
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Pushing hardware

subset of the deserving insiders


Imagine you're searching for houses in a reputedly bad neighborhood...
Computer hardware is a lot like that.
Cheap-ass crap you don't need vs expensive stuff you'd love tons.
Or, become zen-monk like, ignore the crap and wait for the expensive stuff.
Hey, I'm old, people are dying, how long do you want me to wait???

Plus people get the stuff I want *free* when they buy a new computer.

Ah, fucket. Go read ZDNET if you want pretty intros with bombastic nothingness.

But I was looking for a camera, and a usb-c hub for the camera (and the disk drive, and the key)
But I, uhm, could use an adapter for the camera...
I could forget about a camera and ignore the clubbiness of "windows teams."
(What's it called when you all gather together (every word I try to use is misspelled) and eschew outsiders (eschew is a word, clubbiness and snobbily are not)

OK basically I need nothing, nevermind.

PS would windows users even buy the crap if it didn't come in a package they really wanted, like a phone or a laptop? 

I wonder. (No I don't, but I like window shopping)

"To qualify (be good enough to be included,) You need yada, blah and doohickeys supporting at least whatever and such")
So you get all that (pay extra) but where are these teams? Where are all the friendly people in the commercials?
Plus I have bad teeth.

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