
Saturday, September 25, 2021

? (Bombastic) Under construction

If people and me knew what she was saying, they wouldn't have to google her response
"dark cutting oil" "don't peck" o...k

The above video is for machinists with very deep pockets and at least $20/hr salaries.

Average Hole-saw (1.25) RPM recommendations, SS and Cast Iron:
Slower than the slowest hand-drill. 
No wonder all those Youtubers Burn

But seriously (for half a second) 

The cost of an entire sink is massive if you count in the labor involved, uh, but it's tons more practical than the rest of this page (not that I care, but how big is my sink? waitasec)

You could color inside the washer

...to help the pipe (the plastic-pipe) to fit through a hole.

I see now I've missed details. (Actually they could have just told me the size of the hole, in a diagram, or I could be richer than god and buy a kohler sink with holes.)

The internet is full of inaccurate information. 7/16, 1.25, they don't seem to know exactly.
One seasoned professional told me, "3/4".

But I'm mumbling again, I need more illustrative details, and that could take a while.
Let's label this entry, "Under Construction" and leave.

The bottom line, The TLDR is,
One and one-eighth bit-size (1.125) is the correct size for penurious people, 1.25 for the rest.
(I am not into drilling holes, so unless you're using a "Tap" it wouldn't be exact anyway)

The rings on an inexpensive step-bit go out, I am told.
And (I'm told) you need a "pilot bit," not sure why.
The inexperienced hole driller might then wish to buy an indestructible-ring-step-bit, and (per advice) the hardest pilot-bit known to mankind. 
And if it works, he'll brag to the boonies, and if it doesn't, he'll damn and curse the bit company.
I seriously don't know.

getting your mind messed with using amazon is easier (much) than choosing the actual bit.

You sort of glom on to the biggest and most expensive, hardest drills made, where you see:

Damn near forgot:
TICN is an unreadable thingy that is counteracting "Cobalt."
Sort of a superman titanium.
Now I need to go see if you can stick a TICN into a hand-drill without it shattering into a million pieces.
Jobber drills (or screw-drills) as opposed to (whatever) are better because they're short.
Long is weak.

Damning all torpedoes (shills, nationalists) I'll get a sacrificial-pilot-bit (for around $5)
and a step bit

What's that line from a musical, "Madness takes its toll" or whatever: 

(from some brand, on amazon)

I flunked math, because of teachers like the one in this video (which I recommend playing at 2x-speed)



There's this opera playing loudly, and a woman is floating above her couch.
The opera stops, and her little bowl of politically-correct food (whatever) slams to the coffee table as she plops to the couch.
Yeah I'm supposed to care about the product (whatever it is) but, what is the opera?
I was sure it was an aria about a suicidal woman (like in "Madame Butterfly" which I mistook for "Mikado") but it's a very serious, slow opera which I've heard parts of, but have no idea of the name.
The commercial says, operas make you (and your food) float. Beyond that, I have no clue.
It must be targeted at rich women.
So now (to solve this mystery) I must find out the product they're pushing, and only then can I google the company, which hopefully brags about the commercial, which is on YouTube, somewhere.
Yogurt commercial:


Confident stewpidity

If these were easy answers, there would be no reason to note them down, because everyone would know already.
A young girl in a creepy movie grows old in around 5 seconds, reading some book in bed.
It probably isn't a scene they want you to remember, except the production and makeup  costs must have been high.
 Of all the scenes in all the movies I've seen, it affects me when I want to stay in bed and sleep.
All of a sudden it's a classic movie that the internet's upper-crust enjoy, so it's hard getting pictures or videos.

sez who and their high horse???

Politicians sometimes need to be profligate but never prodigal (am I getting your twisted meaning??)

Damn near run over today despite my paranoid precautions. Damn close to running someone down, (despite yada whatever) It's a fucking unanswered question. I won't go into any details but it seriously matters how you "rate" in this world.
*This guy* has a youtube channel and art, maybe he rates much higher than me.
So the next time you're at the store, 
try not to piss off the WITSEC/demoniacal/masochistic insurance-hounds
I'm itching to see his vlog-comments. Does he have 10-million views yet?

Rate (as in, "How do you rate") is sort of a nebulous concept anyway.
Consider that Insulin on my plan has been and will be, $35.
If you "Rate", it could be free.
(well except I don't rate that high, and my samples expire in a month, uh, and they're "pens", but I'm just sayin'.)

The little insurance- book says, you *will* pay at least $375 per ear for hearing aids,
and the range *starts* at $375 and goes up to $2075 (per ear) this year,
$375-$1425 next year.
So....would you maybe get a sample, a used model, from a kindly doctor who likes your eyes, 
or get reamed by a nurse with a chip on her shoulder?
"Rate" matters.
How do you rate with strangers? My wife was good at that.
And some cultures have nice sayings going WAY beyond "Have a nice day" (which I think they have to say or eventually be fired)
God bless you, go with god, I don't know all of them.
"Have a nice day,"
"OK" (o crap, I should have said, "you too"
And, there's a secret-handshake.

How does "Kitty" rate with Dad?

I'm on a way different track now, it's kind of "ratey"...
a university (aka, a school)
discovered a drug that, in theory, would cost $2000.00 (two-thousand) dollars a dose, 
Yet, it is no substitute for a vaccine!!!
Yep, 2k a dose is REAL nice for them

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