
Sunday, March 13, 2022


 I know so little about this that I'm not sure where to start.

A hallucination is usually visual, right? I'm talking audio, or hearing.

Do fans amplify sound or create it??

That very distant stereo playing cheery music isn't real, I checked, by turning off the fan.

But when it's on, it's a loud fan (louder than yours) and sounds come with it.

A factory with many computer fans all going at once, would emanate soft conversations at night. Nothing you could really hear distinctly, just background stuff.

Well it makes a guy wonder. 
This will need to get edited, or deleted quick, before the truck comes to drag me to the home.
But, is it a thing? Google seems to think so, but I am not in the mood for "history of the world" stuff, I'd much rather be blissfully ignorant.

People say my hearing is lousy, I wouldn't know. I *do* know that the sounds of traffic mask a car-engine's idle, and the ringing of a cellphone. (Is that bad??)
So starting from there, I'm off to seek an article that has nothing to do with mental illness, more the science of background noise and how it affects hearing.
Specifically, does background noise create false noise?


I see the appeal of "Satisfactory", kind of.

Nothing lasts forever, all things must pass, but you're not getting older you're getting better.
Or maybe it's time to dip into the "Fund" (lol)

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