
Saturday, January 15, 2022


 Gall-Bladder removal has too many questions. 
Note/question: Bilirubin is a thing on a test they check to see If it's high. If it is, A host of yada-blah-hem-haw things could be wrong. But the best mechanics never seem to be able to fix old cars.
And it's not as though they can dump your engine and transplant a new one. (I'll edit this, I'll go search for better analogies)

No one (in their little report saying I'm fine (while biting their knuckles) 
Told me why Bilirubin looks good but ALP is high.
(I mean, they ordered the test, it must mean something, why high?
OMG I'm gonna die (maybe not but why?)

Bilirubin is fine, that just leaves bones.
Their advice: "Eat more D"

120*2 is 240... so the abscess is small (maybe that cyst on my kidney is pissed)
Starbucks is Lord.
Omega-3 is
(wait, is this some generic commercial?)

lettuce haupe "Taster's Choice Instant®" is worthy

I loaded up on ginger + green tea and instant coffee.
They are poor substitutes for Lipton Tea with sugar, but whatever.
The test should have shown I'm being good (more greeny ginger, more coffee) but it's all propaganda or they haven't found the actual cause yet (Like Microsoft's forums diagnosing a problem, except I can't "SFC" or reinstall

"There MAY be a way" what's the way???

If you're in the hospital for acute-whatever,
How do they treat your symptoms Without removing the gall bladder?
Insurance-companies must LOVE this little article that says nothing and goes nowhere but deprecates a standard procedure.
They don't say how or WHY, but you might get better. (You might not) without surgery.
The people doing this (not doing this) order up standard tests low-level employees can do, it helps with the bottom line. 
But surgery is costly, contracted-out and any article saying it's unnecessary is a godsend.
Can't they just give you aspirin for $1000-a-day (in a hospital stay) and send you on your way?
Yeah but they did SOMEthing, but we're supposed to know, being presumed grad-students at least.
Gallstones *hurt*, you go to the hospital to get the hurt removed, uh,... so the hurt's gone, you go home.
I need another article to find out what it is they do.
"Organ failure," "sepsis" if you/they get it wrong, hmm

This pic fits *somewhere*, I swear.
The caption might read, "No pain, no gain"
But an article about care-feeding of stones is necessary.
Wimpy runts of stones go untreated.
We need bigass, award-winning stones.

In my head I wonder what else causes pancreatitis without stones.
Bubbles on your belly, no stones.
Bloating, etc.
itis of the intestines... Or "osis" at least.

Pepto, an antibiotic (gotta be), and an anti-covid mask.

five years ago I recommended "Rifaximin" as treatment for my stomach, and was promptly ignored.
Rifaximin is like Pepto, but stronger.
Another very windy article not saying much,,,,

I'm gonna go out on a limb of a very tall tree, and state that your treatment depends a LOT on the insurance you signed up for, and possibly where you live.
(And your quality-of-life ratio; Are you the CEO or living in your basement)
Exercise or die! Smoke, coffee, (meh)

The people who blame shit (Obama, cows) blame smoking for everything.
But studies ↑↑↑↑ have shown workouts help.
And farting (lotsa farting, trust me)

Intestines under high pressure could erupt, causing havoc in the surrounding organs.

I should stop while I'm not too far behind...but
The creaking-boat of my torso is kind of groaning loudly,
like a sub under too much pressure.
Relieve the pressure (in the bathroom) and the groaning gets even louder.
I am mystified.
Since polite society never talks about this stuff, and according to press this is the year we're all doomed to right-right wing slavery, 
I may never know why my digestive system creaks and groans, 
although an adage comes to my mind, 
"Eat nothing and nothing can kill you", in reference to a soy-free liquid diet.
Unfortunately, the major manufacturers of liquid diets have been taken over by soy, So I'm doomed.
Hospitals sling this shit like candy:

They make a fringe product for fringey people

People eating stuff similar to this, (I'm not dissing any brands) tolerate it because they have to, claiming it used to be better.
OK forget it, I buy Pot roast and cheese when I'm depressed, and ignore my blimpy stomach.

I wanna plug something that's expensive but available.
And maybe with cornflakes, a guy could survive.

This last bit is for my poor carpet and me.
The carpet is mostly dry, I'm afraid to look at my laundry (I might throw it away.)

But after lots of soul-searching for carpet-germ and odor eliminators, I'm convinced they're mostly perfumed water, and to at least try vinegar-water instead.
Mostly vinegar.
Unfortunately, vinegar smells worse that the carpet, but they promise the smell disappears.
Plus, vinegar is nutritious, or something...

I shall now google vinegar and rubbing alcohol, and If I could sleep after spraying that.

   What we call "Ultrasound" they refer to as "sonography," and say that CT scans are tons better.
Well then why bother with ultrasound when looking for stones?
Geez, I don't know, it's cheaper?
YOU pay the same, but they have to seriously pay someone for a CT (whatever that is)
But two old ladies in a converted house can do an ultrasound.

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