
Monday, January 30, 2023

Edema Part 34

Brought to you by the canned-tuna-factory people

 No one knows why canned tuna is bad for me, no one even cared to look.
I'm seriously wondering (I already wrote about this) why my feet swell up a day after Tuna.

The widely accepted answers: You're eating a food not approved by some EVOO council, that has too much salt and can lead to diabetes and gout.

The Unapproved answers:
You're allergic to something in the canned tuna, "Nitrites"?
And if you stick to basic foods that don't come in a can, your feet will be happier.

But that's heresy.

'K, NOW you're just showing off (and being very vague)

Totally Unrelated, I swear...I was cleaning under the rug and found this happy-sunshine article about a woman mri'd and CT-Scanned and antibiotic'd til she "Succumbed" which is their professional way of saying they fucked up so badly that she died. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6536203/
B-cell Lymphoma (or something similar) is one of those things you could die of, and they'd never think to look.
Treat symptoms, til you kick the bucket.

It's not Like I'm pushing canned tuna, nor garlic nor onions (the other forbidden foods I used to be able to eat)
It would be nice to know, though, why I could and now I cannot.
Why are people paid to write hopeless, pointless articles?
For (new York?) flavor, I suppose.
"Made ya read!"

but stomachs aren't usually changeable and no one talks about that.
HOW can someone who was fine with food suddenly become its public-enemy?
I'm sure there are ten different explanations, but since I don't want to end up like that poor woman, uhm, nevermind, I'll *guess*.
So far I've found only women New Yorkers to be concerned about digestive health, or maybe I'm only reading the chatty ones that talk plain-english.

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