
Friday, December 30, 2022

sword on a stick

 I can't google this ME3-thing/symbol, don't know how.

Just before the space-ship "normandy" docks, A stick rising out of the bottom of the screen, with a blade attached at a 90 degree angle, welcomes the player to the citadel. Music swells. WTF is it, a reference to a much older game?

https://masseffect-universe.com/codex/citadel has identical pictures to my screenshots but does not explain them beyond the height and weight of the structure.

Random symbology no one knows about except the writers, well anyway this is related.

So I'm reading about eliquis and wounds (stitches, burns, etc)
And it turns out, Eliquis can interfere with healing.

People handing out prescriptions are a benefits-vs-risk people.
(Otherwise the drug would be OTC)
My body wounds *itself,*  TYVM, and I don't need to piss it off.
a minor burn I got the other day looks red and angry.
You'd think, "What? I'm no swamp dweller, no infested disease-handler" but nevermind, it's there.
All pissed.
But (OTG) my laziness at taking meds maybe is helping.
Vitamin C, No more eliquis, is my New year's resolution.

From the same page and filed under "O, you think YOU have it bad?" in the twilight-zone warehouse in my mind, is this picture.
He prolly does not need eliquis.

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