
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

unreadable 2 (not that you could read it anyway)

 LTSB 2015 is windows 10. Cryptic, and it's an acronym, so, clubby users warm up to the fuzzy feelings.

My BIOS can block absolutely everything now. Removeable, fixed, roms, anything.

Fucket, I'll permanently deny *everything* and edit this. (eventually)


Cataclysmic disaster, BIOS #1 is currently dead, But BIOS #2 Lives on (for now)
Unless I do some bonehead thing like deny the wrong thing.
Mr. Big, the boss's girlfriend, my neighbor's daughter, I have no clue which one killed BIOS
But it did, I have proof.

I'm'a gonna totally guess that they never intended the PC to self destruct on an ignorant user's whim, although it's something newly fired employees could use to their advantage.

No, they'll update this BIOS (Hopefully) and insert some error message.

But I won't be testing the scenario any time soon...this must be what it's like to only have one kidney, or half a liver.

"Please enable [whatever]" would have been appreciated; I'm only up to "Standard security", not quite "enhanced security" because I don't really know what it wants, and I'm gun shy, so many options to explore and try.

If you read yesterday's blog, I was "enhanced", now I'm "standard". like the toilet.
I'm off to tweak some random thing...I might include a nap. It's been a horrifying day.
It isn't a BIOS option. It's a Windows option  ("Memory integrity") that apparently windows can turn off like revoking brownie points...

Remember when I said that BIOS and windows use different terminology?
So I am not sure if this is NX related, or maybe "TSME" related, and I wouldn't want to google it (it's very trivial unless I want to be a hacker one day)
So a note to "Turn on virtualization please"
Is totally out of the question, normal people aren't supposed to know why,
only hackers should know.
This picture was relevant an hour ago when I could still remember the sign on the passing train of thought...

PCR7 is too high, I cannot achieve it, and I don't know why, it's an insider-secret.

Other features (according to "system information") are available but unused.
I'm wondering about "Secure Launch" and if it's like "Secure boot" Or am I on a dead-end in this maze.

Did you wash?
Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?
Please mark my answer as "helpful"

It makes sense, kind of...maybe (don't quote me) once you enable that feature (actually, your company would, benevolently of course, to control BIOS revisions) in GPEDIT, you're a slave to your BIOS revision until it's turned off again.
So it's a mixed blessing in disguise.

There's this very dense forest I'm about to paste; it's a biggie quote from "System Information" Which is clicking its tongue ("Tsk tsk") at me.
Which is why the blogs 
and the BIOS destroying, etc.

  • Virtualization-based security Required Security Properties Base Virtualization Support, Secure Boot, DMA Protection
  • Virtualization-based security Available Security Properties Base Virtualization Support, Secure Boot, DMA Protection, Secure Memory Overwrite, UEFI Code Readonly, SMM Security Mitigations 1.0, Mode Based Execution Control
  • Virtualization-based security Services Configured Credential Guard, Hypervisor enforced Code Integrity, Secure Launch
  • Virtualization-based security Services Running Credential Guard, Hypervisor enforced Code Integrity

Another guess:
Worry not about the above, little user, for only $19.95 a month we manage your PC and set all those settings so you don't have to worry your pretty little user-head about them.
Another revision has vomited forth from the bowels...I'm supposed to restart now.

Abject failure, total disaster:
The Computer threw a "CPU error" probably because of some deep dark security setting I'm supposed to disable while updating, but no one is saying that, it's a guess.
Once more into the breech, or wait for Brandon to update the update?

....a woman is being tortured slowly by another woman on TV.
Early-morning kid's fare....

The "NX" bit might have been the culprit.
The one in BIOS, under CPU-easter-eggs.
or maybe it was the extra drive I have (I have two)
Or it might have been...
O shit, no one knows, OK?
But they're ready with the bromides and the pat answers, aren't they?

Basically turn off any security you have, to change anything.

yay (whatever)

My only question *now* is, should the "NX" bit be turned back on, or would that cause problems down the road?
Todd the hacker knows.
No one else does.
Not running, o, FU, FTS

So mentioning the "NX BIT" wouldn't be done, it isn't polite in mixed company.
FU and the H you RIO

In a different time, BIOS controlled everything and Windows was subservient.
The clock, the fans, overheat protection.
NOW through a very complicated green-weenie style, Windows wants dominance over BIOS (they don't say it that way, but 2+2=4)

An SMI is a request to BIOS to please do something,
A dictate ex cathedra from Microsoft wants to force All SMI's to specific requests they approve of.

A person Not logged in, can still shut down or "Restart" the PC, supposedly, and for years, that is true.
Today I restarted without logging in, and the computer sort..of...died (It sat there with no display)
May I totally guess, I don't have an approved SMM-SMI list, or, I have not found that setting in BIOS?
To prove this, I need to sign out, and restart a couple times, to prove it isn't just rocky RAM settings.

It did what I said, went all black, but this time I went and frittered...and across the expanse that is my little hovel, I heard that "beep" it temporarily does for a reboot signal.
But then (isn't this suspenseful and fun?) my fingerprint-reader wasn't speaking to me, and I needed my PIN.

This is mumbling, please ignore:
My fingerprint reader suddenly is turning on and off (standby) randomly.
I'll um, hmm, finagle and twist dials, and probably magically fix it, tho I will never know why.


One last duty to perform...(Just kidding, I like that movie-line) I need to go into "safe mode".
With the burden of all this extra security on The PC's back, it would not go into safe mode before, but rather gave a green-screen and mumbled something about a driver not being available.
With this *new* (ha) version, it just might.
My fans still work well (thanks, SMM) but I still do not know what "smm mitigation 1.0" is and if I should even try to use it.
Long (unpaid) day ahead, or I could fucket and go for another nap.

1. NO safe mode for you!! NEVER ever use "MSCONFIG" to set up safe mode because it's too STEWPID to know to give up on safe mode and go back to the full version, it just retries, FOREVER,
and errors out, like a dog with a biggie stick trying to get into a small door.
I'm on a brain-wiped version of windows now.
This is just *sad* already.
"System scan at ... raised IRQL caught Improper driver unload,"

I'm no glutton (for punishment, anyway but I eat tons when I'm nervous)

But now that windows has been lobotomized, will "Safe mode" work?

If I know in advance that I want to go into safe mode, I need to disable/uninstall "Hyper-v", at least I think I do.
But the old scenario of windows working like shit or not working at all unless you're in safe mode, is Gone, a victim of hackers.
Nowadays, fucket, all of windows has to be working All the time, or you could just, reinstall.
And even *That* isn't true anymore, you must have a checklist of BIOS options to disable before reinstalling.
I don't. I guessed and here I am. 

I could have sworn I added a question about trying again, now that windows was reinstalled, but it's complicated;
Crucial BIOS security options are off, and if I turn them on again, I'm back where I started (maybe)

You're maybe gonna buy a lock.
Go online, learn about tumblers, springs, doodads and gewgaws, and gloss over maybe the history of the world of locks, and Giuseppe Locker in 1312 who made a chastity belt.

The six-year old likes little holes, ruining your lock with bubblegum, and the actual grownup thief just breaks the window next to the door.
Life sucks.

The above link has a nice title but the guy turns out to be some engineer who still can't see how complicated this all is.

I don't intend to continue this subject.

Consumers, abandon ye all hope:

Pay up or get lost

I had two fleeting trains of thought:

Office used to come on maybe twenty floppies. Hours to install.

O shit, I forgot the other one.

You prolly don't appreciate the ease with which you can download gargantuan products in a few minutes.

Think: It used to take a day to download 50 megs (maybe it was 500 megs, it's been too long to remember), and I just downloaded Office again, no begging, forgetting rickety CD-roms, in around three minutes.

But for the record, I still don't know if my windows-10 key works, the one I bought in a prodigal mood.

I would not need a key unless I was offline, and if I was offline, I would not have access to any installation media past windows 8.0.

In short, I am already activated, but on a beta, So I'm a nobody.

. . .

Pointless and stupid (but at the time I did not know they were renewing my beta license)

Reading their blurb just gives you a headache. People say it's free from 7 to 11, 
But Microsoft has said it's free, but only for windows 10.
Having a bare-bones PC with *nothing* but a fine shape and size appealing to 11,
will prolly have to pay, but I really would not know.
And, if it's so free, why are they dangling a release date?
In other "news," The release being dangled is from June.
I can't remember what beta I was on in June...or what problems I was having.

I also don't know if it's possible to recover my dead-half of my BIOS.
If only they made it so the working-half could nurse the dead-half back to health!
But they didn't, and the last thing it did before it froze into eternal sleep was reject all of everything, so I am not optimistic. 

This next bit just might work, or might freeze both halves, killing it completely.
Boot into bios, start recovery but switch the switch, just before it starts actually recovering.
I have a "bios flash" button, but actually switching a powered-on physical switch is dangerous.

This is all theory (so far).
*Some people* apparently can switch bioses with the power on.
*some people* (with floppy drives?) can boot to a command prompt and switch the dual-bios switch just before issuing a flash-command.

*I* could maybe, boot into MFLASH, tell it where my file is, and before I press "return" (execute), switch the little (dinky, delicate, easily killed) switch.

I'll remember this entry in a cold November when I'm feeling extra-despondent and hopeless.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Unreadable madness (PCR7 is Not Possible, "Prepare the TPM" is gray, and other insufferables)

 8 million horror stories in the naked internet, broken PC's, shattered dreams.


And NONE of them apply to me!!! AHHH!!!

Edit: (File this under rude rants)
Why is there
  • TPM,
  • GET-TPM,
and a cousin MANAGE-BDE -Protectors.
A collectible butt-nugget:
wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2\security\microsofttpm path win32_tpm get * /format:list
Plus, for a good time go here: (Enroll? Provision? qua (quoi)??) ( "Qu'est-ce que c'est? Huh?)

If you were stubbornly (doggedly, determinedly, persistently) trying to defeat PCR7 and make it your slave,
THIS might help, but it's more folderol.
What it has going for it is, it isn't from microsoft, so it actually imparts information.
Unfortunately it isn't the info we were looking for but it's related. Sort of.

From an EIGHT-PAGE document

Come into my parlor, said the spider to the Fly

The TLDR of all this folderol is, Windows has a way of snarkily mumbling about this or that feature being disabled, and when you try to assuage the detractor (usually a report about security),

You land in a bog that slowly turns to concrete,

For example "PCR7", what is it, why do I need it, why don't they just enable it.

TCG LOG is important, to someone, somewhere, somehow.
Have it or be browbeaten forever.


Dell (the company, not the farmer-in)
has decreed that to prepare a TPM you must turn off "Secure boot" and "PTT", whatever that is.

OK fucket, I'm off to open my barn-door.
Most useless
Plus my barn-door is open. WTF??
Clear till judgment day, but never prepare (It's a curse)
The equivalent command might be
So that fat fast-typer who hates GUI and runs linux mostly, knows more than me (like what tpmdiagnostics really does, which so far, isn't much)

Beeesides, "Bitlocker" DMA protection is sooo last-month.
"Kernel" DMA protection is the new rock-star.

I would not know *what* my motherboard supports, since motherboards use different names than OS's.
In other words, I hope you've got lots of friends on Reddit.
I'll die alone with an obsolete two-year-old PC.


"TPM Owner Password" is dangerous and ill advised, but you go ahead (whatever)

Have you ever started a new job, and the fat guy sitting next to you treats every bullshit piddly-ass nugget of information like you were pulling it straight from his butt?
This is a lot like that. 
Engineers world-fucking-wide had to go to school to learn this stuff, why should *you* know so easily?
Best change the procedure incase someone explains it too well.

Can you read me?
Do you know who I Am?!

Whatever is wrong, it isn't my TPM 
"Your device is worthy" (I already knew that)
Plus, some snapin DIED suddenly, some unreadable crap on my screen
"You're worthy (but not)"

Ole fatass says:

You won't be able to read this, it says (basically) "You have tons of security but you're not using it"
"The things others do, you can't, it's above your grade"
"we piss on word wrap, readers read this and despair (mwahaha)"

"Device Encryption Support
Reasons for failed automatic device encryption:
 PCR7 binding is not supported,
Hardware Security Test Interface failed and device is not Modern Standby,
Un-allowed DMA capable bus/device(s) detected"

And we just don't like your kind here.
Go back to Windows 10 where you belong, stranger

I knew more before I started to write this.

Now what????

Twilight-zone carousel in Willoughby:

10 zillion ways to die

Ya know, (ahem) if this is so fucking easy, WHY hasn't anyone cut the bullshit of thehistoryoftheworldandeverythinginit(with appendix) and just written the damn steps on a page?

OKOK, it is NOT "7", will 11 do???

I got stuck. If 0,2,4,11 aren't worth spit, why are we even talking about them?
Where is "pcr7"
I washed my hands and said my prayers, and I'm a wolfman anyway. WTF???
Oh, REAL Helpful, Microsoft, you KNOW what's enabled, etc (this is total bullshit already)

I enrolled a custom EFI called "bootmgr.efi" (I think) under "Microsoft" in some directory.
I either shitcanned my OS or I'm fine (Ignore the spontaneous reboot)
And the above (if it works) was totally on a guess, no help at all, thanks, microsoft.

NOW I need to re-read my own blog and see if anything nice happened since I wrote it.
"BitLocker determined that the TCG log is invalid for use of Secure Boot. The filtered TCG log for PCR[7] is included in this event"
That's damn close but no cigar.
I need a decent tcg-log, prolly some damned-buried BIOS-option.

Fresh from a fitful nap,
Says you can disable automatic encryption on "edrives" (encrypted drives)
Because, windows is already installed and set up.
I still want to rant that this is one more arcane setting in a long series of disparate settings. Plus no one told me to set it; it's just, one more possibility.
OIC, sort of, if you're already using some third-party encryption, you can disable windows' encryption.
I still want to go back to "TCG" (trusted computing group) Log.
Have you heard of flickering light-bulbs, intermittent tubes, that flicker when you tap them??
I can't (I don't think) post the whole message, but, early this morning something successful happened, then it all went to shit again.

That was this morning, after I accidentally pressed a correct button (Think, "Monkeys in space," I think they made a cartoon)
But it's all for naught, unless PCR7 (the snob) approves, and it won't.

I get flashes in my head, a dim bulb flickers on for a second, and then, darkness.
(Maybe I need to put in some "Windows", har-har)

IOW, NO ONE really knows this stuff, and usually they fall back on the old-saw, "reinstall"

Self assured assholes smirking at this old ranter ranting at the air.
To counteract a fellow plebe bleating about drivers,
IOW it worked, I *have* the latest, But it failed ("you are obsolete")
If I have a stroke, I hope my survivors sue you into oblivion

Rest, little zombie, in your crypt
Be still and know that we are Microsoft

disparate, quaint and curious, long forgotten (from some tome)
OK, I guess. ???

Defense-yada.gov says, "standard" windows-secure-boot-mode is OK, unless you're on a plane or at the end of a gargantuan network, then use "Custom".
I'm muffing the exact name, so just remember "standard" and "custom" and remember that, unless you know how to customize, uhm,...

Beyond that, some picayune thingy is rejecting my setup, and I have no idea what or why.
It's kind of a marketing thing; scare the hell out of you on Google's front page, 

But like the man said, DIY'ers do this stuff daily.
I'm no DIY'er.

Monday, September 27, 2021

under construction (the dream)

 I have this recurring dream about half-finished bathrooms and crumbling walls under sub basements waiting to get finished.

It seems my recurring friend has some extra money and wants to fight the cause by hiding people.
And so he builds extra rooms in old houses.
Does this sound like "The sims"? Yeah,
Double-walls with windowless tiny rooms, and vents you could stuff with small people, unless they're detected using radar or infrared (or infrared radar.) 

Explaining this loudly in my half-sleep is the embarrassing part.

In our latest chapter, hypothetical nervous partisans await in the cracks while the theoretical soldiers bang the walls with a shoe or a stick (ignoring the radar), and if the partisans get too nervous, the soldiers too close (and someone sneezes)

All the soldiers die quickly from the partisans leaping out of false cracks.

which is fine, except the guard outside won't be happy....
unsolvable dream you could mostly entitle "Where's the damn bathroom", which I don't mind except I have been supplying the sound and the sound-effects.
Very embarrassing.


Ignoring technology, the poor dream (the poor dreamer's body) is telling the world that it's unhappy,
and (maybe) hotdogs and baloney are no substitute for hamburger.

Well that's what I think.
I know *you're* thinking, "no meat" but that's just stewpid. WHY would I risk lives (see my last blog) and avoid meat.

But I've gotten the shopping-time wrong, once again. 
That curious man appearing to do a power-walk turning very fast,
and the poor bread-person, might be gone at a later hour (maybe not, maybe they're replaced by the coupon-lady and the snack-dude)
But One single hour more delay is in my future.
And have I gone off the rails again on a pointless typing jag?
This all started with me putting the wrong ingredients into a bowl of avocados (oh, that's right, the vegetable guy pretending to do a job might have moved to a different section? (if I'd waited an hour more to show up?)
And I'll know better now: Later is better, in between breakfast and lunch, maybe.

You can't know how annoying it is to find that every damned thing on a short grocery-list is either wanted by the whole neighborhood or being restocked, but that's a way different rant.
The Waking nightmare most people give up on, is in this next picture:
"where/what are my keys?"
"You have no keys, there is no key, you're fucked" (IOW "JOIN US and get a key")
Join us...Join us...Join us...and find your keys

It's said you shouldn't care, but that's like being dark in an all-white town, or vice versa.
There are remarks made.
"PCR7 Binding is not possible" (with yew)

Saturday, September 25, 2021

? (Bombastic) Under construction

If people and me knew what she was saying, they wouldn't have to google her response
"dark cutting oil" "don't peck" o...k

The above video is for machinists with very deep pockets and at least $20/hr salaries.

Average Hole-saw (1.25) RPM recommendations, SS and Cast Iron:
Slower than the slowest hand-drill. 
No wonder all those Youtubers Burn

But seriously (for half a second) 

The cost of an entire sink is massive if you count in the labor involved, uh, but it's tons more practical than the rest of this page (not that I care, but how big is my sink? waitasec)

You could color inside the washer

...to help the pipe (the plastic-pipe) to fit through a hole.

I see now I've missed details. (Actually they could have just told me the size of the hole, in a diagram, or I could be richer than god and buy a kohler sink with holes.)

The internet is full of inaccurate information. 7/16, 1.25, they don't seem to know exactly.
One seasoned professional told me, "3/4".

But I'm mumbling again, I need more illustrative details, and that could take a while.
Let's label this entry, "Under Construction" and leave.

The bottom line, The TLDR is,
One and one-eighth bit-size (1.125) is the correct size for penurious people, 1.25 for the rest.
(I am not into drilling holes, so unless you're using a "Tap" it wouldn't be exact anyway)

The rings on an inexpensive step-bit go out, I am told.
And (I'm told) you need a "pilot bit," not sure why.
The inexperienced hole driller might then wish to buy an indestructible-ring-step-bit, and (per advice) the hardest pilot-bit known to mankind. 
And if it works, he'll brag to the boonies, and if it doesn't, he'll damn and curse the bit company.
I seriously don't know.

getting your mind messed with using amazon is easier (much) than choosing the actual bit.

You sort of glom on to the biggest and most expensive, hardest drills made, where you see:

Damn near forgot:
TICN is an unreadable thingy that is counteracting "Cobalt."
Sort of a superman titanium.
Now I need to go see if you can stick a TICN into a hand-drill without it shattering into a million pieces.
Jobber drills (or screw-drills) as opposed to (whatever) are better because they're short.
Long is weak.

Damning all torpedoes (shills, nationalists) I'll get a sacrificial-pilot-bit (for around $5)
and a step bit

What's that line from a musical, "Madness takes its toll" or whatever: 

(from some brand, on amazon)

I flunked math, because of teachers like the one in this video (which I recommend playing at 2x-speed)



There's this opera playing loudly, and a woman is floating above her couch.
The opera stops, and her little bowl of politically-correct food (whatever) slams to the coffee table as she plops to the couch.
Yeah I'm supposed to care about the product (whatever it is) but, what is the opera?
I was sure it was an aria about a suicidal woman (like in "Madame Butterfly" which I mistook for "Mikado") but it's a very serious, slow opera which I've heard parts of, but have no idea of the name.
The commercial says, operas make you (and your food) float. Beyond that, I have no clue.
It must be targeted at rich women.
So now (to solve this mystery) I must find out the product they're pushing, and only then can I google the company, which hopefully brags about the commercial, which is on YouTube, somewhere.
Yogurt commercial:


Confident stewpidity

If these were easy answers, there would be no reason to note them down, because everyone would know already.
A young girl in a creepy movie grows old in around 5 seconds, reading some book in bed.
It probably isn't a scene they want you to remember, except the production and makeup  costs must have been high.
 Of all the scenes in all the movies I've seen, it affects me when I want to stay in bed and sleep.
All of a sudden it's a classic movie that the internet's upper-crust enjoy, so it's hard getting pictures or videos.

sez who and their high horse???

Politicians sometimes need to be profligate but never prodigal (am I getting your twisted meaning??)

Damn near run over today despite my paranoid precautions. Damn close to running someone down, (despite yada whatever) It's a fucking unanswered question. I won't go into any details but it seriously matters how you "rate" in this world.
*This guy* has a youtube channel and art, maybe he rates much higher than me.
So the next time you're at the store, 
try not to piss off the WITSEC/demoniacal/masochistic insurance-hounds
I'm itching to see his vlog-comments. Does he have 10-million views yet?

Rate (as in, "How do you rate") is sort of a nebulous concept anyway.
Consider that Insulin on my plan has been and will be, $35.
If you "Rate", it could be free.
(well except I don't rate that high, and my samples expire in a month, uh, and they're "pens", but I'm just sayin'.)

The little insurance- book says, you *will* pay at least $375 per ear for hearing aids,
and the range *starts* at $375 and goes up to $2075 (per ear) this year,
$375-$1425 next year.
So....would you maybe get a sample, a used model, from a kindly doctor who likes your eyes, 
or get reamed by a nurse with a chip on her shoulder?
"Rate" matters.
How do you rate with strangers? My wife was good at that.
And some cultures have nice sayings going WAY beyond "Have a nice day" (which I think they have to say or eventually be fired)
God bless you, go with god, I don't know all of them.
"Have a nice day,"
"OK" (o crap, I should have said, "you too"
And, there's a secret-handshake.

How does "Kitty" rate with Dad?

I'm on a way different track now, it's kind of "ratey"...
a university (aka, a school)
discovered a drug that, in theory, would cost $2000.00 (two-thousand) dollars a dose, 
Yet, it is no substitute for a vaccine!!!
Yep, 2k a dose is REAL nice for them