
Thursday, January 6, 2022

The holy Grail (choose wisely) "Network connections"

 This is more of a rant than an informative blog,
you either have no idea what I'm talking about,
or look down your nose from your high horse at my inexperience...

You'll notice the unreadable crap under the shortcut's properties. 
And it still isn't reeeaally what I wanted anyway.

No, to get to that, you need to follow the labyrinth:

"network and Internet"
             "Advanced Network Settings"
                      "related settings:"
                           "More Network Adapter Options"

Dealing with imaginary bullshit from the zombified:

It's only four clicks away,
Once you know where to click
You never forget,
So stfu, Microsoft knows best (dummass)

OK forget it, Nice nose BTW

And why Microsoft keeps changing the menus to make them fit some plan (with every new version there's another plan,) I leave to you to decide.
To make stuff more complicated, to give it a weightier feel?

There appears to be no direct link to "Network Connections," but shortcuts can be created for the adapters.
Now to figure out how to pin my lowly shortcuts to the start-menu.

Restarting now so's it'll magically appear (I hope) BRB

I chose dumbly...it's invisible, cannot be searched for.

The penitent man yada (I forget)

The guy in the link deals with ordinary shortcuts, but my shortcut to my network card is apparently so special that it cannot be copied adequately, it loses the special shortcut information and windows tells you that the shortcut is useless.
Two shortcuts, both alike in dignity, in the desktop and the start-menu, but one is broken, one still works.
"Let's make it harder" says microsoft, with every new version.
If you listened to the guy's video, you know that the shortcuts in the start menu speak a very special language not even he can figure out.
TLDR my shortcut for my network card can be added to the start menu (using his method) but it doesn't actually work.

That Choetech adapter is a total bust,
because as it says on the first page of the little manual,

This adapter DOES NOT support Smart-phones

but you need to buy it to open and read the manual...I will be your hero and allow you to read the manual cost-free:

Now I ask you, in the most bombastic print possible, 
WHERE does it say that in the blurb??

I double-checked; it says "Without any s" (it trails off)
But the manual is truthful, and (can I just paraphrase) "Now that we have your money, we're happy to tell you, this s hit doesn't actually work"


The note above is on the bottom of their biggie website-page.

Final notes:
Amazon's working adapter uses Realtek 8153.
Choetech's Dead POS uses Realtek 8156.
A usb-hub (if it would only work) that would allow charging 
(Because the amazon-adapter is kind of a power-pig)
would be nice. I think I have some pennies left to scrape up (Or should I drop this totally at least until the amazon adapter dies)

I should prolly mention that all I've found are salesmen and technical-types trying to get you to buy (so, more salesmen)
And since this is years-old it probably doesn't have Blang 2.0 or the new revision A

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