
Monday, October 31, 2022

Omron (and stuff) revised

 People , salespeople and shills maybe, like Oxiline over Omron.
But Oxiline has many current models for blood-pressure monitoring, and the ones I'm looking at are T7, T9 and TX.
The TX is unavailable on Amazon, and the website wants $120, nearly twice as much as everyone else.
OK, *why* is it unavailable on Amazon, was there some fatal flaw or is it just, no one's heard of them and the ones amazon had were getting dusty?
Are meters generally made from the same parts, and companies decide how much to charge?
Oxiline has the best commercials.

One site got a blood-pressure-simulator machine and tested several models.
The Oxiline was the most accurate in their tests, IDK (I also don't know the exact model they tested, I'll edit this)

I'm scouring my browser-history...

Ah, *here* it is...!

"please tell the master that we praised their product above all others.
Praise Money"

It isn't maybe accurate to say, but review sites appear to differ on which meter is best...Although we're not exactly talking about popular items like cars, phones or video games. (there aren't that many sites to compare.)
I've decided that one you can plug in is better than one that sits in a closet for years with slowly rotting batteries.
The only one(s) I can find that accept power are the Oxilines.
But which?
Pay tons, or
You gotta buy and endure the remorse of getting an older model.

Or forget the whole damned thing for a month
F.T.S. (for a month)

I'm considering it.
A 6700 is twelve-dollars too much, but would be on par with my busted Rtx 2080.
Save up?? 
(the total impossibility of saving up vs blowing a teeny wad now)
RTX 3060 "Ti" only has 8GB, and I already *have* 6.
OTOH, decently tweaked, it should do >12,000 timespy.
If I weren't so greedy and could live happily on a timespy of a high-10,000, the 6650xt is tons cheaper...
So, wait...the RTX 3060 and the 6700XT are close, possibly even interchangeable???
I, uhm, dislike being poor, and the 6700XT looks real good right now.

Let's hope it's not some arcane glitch or brain-fart Amazon had, and it really IS arriving by 10pm tomorrow, And these old hands won't break it installing it.

PS yes, I've heard of the "6750", a drunk has-been spruced-up for the party (ignore the wet spot) buttttt, uhm, (O) it costs more. Once you start spending large chunks of change, the *next* card is just a teeny bit more.
Yes, (can you tell I'm seriously trying to lower my expectations??) the 36503060(??) (whatever) would have been easier to use.

 O, fucket. 
I wanna see "12,001" in timespy, and I can die happy.
It's terrible, Nvidia is better but (whispering) It's potent and cheap. Landru hears all so he only says this once

No tweaked EVO-DEVO version I'm getting, so I can look forward to *nearly* 12K
I seem to have lost my copy on-disk of 3dmark, but steam has a demo.
*&^%, that's real purty.
Nothing is ever as good as the first time.
These full-version-versions are near as good.

The stark-reality after you remove any useless comments (about my CPU)
is that My new video-card qualifies at 13050 points.
And the unadorned truth probably is that 3dmark has been updated quite a few times since I used it on a RTX2080, and ALL cards probably will register slightly faster than they used to.
But I have achieved my goal of being faster than 12,000 (regardless of the 3dmark version)
AMD-Adrenalin is Not amused.
My master "3DMark" has pontificated that my results are unworthy, due to tesselation-modification issues.
Uh, Ble?
In your Face? (whut?)
These bloggy-things are supposed to make statements.
But all I can write is, 
"someone's happy, Lord, Kumbaya"
without really knowing why.
If I knew what this said, WHY would I look it up?
"Parmaterization" ok, gotcha 
(thinking "FUCK YOU! (Blam)"

So the card goes "You want *what*?" And goes ahead and does what it wants,
YAY, Card!!

With my current 1060,
The seemingly innocuous (harmless and meek) game-set from Microsoft,
"Solitaire," Raises my CPU (processor) temp 20-degrees Celsius, and my CPU is no bum,
So I'm guessing that They use the latest useless online techniques for graphics.
39C to 62C is a BIG jump, without much reason a person can see.

Now I wonder how much better (or how much the-same) movies look?
This-here page is making the CPU a cool 40C.
I noticed the other day when watching the movie "Alice" that, at least at first, transparent boxes could be seen, as if watching through foggy glasses.
After that I stopped noticing and started watching.
But I'm hoping for crystal clarity from the start.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 Zeno's paradoxes.
Archimedes (an infinite series can have a finite answer

Hydromorphone teased by mean nurses.
Takes so long to get here, most of the train is gone.
Dilaudid helps you make the effort to sit uncomfortably and pass something.
You can get real close but never get there, eventually giving up. "Paid in time, pain, sweat, only farted."
Part of some modern nurses-school must be about acting.
They put on a little production every time they check glucose levels, or when they're (apparently) bored and have nothing else to do except make sure you stay awake.
Now that I'm home (yay!) there's this silent production Dexcom does to mount a sensor and a transmitter.
predict that in a couple years, Nurses'll mount their *own* sensors and transmitters; less production, more efficiency, and all's you have to do is remember you're *wearing* one before the MRI starts, but maybe (also in a few years) they'll have MRI-safe sensors.
I will seriously make my system go "Whut?" when I add three times more insulin to my meds than the hospitals do; they add a wimpy amount; I prolly add too much.
Somewhere in between would be nice.

I read somewhere about "Diabetic ketoacidosis" which *might* explain my sudden weight-loss after an operation in the past, and why my gut is still there after *this* one.
In other words, my thinking about getting an operation to lose weight must have been totally wrong, and a well-maintained diabetic wouldn't really notice.
That does not explain why they use so little insulin, and keep my levels right around "200," but...maybe that's a way different subject.

The more pressing question on my mind right now is why they go on about antibiotics being bad for immunity, since germs adjust and grow stronger.

"we *know* "vancomycin," but we don't know You," the now-demonized germs say to some innocent do-gooder of an antibiotic I might get in the future.
The power of antibiotics Compels you!! Won't work, maybe.
And didn't they just tell me that when they stuck my blood in a lab, hoping it would be fruitful and multiply, they were stymied when the blood came back "negative" for everything???
So WHY did I receive tons of antibiotics, zillions of soldiers in gallons of liquid, pumped into my veins?? Everyday, ALL day???
I'm following their logic, that isolating me from the general populace, wearing antigerm tech (robes, gloves and masks,) was all "Just in case"...but... what was that you were saying about antibiotic overuse being bad?
(And bad for kidneys?)
(Acts 19:14-15)

Explaining to me like I was a kid on some PBS-show, They say that horrifying sores (on my arms, neck or back) are highly unlikely, because they live close to town and toes and feet are way out in the sticks, the boonies.

I don't write badly, I write as well as the above (which is pretty damn bad)

Let me take a stab at rephrasing (OK?) not just give up the whole intro of a technical article as useless noise.
29 million diabetics 72000 amputees had their limbs amputated due to diabetes. Because their limbs were infected and dying. (ok, not much better)

A n y w a y,
Can a person choose their height after having limbs amputated, because they'd like better balance?
The article continues the intro with heart disease, another reason to blame diabetes and a reason they keep sticking meds no one actually ordered, on my list.
A blood pressure med, sure.
Blood thinner med, why not.

Meds have their own dangerous side effects, and unless someone monitors them, they'll see you at your next cataclysmic disaster (and add another med) Or,
you could find god,
write a book about how dumping your meds freed you (from the tyranny of side effects,)
Make a few thousand, buy a better wheelchair and a nicer apartment, get some money to pay for teeth, and possibly join a support group or have actual friends.
People who don't know the answer to the variable height question and a few who do know:

which appears (except for one excellent post) to be for vanity reasons.
But one post talks about people they've read about who have "stubby" prosthetics.
I'd like to add somewhere....that I resent prosthetic manufacturers hungrily listening to your medical reports, cold-calling you to say that they've been authorized to make a prosthetic for you and what would be the best time to hit you up?
And refusing, they phrase your refusal as AMA (against medical advice) "So you're saying you DON'T want our help??"
**^%$ no! Not you anyway, and your hard-sell tactics.
But I know there are several types of prosthetics, those (generally speaking) for people with money, those without money but with state-aid, and those with medicare.
*I* (buffing my nails) have no money but I do have medicare-insurance, uh, hmm.
No maybe I'm on the lowest rung of prosthetic device recipients....no nerve-controlled motors nor springs.
Plus, I would not know if limbs are about to have a breakthrough or if they will use the same old stuff until 2055.
That paragraph sort of petered out into a useless mumbling rant, but I know the realities of a person in my situation, not the fantasies that Youtube can concoct.
I need prosthetic teeth today, not useless ill-fitting prosthetics.

front-page-News commentary...
This is not my purview, but neither is it front-page-worthy.
I can see it all now, a dog-tired mon-wed worker is called in the next day (Thursday) to work someone else's shift.
Or is that how it works anyway? you either get a super-long weekend or work through an extended week, twice a month.
Chick fil A gets on the front page usually for being so retrograde-conservative, so anything they do makes headlines. Approbating ones.
A marketing PR release promoted to world war and mayhem status, because they rate.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Fetish: a draft

 When I get home I will have serious editing to do, but for now, decipher my (now reduced and edited-down) meaning.

I got lost. Anyway, some kind of fetish.

The little post-op sucking machine measures how well you suck, given height/age.

Please the happy-face (not too soft nor hard) until the piston rises to a certain level.

Thursday, October 13, 2022


Biggie opus blog-type entry written over days on a phone.
I suppose I should continue this entry, but no, I will add New entries when they are needed (and when they're Not needed) 
Muscular Sheena queen of the ER.
The flies flit longer than the doctors, so it is mostly Sheena.
Will the beautiful and dark radiologist (in radiology) recommend befootation, bereftation, separation?
Will the doctor vacationing in Peru come back just in time for his speciality, laser ablation?
Crowded place today.
I would know. It's buzzing,twittering, usually quiet.

This draft is too drafty.
Tune in tomorrow and see what happens.
My blogs are proving impossible to edit, like my foot, an all-or-nothing proposition.
Joey Zsa zsa was on his way to a dinner date, suitably dressed, but paused to order tests. And what do the tests say? This isn't "House-MD," they don't announce your illness after the commercial break. Well, fine, but what is the grapevine saying?
Loss of a baby toe next week.

Dressed better than this guy.

Don Ernesto de Vascular (Pic tba) and several infectious disease experts happened by. The disease guy could see everything from a lab, but maybe he was bored.
Don Vascular might lay some pipe, it's what he gets paid to do. People guess his services are needed, and he rides in to perform them.
After that, there's the cultures the inquisitive guy is growing. Ah, no culture is released for evaluation before it's at its peak, which explains the wine-bottle shaped beakers.

 Headline today: a man on a mission to kill, a serial one. 

OK we don't know if the guy gets off on the sound of ripping flesh, or if he's sacrificing people to an inner evil-god, but I got to thinking that he is a lot like an antibody, or an antibiotic.
My particular antibiotics might be frightening or might be the equivalent of school-kids, I wouldn't know: Vancomycin, Zosin.

Plasty vs gram vs "fucket"
OK look at facts, the vascular-surgeon-guy didn't know my other leg had been taken by this place 5 years ago. He probably wondered why they didn't even try with a gram or a plasty, and what that dead toe/dog poo whiff was.
He could have studied the records but who does that? NCIS?
I don't hold much hope. A Stent is expensive and slightly pointless;
They were trying to think conservatively, prevent future toe-rot,
It must all seem pointless.

Dinner or surgery?
NPO or eat decent food.
Catheter too short, IV thingy too short? 
Rip it out (and die, but be free)

Sit in a chair all monk-like, no one comes for hours.
Not for glucose, antibiotics, 
for dressings, blood-pressure, to empty trash.
To trigger all this you must watch interesting TV or, nod off and nap.

Late for dinner? They remove the dinner, you will get fruit-cup and a monk-sandwich.

Don't complain. It can be hazardous to health.
(They'll report you, or worse.) Someone else is being reported, but they're getting off light.
Stinky-toe-pariah here! I await fate (or the dawn and a shift change)
Fate is the hunter....old movie where a guy almost died because hot coffee shorted out stuff.
No, wait....think of a creaky or broken bridge, they don't mend it, they demolish it and start over.
My decision to try to save my leg has few benefits, lotsa risks.
So, rather than make a dumb decision that almost kills me, and since you, mummies all, can't or won't counsel me, since no one I've seen had their leg repaired but removed instead,

Goodbye leg.

Monday, October 10, 2022

“Vesti La Giubba”

 Act! While in delirium,
I no longer know what I say, and what I do!
And yet it's necessary... make an effort!
Bah! Are you a man? You are a clown!
Put on your costume and powder your face.
People pay, and they want to laugh.
And if Harlequin shall steal your Columbina,
laugh, clown, and everyone will cheer!
Turn your distress and tears into jest,
your pain and sobbing into a funny face – Ah!
Laugh, clown, at your broken love!
Laugh at the grief that poisons your heart! (Link)

There's this two act operatic play about a man who loved his wife but the wife had eyes for another.
Just as he's about to put on a comedic performance, she's telling him she'll leave forever, and he's beside himself with grief.

Snobby critics disliked the fact that it was two acts, but then a famous singer of the time (Caruso) sang the opera, and it became extremely popular.
You'd think, any operatic professional could sing it, and people do, but snobby critics keep harking back to 1907 and Caruso,
A song in the opera

Random-type women from another blog entry

"mi metti in imbarazzo davanti ai miei amici"

Belle was a woman who might have made a decent caring man out of Scrooge, if she'd made the effort.
But she insisted on being the center of Scrooge's little life, and left him despite his hardworking ambition to better himself.
So Scrooge grew old, bitter and alone, and was duly punished.
Fie on you who want better jobs over girlfriends.
