
Monday, September 27, 2021

under construction (the dream)

 I have this recurring dream about half-finished bathrooms and crumbling walls under sub basements waiting to get finished.

It seems my recurring friend has some extra money and wants to fight the cause by hiding people.
And so he builds extra rooms in old houses.
Does this sound like "The sims"? Yeah,
Double-walls with windowless tiny rooms, and vents you could stuff with small people, unless they're detected using radar or infrared (or infrared radar.) 

Explaining this loudly in my half-sleep is the embarrassing part.

In our latest chapter, hypothetical nervous partisans await in the cracks while the theoretical soldiers bang the walls with a shoe or a stick (ignoring the radar), and if the partisans get too nervous, the soldiers too close (and someone sneezes)

All the soldiers die quickly from the partisans leaping out of false cracks.

which is fine, except the guard outside won't be happy....
unsolvable dream you could mostly entitle "Where's the damn bathroom", which I don't mind except I have been supplying the sound and the sound-effects.
Very embarrassing.


Ignoring technology, the poor dream (the poor dreamer's body) is telling the world that it's unhappy,
and (maybe) hotdogs and baloney are no substitute for hamburger.

Well that's what I think.
I know *you're* thinking, "no meat" but that's just stewpid. WHY would I risk lives (see my last blog) and avoid meat.

But I've gotten the shopping-time wrong, once again. 
That curious man appearing to do a power-walk turning very fast,
and the poor bread-person, might be gone at a later hour (maybe not, maybe they're replaced by the coupon-lady and the snack-dude)
But One single hour more delay is in my future.
And have I gone off the rails again on a pointless typing jag?
This all started with me putting the wrong ingredients into a bowl of avocados (oh, that's right, the vegetable guy pretending to do a job might have moved to a different section? (if I'd waited an hour more to show up?)
And I'll know better now: Later is better, in between breakfast and lunch, maybe.

You can't know how annoying it is to find that every damned thing on a short grocery-list is either wanted by the whole neighborhood or being restocked, but that's a way different rant.
The Waking nightmare most people give up on, is in this next picture:
"where/what are my keys?"
"You have no keys, there is no key, you're fucked" (IOW "JOIN US and get a key")
Join us...Join us...Join us...and find your keys

It's said you shouldn't care, but that's like being dark in an all-white town, or vice versa.
There are remarks made.
"PCR7 Binding is not possible" (with yew)

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