
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Android 13 (whatever), and "Ram Plus" (2,4,6)

 Revelation: I might never actually know how much RAM I've got in my phone;

Several phones of my model have different amounts of memory.

(I might have "6")

Plus there's something called "Ram plus" that uses the internal storage chip and transforms a tiny bit into Ram.

It either means I really have 4-gigs with two added on,

or I actually for-reals have 6GB with two added on. (so, "8" or more, my choice)

I'm still way stuck on the same damn models having different RAM memory amounts. Sdcards sure, but RAM???

I should care? O! I care! I don't know why yet.

My phone and its grandfather (A325G) are maligned everywhere as being cheap, "Tarnished", low class. I.....Don't know, it's a pretty decent phone, if you can stand all the heckling.

Plus I have 256GB total storage, minus a teeny bit for Ram.

(OK I gotta sleep now, I'll try to learn more later)

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