
Friday, December 30, 2022

sword on a stick

 I can't google this ME3-thing/symbol, don't know how.

Just before the space-ship "normandy" docks, A stick rising out of the bottom of the screen, with a blade attached at a 90 degree angle, welcomes the player to the citadel. Music swells. WTF is it, a reference to a much older game?

https://masseffect-universe.com/codex/citadel has identical pictures to my screenshots but does not explain them beyond the height and weight of the structure.

Random symbology no one knows about except the writers, well anyway this is related.

So I'm reading about eliquis and wounds (stitches, burns, etc)
And it turns out, Eliquis can interfere with healing.

People handing out prescriptions are a benefits-vs-risk people.
(Otherwise the drug would be OTC)
My body wounds *itself,*  TYVM, and I don't need to piss it off.
a minor burn I got the other day looks red and angry.
You'd think, "What? I'm no swamp dweller, no infested disease-handler" but nevermind, it's there.
All pissed.
But (OTG) my laziness at taking meds maybe is helping.
Vitamin C, No more eliquis, is my New year's resolution.

From the same page and filed under "O, you think YOU have it bad?" in the twilight-zone warehouse in my mind, is this picture.
He prolly does not need eliquis.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

expensive stuff

 Lemon-juice, vinegar and salt clean my coffee pot, but not as well as CLR.
There are a few reasons to ask, "Why?" but mostly because the tiny town in which I live has none close by (I am sure a short drive to *somewhere* would get you some)

(I'm impatient and don't want to wait hours; but I suppose vinegar-etc would eventually work as well)

Gluconic acid.
So, what has "Gluconic Acid"?

You could prolly mix a concoction of Lysol and Drano, but my coffee pot is for edibles.
Some bright bulb ran out of dishwashing liquid and decided to use Lysol disinfectant instead. Even rinsing couldn't keep people from getting sick.

So OK, (&^%$) one more thing to add to the expensive shopping list.


White vinegar from some store has mostly water and 4% vinegar (The cheap brand) or 5% (a store or a name brand.)
Heating vinegar is pointless, people say, it doesn't get stronger, just smells.

Wine might be better but how does a person make wine all vinegary and full of acid?

Two weeks (Two months) assuming the roaches don't find it...The maid doesn't dump it; visitors get convinced you're a wino.
The time plus the coffee cups would make the coffeepot suffer.

Rice has acid, but do you cook it, leave it in (raw) with vinegar/wine,???

It gets complicated. Plus it costs more than CLR.
"phytic Acid Cures Cancer" they're almost saying.
Maybe they needed more money.

I wouldn't know.

I DO know people are very interested in making homemade vinegar, not necessarily DIY-CLR

Nearly clean, (IDK)
BTW that black table the pot is sitting on is my PC

The Decom G6 was designed o-so-carefully, to maximize profit.
You can't turn it off or extend the life of the battery.
If this applies to the transmitter also, I do not know.
I feel deep down that turning off the transmitter is possible, just not very obvious.

Amazon totally pisses people off, politicians etc, because it does so well and has lower prices.
My supermarket sells "Lysol" spray for $10.xx for one can, absolutely insane, and the reason prolly is, covid, china, the trucks, etc 
Leave Amazon alone (unless they try to run for president or whatever)

Bug spray, $6.xx, amazon, $4.xx (I don't have a long list to refer to)
Someone in grade school taught us economics for an hour, that (e.g., banks) kill all the competition and then raise prices without fear.
But as long as they're still "Shaking the tree" to let the competition fall off, Uhm,
shouldn't we take advantage? 
And when they start raising prices, delivering cars to mars, I'll join the Walmart club.
(Someone reminded me of the 0.99 cent store where spray disinfectant costs 1.29,
and if I could trust them (and fit into the store) ...well anyway it's also a thought.)
"CLS and Lusol"

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Ble? seafood

 "You big stewpid jellyfish."

says player.
I never did this quest and I don't understand it.
Does the writer want the player to flit/trudge all over the enormous station to find computer-terminals looking like payphones??
Because, unless it's googled, how the hell would anyone know where they are. 
And you can't swing a cat without hitting some type of computer, 
and going too fast makes you miss the little marks they put on the ones they want.
And everyone talks so fast.
The Haran-batarians want to destroy something, on behalf of the reapers.

On a typical gargantuan Reaper there is a handwritten inscription (gold-colored on black)
and you'd think someone else would have wondered about what it says
 (like maybe "anniversary edition," 
"Hecho en Taiwan," 
but no one I can google asks, they just want to sell something.
The reaper moves fast for such a huge thing and you might die looking for a photo-key.
O well SOMEONE somewhere must have asked or written an entire treatise on reapers, I'll look again someday.
The whole thing is heavily scripted and standing there while it lumbers around will definitely get you killed (twice) and you must do what the writer says or it'll trap you and say "mission fail", which I've been inured to (I don't really give a shit anymore, unless it deducts fucking points)
I'll look.
Yes!! But, hollow-victory ennui?
FU, the damn game (My game) doesn't go much farther than 5800 and I'm told you can work and slave for days and not get it to give you much choices. Maybe it's so we'll accept the apocalypse with resignation.

Synthesis is a biggie lie.

If it's a number that is not too high nor too low, I could play with the variables.
Or maybe it is a conversation thing.
Remember when you had that pivotal conversation with the beautiful woman and you made the wrong choices? (conversationally speaking)?
So I just found this, maybe it'll help, maybe not, and I'm doomed

Unfortunately the site I ripped that quote from says that the little-kid
"wake up."
But In MY game he says, 
"Why are you here?"
So my hope has dimmed.
But wait, My PC possesses the 20-minute bombast that starts with "wake up."
In this version, everyone gets green eyes and Edi the robot gets her Pinocchio wish, the end.
I had to cheat to get here, but only a little.
Sad Edi, glowing circuitry inside Traynor

My leg hurts again, a few of the stitches are either digging into me or I have a massive infection...Let's say it's stitches.
They say nothing about C, I either have enough for a test or they don't test.

I asked the "wound care" specialist about C, how much is enough?
"1000mg, 500mg doses twice daily"
O. OK.
Bounty vs "made", IDK
Time released? IDK
Hindi "Time release", hindi ko alam,
quien sabe
500mg b.i.d., is a kind of a time release, if a person has the discipline to dose themselves.
Or get fancy, buy these

Best freebie bag of goodies, Most beautiful saleswoman, best coffee cups?
It isn't very clear why pharmacists' opinions matter.
But fucket, SOMEONE bothered to ask, so I guess *maybe* I should avoid buyers remorse

Friday, December 23, 2022

yada bla history of world food

Freakin random thoughts no one would care about.

Except isn't Ham an official staple?
And whatever happened to christmas Goose (like in Dickens?)

Many years ago there were wasteful kings and queens who cooked entire animals on spits.
When they got done eating, them and their friends would leave the scraps for the help.
Thus was born tons of weird food you wouldn't touch if you were royalty.
Traditional Christmas dishes (long list)
But that was from my head, not some book, so it needs links, proof.
OK I gotta go but Goose dinners TBA
The incredible crap people get paid to write (geez)
The modern day American family will sit down to a meal of or or this Christmas, but goose remains the traditional Christmas meat of choice for many and was long before Dickens wrote of its succulence.
It's expensive, uh, hmm.
Well and googling this lets lots of goose-sellers tell you how good goose is (geese are)
But according to the filler-article above, Dickens killed goose dinners because they're eaten by the poor, and rich people avoid poor-people food.
Because it isn't profitable.
"Kentucky Fried Goose" isn't on any map

KFC is closed on Christmas usually, which is a real bonehead thing but that's my opinion.
Some inner thought makes me want to mention "Venison" whatever that is (deer?)

What's that? Xmas Roast Pig?
Yeah but I was only wondering about goose . . ..
We don't eat geese because there are no sales at supermarkets, they're prolly full of fat (like a duck) and manufacturers have trouble raising tons of happy geese (Turkeys don't fly fly far) but again, that's from the common-sense in my head, not some book, Links (yada blah whatever)
More common sense ranting...Nothing I can prove nor link to....
Mass marketing venison isn't done(?), at least some filler articles would mention "Bambi" and the protests would be protestier.
More protestful?
Louder (FU, spellchecker)

What we don't eat could fill a small book. 

Anyway Goose: the crappy articles written about them obviously refer to one biggie blog I haven't found yet.
Europe has better blogs, more traditional-food varieties (if we're talking "Norman Rockwell" whites, but as a population our traditions are varied as well.)
The arthritic grandmother above might or might not be placing the large turkey on the very crowded table, and no one is really looking at her.
OTOH it might be posing for a photo (see the guy in the lower right of the picture?) 
I'm sure there's a blog for the picture but honestly, I was just wondering about traditional goose-dinners (Which Dickens killed, so OK)
Fucking snobs

I still assert that KFC buckets could be a biggie tradition, o well.
It's more of a breakfasty-thing but black pudding sausage is a tradition.
(It's a train of thought, "Haggis" must be a traditional food too)
KFH (Kent fried Haggis?)

We tried "Mince pie" and were not amused, it's like boiled granola in a pie-plate.
I haven't read the article yet, but people hated mince pie, apparently

Most traditional dishes I know about I can't eat anyway, but I would not want to cast dispersions (ie "They all suck")
But I'm voting for KFC.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

who died...

 When did some bigwig come along and require the use of doughnut shaped transformers?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-iYQ0vqMvY doesn't say. In fact, if you're reading this cuz you wanna know, I never found the reason.

*I* think it took some engineer in the eighties to invent a way to manufacture the winding machines, cheaply.

I actually worked in a transformer-winding place for little motors, but I never got a chance to really look at the winding machines.

Bad/old/ew (but why?)
Some context: PC power supplies use them (the doughnuts)
But televisions at least up until "solid state" ones (no more tubes)
Used heavy square ones.
An electronic engineer could tell you why, but I can only ask google.
Yes, less noisy, Less interference (they say,) but when was the switchover?

Faraday invented them in the 1800's but they remained orphans in the snow until someone took them in and started showing the world what they could do.
waitasec, toroid doesn't equal induction, it only uses it,
So why did Faraday invent it?

'k, now you're starting to confuse me, Wiki.
DC volts and a guy has to stand there moving the coil constantly,
I'm sorry I asked, NVM

ineligible blog entry:
An ad for wipes (someone is tracking me.) 

so the question arises, wipes vs TP.

I'd like an opinion from a less biased source, 
but being on a commode and painfully wiping, 
I'd have to assert that Bidets trump them all.

Why do hospital toilets have all those extra pipes? Is it for bathing, or ??
Because, in the US washing bedpans in the sink is discouraged.
No, because of TP
Kinda vague but "basin" might mean "bedpan"

Today's math lesson:

Checks disbursed on Monday arrive Saturday.

Sunday-saturday are Friday.
But if Monday is a holiday, (uh,) check will arrive as if Tuesday were a Monday, so "Saturday."

(Except, the REAL holiday is "Sunday" so banks can choose to be closed Saturday, which means they'd be open Monday, and the DD-check would arrive Tuesday. But the internet says they will be closed Sunday-Monday, Making Tuesday "Monday" and the checks on Saturday, but don't quote me)


Monday, December 19, 2022


 One of the more F.O.S. things people say is, your feet go all weird and need to be amputated because of a diabetic reaction.

And Foot edemas (ravioli-feet) are because of salt.

I'm here to tell you, there are unreadable articles even doctors gloss over, that mention other chemicals, like maybe nitrites.

Hot dogs, tuna, bologna, none of those are inherently *bad* for you but....Apparently they're bad for me.

A random link.

A random picture ("hereditary?" nah)

Related?? IDK

Maybe a clue: Ham (the big-baked kind) makes my mouth itch, and I'd swear it makes it hard to breathe sometimes, but my memory isn't that good to remember; I only know it causes itching.

"Nitrosamine," a term to study.


It's not like they bathe foods in it, it just happens.
"Microwave your bacon for less nitrosamine," someone said.

Biggie stretch to go from processing food with C to *eating* something with nitrosamine
And treating the symptoms.
So downing Vitamin C hasn't shown up yet, but could it hurt?

Eat more C.

The EVOO of C is "Rose Hips" or maybe C with rose Hips (which they sell.)
'K, if Rose hips is C why do they add C to it?
Very confusing.
They never really answer the question! 
Only internet women

Snarky remark redacted for excessive snarkiness

it's a dangerous trend, lumping *anything* health related to archetypical women, while men are dropping like flies because (apparently) vitamins are gay.
Well, fucket, I'm gonna run out and buy C 'AMA' (no doctor in my whole life  mentioned 'C')

Rosehips have a better PR-council than plain old C
Think of the profits for rosehip-growers!

The answer to, "Do I have enough points" in a previous entry, is "No" but at least you know before the long conversation.
Yes, Martin dutifully shoots himself, but no, you're still fucked (for all time), based upon this:
Your catalyst/Crucible doesn't measure up.
Was it a dialogue-choice 36 chapters ago, did you avoid a piddly but crucial go-for quest??
(Was there too much mustard, not enough ketchup, on your burger?)
Life is full of choices and longwinded speeches signifying NOTHING

"I haven't gotten there yet in the LE, and I have no idea if they've changed this, but when they released the extended cut ending they set the EMS required at 3100. If this still applies, with 5205 total you'd be a bit short. (Because 50% of that is only 2602.5)"

Life choices (the webpage)

Here's my thing, When do you know that it's all for nothing, should you even bother replaying ME3 or should you resurrect ME2 or even ME1 saves for optimal nirvana??