
Saturday, March 12, 2022


I type here, a monster inevitably attacks.

I think I've killed the 20th rock troll just standing here trying to type a thought about the (now apparently) troll bait.

There was there is there will be a hierarchy of color, people just don't admit it.

Fuck their hypocrisy, preaching tolerance and making fun of colors they don't like.

I had a thought about "Green" being fairly low on a list of men's clothing, it's nearly as bad as pink.

"Be different," just not with color, it's not allowed. 

The color of the drapes is important in Psychotherapy, or so it was said in a movie.

(really random thought, NVM)

Once upon a time (a really long time ago) there was this "Night gallery" episode, one of a few anti-ex-nazi episodes Rod Serling produced.

Anyway, this ex-nazi on the run from the law, disguised as a wounded old man, would stop at a museum and admire a painting of a peaceful lake with a man rowing.
If he stared hard and long enough, he imagined he was in the painting.
HE was the one rowing, and the water was real.
Skipping the twisted ending, I only want to compare video-games to that show:
If you play a game so immersive and interesting, *you* become the main character, it's *you* reaping the rewards or the injuries and defeats.
I think "Satisfactory" tries to be one of those games, but fails, because the main plot-line is working endlessly for a company, getting your friends to become fellow slaves.

It's the side-plot I'm most interested in, the one where you go off and explore, finding resources.
It's as if....some geeky people who liked building machines hired a marketing type to dress up their little game, to make it more user friendly.
I hate building machines, and the user-friendly part is lacking.
Let's totally imagine that their corporate meetings, besides all the talk about money coming in, have the designers crowing about some new complicated manufacturing flowchart, while the scenery person mostly sits there listening.

What about the mercer-ball, the somersloop?
The discussion kind of drops, because they don't want to arouse the ire of self-righteous people in reviews.
"Too Sexual" "Too Political (brainwashing)" "Doesn't conform to standards"


So it's dropped, and back to the guy who grew up playing with legos.

I bought a game I never really finished, "To The Moon" or something, and it was boring too, and I dumped it.
Digital games never really die, you just forget passwords.
A cartoony secret agent, a cartoony game about cars and stealing them, I've got lots of abandoned games I never liked but tried to for a month.
This paragraph describing my experiences is repetitive and boring and will probably be abandoned, until I can figure out how to type it in a reader-friendlier way.

Most of the discussions I'm finding are pointless and drift off into game companies like steam or Epic.
Plus they're from 2020.
I don't feel good reviewing stuff from so long ago.

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