
Thursday, August 4, 2022

end of game (part 1)

 I accidentally left YouTube on while playing, and the voices in her head sounded like conflicting thoughts.

57% of people who played the game sacrificed tiny-town for their friend.

But my lasting impression of this game will be a teacher who loves to hear the sound of their own voice.

BLAH-BLAH! (repeat)

Now for the game the lion's share of my money went to; the other game was from 2015 (Long ago, IDK) and will give me some background (I hope).

Teacher's in prison, but I figure he'll get paroled To start another game.

Odd, those youtube hallucinatory voices... I inadvertently made the game much better, more atmospheric, at the end.

There's a story of a politician basking in publicity that she'll actually be a democrat for once in her life, after she's gutted a few things her lobbyists don't like.

and behind her, there's a woman with an enormous phone trying to look unobtrusive.

Is it in contrast to the politician who looks like she's showing off for cameras, or,

is the smaller woman trying to be invisible as part of her job (secret service?)

Or is she an overworked underling?
The possibilities are endless.

Her "boss" (or whatever) reminds me of a book I read a long time ago, but you wouldn't understand so nevermind
Speaking of pork, this cute headline just in.
(I wonder if they can CGI a burrito-spaceship)

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