
Sunday, January 29, 2023

Biggie Train of thought (we're talking "sleeper car")

 Jackie Mason played the voice of Krusty's dad.

His accent doubtless imitated countless Rabbis living in somewhere, New York.
And was it Bart Simpson who mentioned one of the greatest Rabbis, "Rabbi Hillel"?

Rabbi Hillel's lifespan appears to have crossed the BCE-CE dateline, or in other words, he lived before and during Jesus' lifetime.

An encyclopedia lends support:

RIP "snip and sketch" but "Snipaste" almost works as well.

I don't get this next part, I must have missed this 30+ year period of cartoons

30+ years is enough time to ask, has Bart Simpson (and his ilk Spongebob and Beavis)

Made the world better or worse?

I am seriously digressing.

If you're Jewish you already know Rabbi Hillel, the legal department of the Jewish Faith.

(So what's up with "Buddha", was he a wise person but of a different faith, or higher up??)

St. Augustine,
Rabbi Hillel 
(Is that right, or am I going to hell?)


OK I can't keep opening tabs so I've lost a LOT of info.
Who Hated Buddha? Buddha's brother-in-law.
"awakened"="woke"...??? (That one was not googled) well it was, sort of:
The condensed headline is confusing to me, the article isn't.

Apparently really incompetent ("The Office"-style) training programs exist that have leaked out as representative of attempts to quell racism. (I think)
And Rufo, getting these leaks, turned into the architect of anti-wokism (it's a political thing).
We're too liberal, we need to atone, Rufo will show us the way, That's what I think they're saying. (Please don't sue me)
But Rufo not desantis was the architect, Desantis is the instrument of Rufo's philosophy.

Referring to an older entry that might be gone now, This picture that I'm about to add in a couple minutes,
shows the original box that came with the church, all expensive and irreplaceable, and a couple from Ikea or maybe walmart, Some MDF boxes.
Hey, I can get into MDF, I can, if I can get that sheen, that finish that makes them look old.
Paint it, a streaky-brown color?
With a stiff brush to LOOK like grain.

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