
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Famous crap

 This won't come out right, and I urge you to read the link:

My train of thought is, the song "Across the Universe" sounds sped-up to me on the album "Let it be"
But I have two versions, one with birds chirping in the beginning.
I'm guessing you don't.

Wikipedia tries so hard to be unreadable.

The "Let it Be"-version can be slowed, 
but I'm being too heavy handed and it sounds way too slow-motion.
That's it, unless you wanted my existential thoughts on life generally.
There are obviously production notes (eg, "Past masters") but I have not read them yet and cannot yet say anything about the pitch.
The birdie-one sounds even more sped-up, and I'm not sure why they keep saying that the song was slowed down.
Unless maybe the birds-one was slowed down and re-released, yeah that sounds about right.
I don't know if the Bee-Gees were around back then, but they could perform live with very high voices, so maybe it's a singing technique, not a recording speed.


I'm editing my ranty for a more topical one.

(edited) Spectrum

What's more dense than calculus...Physics??
OK if you get a 12 month discount, and another discount for adding another service,
And then you drop that extra service,
Microscopic rules *might* say that you lose both discounts.
Unless you're lucky, or...
Call them on bended-knee and beg them to vouchsafe a service unto your lowly unworthy self, (like maybe TV) that will vest your discount.

OK even I didn't understand that... They're big and rich, but they count every penny, got that?
They don't LIKE it when you drop services, and I have proof.
But it takes a huge amount of force on their part to counteract the greed...

I'm signed up for a service I cannot use.
When the wizard of Oz (Billing) finds out I tried to drop it, there'll be hell to pay.
But if not, if Venus / St. Mary in accounting assuages billing, I might gratefully add a decadent speedier tier, until next year. "No discount for you!" My bill says I was right about the physics:

Or did you think I was making it all up??

If you call you'll get a real hard-sell for a phone, making this whole thing WAY more depressing. Praise for services bought, degradation for services dropped, but I do not speak well and I might lose all services in a day or two (historically, that happens often)

A final note on the subject:
Being the lowest form of life with no discounts, I feel unwelcome and might drop them completely, pay "tons" (maybe $25) to increase my phone-tier to include a decent amount of tethered-data (which stands at 5-gigs a month free right now) but it's a freaking bad dream to restart the cable-services.
The details are too bizarre and labyrinthian. On the other hand, every couple years, it becomes an enormous burden to carry any service that has no discounts and also promises none.
I'm 98% decided I will DUMP their ass, as soon as I pay their last bill.
But an upcoming bill (after that) would have to be paid...I'd pay tons to be free from their clutches, for a while, until the tables are turned and my *phone* becomes a burden, in two years.
I only hope that I *remember* why I'm dumping cable.
(Class dismissed)
Retention: Like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, 

once they *know* you want to cancel, discounts suddenly creep up.

Faster internet, 1/2 the upgrade-price.
Monthly Discount: Less than I had, -20 vs -25. (Less of a discount, but only slightly)
So (bottom line) I pay $2 more a month, without the accompanying bundle of a phone.
Keep in mind that I am absolutely terrible at math, So none of the exact amounts might be accurate, but He sure made it sound attractive (He should sell cars or real estate)
According to the ####-wavers over at DSLreports.com, this is still pretty bad, But it's kind of par for me
(I think people do better but fucket)

QOS makes this tons worse, Now I have another biggie-book to read, hmm

None of the discounts are forever, they're counted down in months;
I may be writing one of these again in a few months.

How do we know what people see when they read customer notes?
Some reps don't know, or don't really care to look, or this entry never would have been written, three days ago (or so). They act like clones when pushing their mobile-phone service, but everything else was a gigantic crapshoot.
They never mentioned the loss of a $25.00 discount, if I dropped the 12.00 fee for my phone.
-25+12 is -13, which is like saying (um) -0 (instead of -13), but now I have -20 instead of -13, so it's all good. But they never mentioned *any* math.
No, at least one retention Rep was very dismissive about the whole thing, the discount was gone and could not be put back (so how come they put it back??) Better than before?
My old promotion expired next August, and Now it expires next november.
You're right, I should wait for next-month's bill before I make any rash conclusions (the text above looks pretty in an email but is missing from the "activity" page)
Apologies for the "Tome" (treatise?) I wrote, but it helps me keep stuff orderly.
"Tome" is a big-assed book, and rhymes with "Roam", and I only used it because E.A. Poe did in his poem.

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