LTSB 2015 is windows 10. Cryptic, and it's an acronym, so, clubby users warm up to the fuzzy feelings.
My BIOS can block absolutely everything now. Removeable, fixed, roms, anything.
Fucket, I'll permanently deny *everything* and edit this. (eventually)
Cataclysmic disaster, BIOS #1 is currently dead, But BIOS #2 Lives on (for now)
Unless I do some bonehead thing like deny the wrong thing.
Mr. Big, the boss's girlfriend, my neighbor's daughter, I have no clue which one killed BIOS
But it did, I have proof.
I'm'a gonna totally guess that they never intended the PC to self destruct on an ignorant user's whim, although it's something newly fired employees could use to their advantage.
No, they'll update this BIOS (Hopefully) and insert some error message.
But I won't be testing the scenario any time soon...this must be what it's like to only have one kidney, or half a liver.
"Please enable [whatever]" would have been appreciated; I'm only up to "Standard security", not quite "enhanced security" because I don't really know what it wants, and I'm gun shy, so many options to explore and try.
If you read yesterday's blog, I was "enhanced", now I'm "standard". like the toilet.
I'm off to tweak some random thing...I might include a nap. It's been a horrifying day.
It isn't a BIOS option. It's a Windows option ("Memory integrity") that apparently windows can turn off like revoking brownie points... |
Remember when I said that BIOS and windows use different terminology?
So I am not sure if this is NX related, or maybe "TSME" related, and I wouldn't want to google it (it's very trivial unless I want to be a hacker one day)
So a note to "Turn on virtualization please"
Is totally out of the question, normal people aren't supposed to know why,
only hackers should know.
This picture was relevant an hour ago when I could still remember the sign on the passing train of thought... |
PCR7 is too high, I cannot achieve it, and I don't know why, it's an insider-secret.
Other features (according to "system information") are available but unused.
I'm wondering about "Secure Launch" and if it's like "Secure boot" Or am I on a dead-end in this maze.
Did you wash? Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party? Please mark my answer as "helpful" |
It makes sense, kind of...maybe (don't quote me) once you enable that feature (actually, your company would, benevolently of course, to control BIOS revisions) in GPEDIT, you're a slave to your BIOS revision until it's turned off again.
So it's a mixed blessing in disguise.
There's this very dense forest I'm about to paste; it's a biggie quote from "System Information" Which is clicking its tongue ("Tsk tsk") at me.
Which is why the blogs
and the BIOS destroying, etc.
- Virtualization-based security Required Security Properties Base Virtualization Support, Secure Boot, DMA Protection
- Virtualization-based security Available Security Properties Base Virtualization Support, Secure Boot, DMA Protection, Secure Memory Overwrite, UEFI Code Readonly, SMM Security Mitigations 1.0, Mode Based Execution Control
- Virtualization-based security Services Configured Credential Guard, Hypervisor enforced Code Integrity, Secure Launch
- Virtualization-based security Services Running Credential Guard, Hypervisor enforced Code Integrity
Worry not about the above, little user, for only $19.95 a month we manage your PC and set all those settings so you don't have to worry your pretty little user-head about them.
Another revision has vomited forth from the bowels...I'm supposed to restart now.
Abject failure, total disaster:
The Computer threw a "CPU error" probably because of some deep dark security setting I'm supposed to disable while updating, but no one is saying that, it's a guess.
Once more into the breech, or wait for Brandon to update the update?
....a woman is being tortured slowly by another woman on TV.
Early-morning kid's fare....
The "NX" bit might have been the culprit.
The one in BIOS, under CPU-easter-eggs.
or maybe it was the extra drive I have (I have two)
Or it might have been...
O shit, no one knows, OK?
But they're ready with the bromides and the pat answers, aren't they?
Basically turn off any security you have, to change anything.
yay (whatever) |
My only question *now* is, should the "NX" bit be turned back on, or would that cause problems down the road?
Todd the hacker knows.
No one else does.
In a different time, BIOS controlled everything and Windows was subservient.
The clock, the fans, overheat protection.
NOW through a very complicated green-weenie style, Windows wants dominance over BIOS (they don't say it that way, but 2+2=4)
An SMI is a request to BIOS to please do something,
A dictate ex cathedra from Microsoft wants to force All SMI's to specific requests they approve of.
A person Not logged in, can still shut down or "Restart" the PC, supposedly, and for years, that is true.
Today I restarted without logging in, and the computer sort..of...died (It sat there with no display)
May I totally guess, I don't have an approved SMM-SMI list, or, I have not found that setting in BIOS?
To prove this, I need to sign out, and restart a couple times, to prove it isn't just rocky RAM settings.
It did what I said, went all black, but this time I went and frittered...and across the expanse that is my little hovel, I heard that "beep" it temporarily does for a reboot signal.
But then (isn't this suspenseful and fun?) my fingerprint-reader wasn't speaking to me, and I needed my PIN.
This is mumbling, please ignore:
My fingerprint reader suddenly is turning on and off (standby) randomly.
I'll um, hmm, finagle and twist dials, and probably magically fix it, tho I will never know why.
One last duty to perform...(Just kidding, I like that movie-line) I need to go into "safe mode".
With the burden of all this extra security on The PC's back, it would not go into safe mode before, but rather gave a green-screen and mumbled something about a driver not being available.
With this *new* (ha) version, it just might.
My fans still work well (thanks, SMM) but I still do not know what "smm mitigation 1.0" is and if I should even try to use it.
Long (unpaid) day ahead, or I could fucket and go for another nap.
1. NO safe mode for you!! NEVER ever use "MSCONFIG" to set up safe mode because it's too STEWPID to know to give up on safe mode and go back to the full version, it just retries, FOREVER,
and errors out, like a dog with a biggie stick trying to get into a small door.
I'm on a brain-wiped version of windows now.
This is just *sad* already.
"System scan at ... raised IRQL caught Improper driver unload,"
I'm no glutton (for punishment, anyway but I eat tons when I'm nervous)
But now that windows has been lobotomized, will "Safe mode" work?
If I know in advance that I want to go into safe mode, I need to disable/uninstall "Hyper-v", at least I think I do.
But the old scenario of windows working like shit or not working at all unless you're in safe mode, is Gone, a victim of hackers.
Nowadays, fucket, all of windows has to be working All the time, or you could just, reinstall.
And even *That* isn't true anymore, you must have a checklist of BIOS options to disable before reinstalling.
I don't. I guessed and here I am.
I could have sworn I added a question about trying again, now that windows was reinstalled, but it's complicated;
Crucial BIOS security options are off, and if I turn them on again, I'm back where I started (maybe)
You're maybe gonna buy a lock.
Go online, learn about tumblers, springs, doodads and gewgaws, and gloss over maybe the history of the world of locks, and Giuseppe Locker in 1312 who made a chastity belt.
The six-year old likes little holes, ruining your lock with bubblegum, and the actual grownup thief just breaks the window next to the door.
Life sucks.
The above link has a nice title but the guy turns out to be some engineer who still can't see how complicated this all is.
I don't intend to continue this subject.
Consumers, abandon ye all hope:
I had two fleeting trains of thought:
Office used to come on maybe twenty floppies. Hours to install.
O shit, I forgot the other one.
You prolly don't appreciate the ease with which you can download gargantuan products in a few minutes.
Think: It used to take a day to download 50 megs (maybe it was 500 megs, it's been too long to remember), and I just downloaded Office again, no begging, forgetting rickety CD-roms, in around three minutes.
But for the record, I still don't know if my windows-10 key works, the one I bought in a prodigal mood.
I would not need a key unless I was offline, and if I was offline, I would not have access to any installation media past windows 8.0.
In short, I am already activated, but on a beta, So I'm a nobody.
. . .
Pointless and stupid (but at the time I did not know they were renewing my beta license)
Reading their blurb just gives you a headache. People say it's free from 7 to 11,
But Microsoft has said it's free, but only for windows 10.
Having a bare-bones PC with *nothing* but a fine shape and size appealing to 11,
will prolly have to pay, but I really would not know.
And, if it's so free, why are they dangling a release date?
In other "news," The release being dangled is from June.
I can't remember what beta I was on in June...or what problems I was having.
I also don't know if it's possible to recover my dead-half of my BIOS.
If only they made it so the working-half could nurse the dead-half back to health!
But they didn't, and the last thing it did before it froze into eternal sleep was reject all of everything, so I am not optimistic.
This next bit just might work, or might freeze both halves, killing it completely.
Boot into bios, start recovery but switch the switch, just before it starts actually recovering.
I have a "bios flash" button, but actually switching a powered-on physical switch is dangerous.
This is all theory (so far).
*Some people* apparently can switch bioses with the power on.
*some people* (with floppy drives?) can boot to a command prompt and switch the dual-bios switch just before issuing a flash-command.
*I* could maybe, boot into MFLASH, tell it where my file is, and before I press "return" (execute), switch the little (dinky, delicate, easily killed) switch.
I'll remember this entry in a cold November when I'm feeling extra-despondent and hopeless.