
Wednesday, July 28, 2021


 We'll burn / fry, gasping for our last breath, because of people like this.

They'll die heroes, knowing they didn't succumb to leftist propaganda.

Fire up that coal, burn that mask.

But it would be in bad taste to mumble why assholes never seem to die.

Less friends?

Just a thought.


I hate this ^entry^ for so many reasons....

A small note of apology, these screenshots sometimes look too blurry to post, and clicking on them just shows it blurrier. I'll try to figure it out but meantime, apologies.

You probably don't remember guys like this pushing the notion that blacks had less innate intelligence because of their forehead...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shockley (I hate looking up links...This guy wasn't some 19th-century bombast, no Yosemite sam.)

On the other hand, this movie-blurb is much more readable...https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2013/feb/05/django-unchained-racist-science-phrenology

We live our lives despairing that we cannot write or talk as well as these fools, and now that they have a huge farm of them on Newsmax and Fox, fucket, why try.

So you either wave away the flies or spray them, but they'll kill you because you left out a period or misspelled a word. 




Klan?? What Klan?

There is no klan in USA



2013, so many campaigns ago...who remembers anymore.



I hate jokes that start "white people (yada blah) " especially when the audience is mostly white anyway and feel like it's trendy to laugh, not take umbrage (however)
Actors and celebrity audiences have a face they've rehearsed anyway, call them shit and they'll pretend to love you for it...
Anyway, not all prejudiced-people are white, and the rest of this was going to meander aimlessly in that direction, but, probably not.
Louis Farrakhan is way too distant-past...
This next bit is sub-*something*, call it what you will.
 a low-pass filter for  TV doesn't really care what you call the trendy signal it's blocking.
Is it CB? Or maybe FM or is it Cell-phone?
I don't know, actually, what blocker to buy.
The neighbor overhead jams signals, but how? Is he on a long call, or is a lot of his furniture metallic?
I actually bought a FM filter that did nothing, made stuff worse, sits in a drawer so when I die people can marvel about how technical I was, the amount of my wires. All useless.
Pretty, though.
Fact is, *something* has been blocking my favorite sub-channels all day.
While an eggplant  or judge or rerun is on the main channel, good reruns are on the subchannels, but the whole damned channel, subs and all is being blocked (But it's better, no it's worse (no it's better! (worse))
It's hot, maybe there's a fire at the transmission-tower.
Or they're trying some new tech, or someone is building something in between me and the tower, or cockroaches are eating my TV...
I don't know which is worse, total blockage or shows that reveal stuff that is blocked.
"The killer is..."

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