

I'll uhm, be sick for a couple days, mayonnaise doesn't agree with me.
O well, next time yogurt for sure.
And Broccoli!

Sea salt recipe:

Buy a can of salt, stick it in a bowl, add some water, cover (to hide it from bugs) let it dry for a week,

Hammer it.
Get a zip-lock bag to put it in, impress your friends at parties (along with the salad-cruet full of EVOO)

The north sea? Galapagos islands? *MY* method is pre-purified

Not for nuthin but the sea kind of sucks,,,,hmm
Google is half-deaf on the subject.
*wherever* it comes from, I'll bet it's polluted.
Now, *kosher* salt, that's a different deal.
It's more like "Basmati rice"
or water from the French Alps.

OMG the bombast about salt! https://www.foodunfolded.com/article/salt-production-how-its-made
Mentions  so many things that the author's friends must want to hear her talk just to watch her lips move, Or maybe this was her master's thesis.
Canada. (Couldn't she just say that?) deep underground (OK I added the Deep part.)
The more stylish countries make a big show of it, for tourists, but everyone else (I think) works in "salt mines".
I'm full of bombastic bullshit though because people'd rather Write And SELL Stuff than impart any valuable information!!
Politician-speak is incredibly popular.
"what is two plus two?" 
"The ancient egyptians and the greeks first introduced mathematics to the world"

I shall seek the gurus of Reddit, they must know.
No, they've been reading the exact same bombast...it must be a trade secret.
Food-coloring, some smog, it could come from Detroit...

quel merde d'une vache (moo moo)

OK, nevermind


I'll bet they could make salt look like snowflakes, or shards of teeny glass...
And deep down in the recesses of my soul, I'll bet they do, somewhere, for the EVOO-drinking, Basmati-eating crowd, but that's just mumbling.
I mean, imagine it, pink salt at a restaurant made to look like little glass chips.
Or has NO-ONE thought of this, No one believes it as well (and has a better blog?)
Maybe DeBeers owns the patent.

I wondered what a "Paleo Pork rind" was, so I looked it up.
OK who am I to laugh, they're really-really rich.
I'd laugh but my diarrhea would start up again (curse you, mayo and artificial bag of Avocado-mix)

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